Ghostbusters reboot with all-female leads

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Getting back to Ghostbusters, from the beginning nothing about this new movie has ever offended or angered me. It just looks like another generic Pixels type movie trying to capitalize on something cool from the 80's that, like Pixels, will probably come and go quietly and be quickly forgotten. The pettiness of the director and cast were what brought me to the point of enjoying the prospect of it failing.
Saying Trump will win is being incredibly unkind to millions of people, and a backhanded implication that you don't think a woman can be elected President. ;)

Seriously, I refuse to believe That abomination will ever be in the oval office.

I have a bad feeling about it.

There's a theory about social behavior that says that if someone does something good, then it frees them up to do something bad. The broader idea is that a society can treat a minority group badly because it has treated one single minority well, therefore giving them an excuse to say, "I'm not prejudice. Don't you see that we treat X well?" When Julia Gillard was elected as the first PM of Australia, she was constantly attacked by misogynist statements and accusations from the government she was trying to lead and from the populace. Everyone could say that they weren't misogynists because, hey, we just elected a woman PM! How much less of a misogynist can I possibly be? In most of the cases where women have been elected to higher office, it was a one and done. Likewise, we just elected the first black president. I really don't think people are going to stand electing a woman president after this "act of goodwill".

Listen to this podcast:

In the late 19th century, a painting by a virtually unknown artist took England by storm: The Roll Call. But after that brilliant first effort, the artist all but disappeared. Why?

The Lady Vanishes explores the world of art and politics to examines the strange phenomenon of the “token”—the outsider whose success serves not to alleviate discrimination but perpetuate it. If a country elects a female president, does that mean the door is now open for all women to follow? Or does that simply give the status quo the justification to close the door again?

Visuals and humor are worse than modern TV shows.
Zero chemistry between characters.
Terrible acting.

these clips... these.... they, i dont know what happened, they just changed my mind...


this... this looks so good! omg, this looks so good, i think i was wrong, so wrong all this time.
Im getting my ticket, opening weekend.
Didn't you hear? Men are pigs, and women are smarter.

Dear lord, this. This has annoyed me from entertainment for decades.

I don't think *any* rational person's candidate is in the running anymore. :lol Obviously this is a "lesser of two evils" year.

I seriously hate the current political system and that's the only reason I'm pulling for Trump to get elected. It'll be a cold splash of water on the American psyche.
I just hope they pass a law taking the authority to use nukes out of the President's hands before he takes office.:lol

these clips... these.... they, i dont know what happened, they just changed my mind...


this... this looks so good! omg, this looks so good, i think i was wrong, so wrong all this time.
Im getting my ticket, opening weekend.

I'm sure you'll be there anyway, picking up strays.:wink1:
but when everyone was attacking Pixels the same way and saying adam sandler looks like a donkey's behind, you would have no problem with that.... of course not.

This thing you're doing where you assume you know where I stand on an issue? It's cute, but ineffective.

It makes me cringe when someone criticizes someone else's appearance when the goal should be to critique the work. I can't stand most of Sandler's films, yet I don't support bashing him on his looks.

Not to get political, but I don't support that sort of attack on any of the candidates we have today (and there is one I really, truly abhor). It's irrelevant.

What are your thoughts on this bro, sexist right? :

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft

Actually, no. I support that. Many of the women I know also do.


benevolent sexism, which Blade3327 might be unknowingly guilty of:


that example Rushmore said happened to me but with giving my chair in the bus. a lady came into the crowded bus and when I stood up to give her my seat she yelled at me and cursed. i stopped giving my seat after that lol (unless the person is old, Man or woman, I ALWAYS give them my seat)

Thanks for attempting to pigeonhole me again, but no. I'm well aware of benevolent sexism, but my belief as a feminist is in a person's right to choose how they want to be treated. Rather than applying a single golden rule to all women or men (which may be why so many are frustrated with feminism), it's easier to listen to their preferences and treat that individual as such. I tend to open the door for everyone out of courtesy, but if a friend or significant other has a preference, we can have a dialogue and move forward.

If a stranger has a preference, they didn't know your mindset and you didn't know theirs. Fair enough. No reason to curse at each other in that instance, and if someone does, that is indeed their problem.

