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I've thought themed sets were the way to go for a long time now. I love my Origin's Angel but I think he was a slow seller. If they had paired him up from the start either with Darla or William I think he would have sold much better.

And I've wanted a OMWF line too. Buffy in the red shirt and long black leather coat, Tara and Willow in their beautiful dresses, Xander and Anya in the pajamas (if there was a way to hide those ugly joints), Dawn in the blue gown and Sweet!

I'd also like more Halloween themed figures. We've got Oz wearing the "God" nametag and now Giles coming with the little fear demon, I'd love Buffy in the little red riding hood outfit or the long period gown and brown hair from the original Halloween episode and Anya in the Bunny costume. And although this wasnt' a Halloween episode I think it would go good with them, is Willow in the eskimo outfit.
All great suggestions FF. I just don't think numerous multiples of figures are well received. Food for thought though, and we likes food.
I didn't say I wouldn't BUY any more Buffy figs, all's I'm sayin' is that if the line ended tomorrow, then at least I have Giles, Cordelia and Lorne. That's not to say I don't WANT other figures. I absoLUTEly do, but if all the rest of the figures released were the ones everyone's listed, and there were STILL no Giles or Cordelia, then I would NEVER feel my collection was "complete". As it is, I am happy to have the Scooby gang. :D :monkey3 :monkey1

I would LOVE to see a Darla in Victorian costume (human face), Wesley (preferably in a later Angel season), Tara, Anya (demon-face and human), and a boatload of monsters/villains (Sweet would be "sweeeeeeeeet!"), and many of the others posted in this thread.

I can live without Dawn, and I hope SS doesn't have to decide between a Dawn figure and some other Buffy character figure and go "Dawn it is!" Ugh! I can't say I ever "warmed" to her character, she spent just about her entire run on Buffy being nothing but a pest. Yes, I realize she was a teenager, but she was a fictional character, and I would've liked to feel less animosity towards her when I watch those eps! ("It's just a tv show, it's just a tv show!") Thus, I have no desire for a 1/6 figure of her, at all! :rolleyes: I guess if SS does make a Dawn figure, I can put the money I WON'T be spending on her on something else! :lol
Migwit said:
I can live without Dawn, and I hope SS doesn't have to decide between a Dawn figure and some other Buffy character figure and go "Dawn it is!" Ugh! I can't say I ever "warmed" to her character, she spent just about her entire run on Buffy being nothing but a pest. Yes, I realize she was a teenager, but she was a fictional character, and I would've liked to feel less animosity towards her when I watch those eps! ("It's just a tv show, it's just a tv show!") Thus, I have no desire for a 1/6 figure of her, at all! :rolleyes: I guess if SS does make a Dawn figure, I can put the money I WON'T be spending on her on something else! :lol

Fortunately you seem to be in the (vocal) minority. :D DST's Dawn wave has been a hit, and their OMWF Dawn is probably the best-looking mass-market 6" female figure in my collection; and as a prop and wardrobe collector I can tell you Dawn used or worn items are among the most desired but hardest to find. There are definitely people who never warmed up to Dawn--but she was never, ever, the whiny and obtrusive brat Connor was. At least Dawn was integral to S5 as "the key," a normal teenager in S6 and early S7 who gave us great episodes like All the Way and Him, and a mature and admirable young woman by Poential and a full Scooby through the end.

Now that @*%$& Connor, on the other hand... :rolleyes:
SergeiEsenin said:
There are definitely people who never warmed up to Dawn--but she was never, ever, the whiny and obtrusive brat Connor was.
She also wasn't raised in a hell dimension being mind@#&*ed by a twisted, bitter, vengeful old man.

I think Connor gets a bad rap. I liked the unpredictable element he brought to the show.
TheObsoleteMan said:
She also wasn't raised in a hell dimension being mind@#&*ed by a twisted, bitter, vengeful old man.

I think Connor gets a bad rap. I liked the unpredictable element he brought to the show.

I can understand that perspective, but Connor affected me in the opposite way. I hated his complete unwillingness to redeem himself and move on. Here he's surrounded by people trying to bend over backwards to prove they love him, and he never accepts it. He's willing to give an ugly reality-warping hellspawn like Jasmine the benefit of the doubt as she's killing humans, but not give Fred, Gunn, Wes, Lorne, or Angel the benefit of the doubt though they kill only demons. You'd think a guy who grew up in a demon dimension defending himself against demons with the only other human, would know better. I disliked much of S4 Angel because of Connor and what I perceived to be the devolution and debasement of Cordelia.

As for Dawn on Buffy, she never bothered me the same way because she was never extreme and willfully ignorant or spiteful. She was absolutely essential to the whole of S5, a favorite season of mine, and her erratic behavior in the middle of the season is understandable given first the revelation about her nature, and then the great loss. But for the most part she was cute and mysterious in S5.

