Grand Admiral Thrawn 1/6--LINK TO BUY IN FIRST POST!!

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This pic from SSC really does make the Admiral look like a kid sitting in that chair:lol
I reluctantly pre-ordered the exclusive using the NON Flexpay option. I didn't want to have to pay a fee to cancel it if the funds are low when this guy ships. I'm really hoping he ships after Christmas so I can use any Christmas gift cash I may get to pay for him. I'm wondering if we'll see Emperor Palps come with a chair like this (or this chair). I'm really surprised SS didn't use the chair with him instead of using it with Thrawn. I think it probably would have gone over much better. While I'm not a big EU fan, I do think this was a good first choice as a figure from the novels and comics, but in a weird sort of way I would feel better paying for the chair if it came with the Emperor instead of Thrawn. I have all the exclusives to date, so my completism made me do it! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :lol
I've always thought that one of the nicest thing about Sideshow's exclusives was that they cost the same as the regular editions; it was just incentive to order through their own website.

This figure looks great, and I love the chair, but... for three times the price of the regular edition?!? I'd rather have a plastic chair for $25-$50, or even a plastic chair with the regular edition and the polystone with the exclusive.
I absolutely respect this guy's place in Star Wars history, but as I went to preorder, a sinking feeling in my stomach made me stop. He looks so out of place for Star Wars, IMO. I can't keep from thinking he looks like some b-list Marvel villain. It just doesn't work for me.

Kudos to all of you guys who are true fans of this character, though! Hell, I'm sure a lot of people don't understand why I'd want a Darth Revan figure, so it's all good.
Agreed. Even if absolutely none of the Thrawn chairs sold, they'd still stick the Throne with the Emperor, its a guaranteed seller for about 90% of Star Wars fans, even those who are scoffing at this.

Agreed. While the Thrawn throne is nice, I will not have 2 thrones of the exact same style in my display. I'll wait for the emperor... in 2011. :rolleyes:
Every time i look at Thrawn i smell peppermint, and in a strange way that makes me want to get him. If i get him and he doesn't smell of peppermint id be quite upset :monkey1
so... wednesday night... preview night... do they remove the plexi cases for proper viewing?
I'm wondering if we'll see Emperor Palps come with a chair like this (or this chair). I'm really surprised SS didn't use the chair with him instead of using it with Thrawn.

You picked up the reason there. Its cos it will come with the Emperor Palpatine (ROTJ), rather than Chancellor Palpatine (ROTS).
I just can't figure on why they insist on doing with polystone what could just as easily be done in plastic. It seems the priorities are screwy. I fully understand the PF collector's desire to see their figures done up in poly, but there's not one 12" item I've seen that I wouldn't have been perfectly happy to have had done in plastic. Jabba's throne, the chess table, the idol pedastal and the Ark, and now a line-up of 12" scaled furniture. None of which HAS to be done in undurable poly.
I just can't figure on why they insist on doing with polystone what could just as easily be done in plastic. It seems the priorities are screwy. I fully understand the PF collector's desire to see their figures done up in poly, but there's not one 12" item I've seen that I wouldn't have been perfectly happy to have had done in plastic. Jabba's throne, the chess table, the idol pedastal and the Ark, and now a line-up of 12" scaled furniture. None of which HAS to be done in undurable poly.

The only thing I can think of is that in the edition sizes produced its the tooling & labour rather than materials that form the majority of the cost of the item - so to justify the price they use the pricier and higher regarded material. They could use plastic but if I'm right it really wouldn't reduce the per unit cost, but collectors would expect a plastic piece to be much cheaper than a polystone piece.

Just my guess as an accountant.
IMHO, SSC should use plastic and include the chair with Thrawn in one single edition, thus increasing the overall edition size of the chair. If the cost is low enough, I am sure most people will be happy to take Thrawn and the "plastic" chair as a package. As it stands now, $140 for the 1/6 chair is just too much for most people, even when it comes cast in polystone.
You picked up the reason there. Its cos it will come with the Emperor Palpatine (ROTJ), rather than Chancellor Palpatine (ROTS).
Sorry I wasn't clear in what I was trying to say. I meant to say I don't understand why SS didn't wait to release the chair with their eventual release of ROTJ Emperor Palpatine instead of releasing it now with Thrawn. I do realize the chair doesn't go with the previously released ROTS version. Just didn't want you to think I was that uninformed.
I just can't figure on why they insist on doing with polystone what could just as easily be done in plastic. It seems the priorities are screwy. I fully understand the PF collector's desire to see their figures done up in poly, but there's not one 12" item I've seen that I wouldn't have been perfectly happy to have had done in plastic. Jabba's throne, the chess table, the idol pedastal and the Ark, and now a line-up of 12" scaled furniture. None of which HAS to be done in undurable poly.

THANK YOU! I agree 500%. Every time I say something similar, I get attacked by the Polystone Brigade. I'm glad to see other people on here with sense.
I just can't figure on why they insist on doing with polystone what could just as easily be done in plastic. It seems the priorities are screwy. I fully understand the PF collector's desire to see their figures done up in poly, but there's not one 12" item I've seen that I wouldn't have been perfectly happy to have had done in plastic. Jabba's throne, the chess table, the idol pedastal and the Ark, and now a line-up of 12" scaled furniture. None of which HAS to be done in undurable poly.

Id prefer plastic as well, i dont like things that can shatter into a million pieces tbh.