In S6 some complain that Dawn became too much of a whiny teenager, but really it's a natural progression based on Buffy's and Willow's self-centered and self-destructive arcs for the season--as Tara moves out and Giles leaves, Dawn loses the love and attention of everyone she needs it from. At the beginning of the season she already misses her sister and mother so much that she sleeps beside the Buffybot, which is heartbreaking. But she never really gets Buffy's love and support back that season, and loses everyone else's as the season rolls on and everyone becomes self-involved and clinically depressed or disappears. Dawn is therefore the most normal and understandable character in S6, in a way. Everyone else is acting out in far worse ways, and as a mere 16-year-old Dawn doesn't know what to do about it and no one will take her seriously. She's slightly whiny and temperamental because she's a normal teenager surrounded by a family of increasingly isolated and overbearing people who wear their depressions and addictions on their sleeves and provide no comfort or support.

S6 and early S7 is full of great Dawn episodes and moments. All the Way is a memorable Dawn-centric episode, alternatingly fun, tense, and sexy. Him in early S7 is the best combination of humor and sex appeal since S2's Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered and is one of the series' standouts--thanks to Dawn, who carries the episode. Her role in Conversations with Dead People is a pivotal injection of intensity and uncertainty to glue Buffy's and Willow's scenes together, without which the episode wouldn't work--Dawn's role as important "glue" in storylines is often overlooked. The determination she shows there foreshadows her performance in Potential, where Xander points out their similar roles as "everymen" in the story and underlines how much harder it is for them to be normal people in a world full of superheroes. For the rest of S7, Dawn is as strong and mature as anyone, and actively takes her rightful place in the final battle instead of letting Buffy send her away.

We basically see Dawn grow up fast on Buffy, from the 15-year-old cute younger sister of S5 to the strong-willed and rightfully troubled but normal teenager of S6--and finally in S7 she's a strong, sexy, capable young woman who's out there on the front lines by choice. Dawn has a compressed but good character arc, and she matures and evolves even as others become more immature and self-centered.

Connor in contrast never evolved and grew up; it took some big Wolfram & Hart magic to keep him from going psychotic.
Well thought out and stated SE! I can't dispute anything you said. Although I wasn't a big Dawn fan your points are very well made. :clap
SergeiEsenin said:
I disliked much of S4 Angel because of Connor and what I perceived to be the devolution and debasement of Cordelia.
I have a feeling this is one of the main reasons some Buffy fans have such a strong dislike for Connor, they blame him for "soiling" Cordelia's character. I for one enjoyed evil Cordy as her character had become pretty stale by the end of season three and was being overshadowed by the far more interesting and entertaining Fred.

SergeiEsenin said:
Connor in contrast never evolved and grew up; it took some big Wolfram & Hart magic to keep him from going psychotic.
I'll stick with my being raised in a hell dimesion by Holtz defense on this one. When his memory of those experiences are removed he turns out to be a pretty nice guy.
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Darklord Dave said:
Yep, loved the Connor arc myself and especially Cordy's transformation.


Cordelia's transformation into "Evil Pregnant Cordy," under unborn Jasmine's influence, isn't what I hated about Cordelia in S4. I might have liked S4 if not for Connor's constant failures in almost every episode to do anything remotely right, smart, or even not explicitly wrong/stupid/selfish; and, if not for the complete reversal of Cordelia's character development at the beginning of S4.

Through the first three seasons Cordelia grows, with a very impressive character development arc second only to Wesley's. She starts out the spoiled and self-centered formerly-rich girl we know from Buffy, and slowly matures into a selfless and noble character. At the end of S3 we find out that her selflessness, nobility, and love are so great that she's evolved and become ready to move on to a higher plane of existence where she can watch over the earthly plane and presumably have some positive influence.

Wonderful. What a fitting evolution for Cordelia... But, all of a sudden all that character development goes out the window the moment S4 starts. We see Cordelia looking down from the higher plane, and she's suddenly Sunnydale Cordelia again with her "I'm sooo bored. Won't someone get me out of here?" Blech. Who could be bored with the chance to observe anything that goes on on Earth, and presumably have some kind of positive contribution? Not the Cordelia who'd grown and evolved over 3 previous seasons.

So, then we get Cordy back in corporeal form--but no, we really don't, because her memory is gone. Double-blech. What a contrived and detrimental plot device. So, Cordelia slowly evolves over 3 seasons from selfish wannabe actress to selfless instrument of good, ascends to a higher plane, then suddenly becomes selfish easily-bored S1 Cordelia again, and then comes back to Earth as an amnesiac simpleton who makes all the wrong decisions. Awful 180-degree devolution of her arc. And all of that happens before she's under Jasmine's influence and becomes Evil Pregnant Cordy. Adding insult to injury, we find out from Skip that her character development towards selflessness for 3 seasons wasn't even 100% her own, since a faction of the Powers intent on bringing Jasmine to Earth had been nudging her towards ascension to use her for their own plans. Triple-blech. Cordy suddenly doesn't deserve much of the credit and respect she'd earned. She's a witless pawn.

A much, much better version of the S4 arc would've had Cordy not bored by being a higher being--rather, she should've been overzealous but well-intentioned and returned to Earth with her memories intact, but as a full partner in the faction's plans. It's better to be wrong and honestly mistaken in what you thought would be for the greater good, than to be a stupid and easily manipulated patsy.

That's just my opinion, though...
According to the writers, they had planned for Cordy to be the villian during season 4 but the ending would have been different as Charisma hadn't told them she was pregnant. Too bad, then we wouldn't have the Cordy/Connor thing. :lol Can't remember what the original ending was supposed to be though