TL;DR: Have the respect to listen and consider the other individual's preferences, regardless of gender. My problem is when the idea of having a dialogue causes people to shut down. There is a way to have the conversation and learn a little something while maintaining civility.
This isn't some PC move or whatever, they're 30y/o heterosexual Caucasian females, not Transvestites lol.

I could have believe this, if they hadn't made it about it (when it wasn't) to protect themselves when criticized by how bad this is.
but when everyone was attacking Pixels the same way and saying adam sandler looks like a donkey's behind, you would have no problem with that.... of course not. actors being attacked this way is fine
but these ladies? then yeah, their honor MUST be protected (equality means guys can be treated like crap and be made fun of and criticized but women must be sheltered from any jokes at all times)

i seriously will never understand people asking for equal treatment while advocating for special treatment and protections at the same time.... (we need feminism so that actresses are never made fun of...? ) how isn't that sexist of You to think?

What are your thoughts on this bro, sexist right? :

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft
I rarely use the word, but white knights are truly pathetic, they make me cringe. (not aimed at anyone in particular here)

I tried to bold where you said you'll never didn't work.

That's the trick. They claim to want equal rights, but they don't. They want MORE and SUPERIOR rights. These groups segregate themselves intentionally and then still claim discrimination. It's not about equality. It's about superiority. They'll never come out and say it, but actions clearly show it.

all I know is that I was taught to treat everyone equally, i was taught to treat girls equally as the boys when i was young. to treat my girl cousins equally as the boy cousins. equally to us meant everyone gets treated EQUALLY...for good, or bad
I seriously dont understand this new meaning of equality where there is a lot of special treatment involved. the white knight version of equality.
Same here, if I don't know someone, by default they get my respect, I don't judge nor treat differently.
Unfortunately that's not an option.

Sure it is. George Carlin once said something to the effect of the reason he doesn't vote is because then he can't be blamed for the people placed in office. This system is so flawed and corrupt, it's almost comical to think voting really has an effect on anything. Hillary given a pass by the FBI is evidence of that.

Anyways, back to bashing the GB reboot. :lol
Sure it is. George Carlin once said something to the effect of the reason he doesn't vote is because then he can't be blamed for the people placed in office. This system is so flawed and corrupt, it's almost comical to think voting really has an effect on anything. Hillary given a pass by the FBI is evidence of that.

Carlin was wrong. If you don't vote and Hillary wins then you helped her win by not voting for Trump. She instantly becomes "your" candidate.
well that is not a courtesy the people making this movie and the sjw defending this movie had did they? anyone had REAL, constructive Criticism was completely mocked, ridiculed and made fun of for being a fat MRA... so, were you just as angry AT THEM as you were at the haters? when they called haters fat virgins, were you just as upset and annoyed?
i would guess you werent. you probably didn't have a problem with that.

just look at what happened to this guy:

were YOU Appalled and Angry at the hate HE got?
did you see the tweets making fun of his tiny peener? about his wife being a gold digger? about him going bald? about him being retarded?

did THAT make you as upset as the attacks on this movie? well???

I don't agree with the way he was treated, no. And for any critique to be met with assumption, generalization, and verbal abuse is unacceptable. I'll concede that neither side has been particularly holy on this issue, but I say again: it is in no way indicative of the actual tenets of feminism on the ground. The internet has a way of amplifying even the most fringe of voices. I refuse to judge any large group of people based on their most vocal "representatives" online.

It's a much easier pill to swallow if you let go of the idea that you have to make assumptions and apply a single rule to every interaction. You don't. That's not what it's about. No real feminists are seeking superiority or special treatment. If you hate men, that's misandry and not in line with the tenets of feminism.

And I absolutely do agree that these movements have their bad seeds. Every social movement does. Every political party does. Every belief system does. And it's absolutely worthy of critique in order to make the movement more cohesive and effective.

If you want to talk about what is cancerous to society and our ability to hold a dialogue, it's reductionist thinking. My perspective is to evaluate on a case-by-case basis. Are there nuances or embedded/perpetuated prejudices? Or are there assumptions being made causing one side to lash out? And either can happen.
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did you see the tweets making fun of his tiny peener? about his wife being a gold digger? about him going bald? about him being retarded?

we're just like children, this is a children's argument from both sides, I don't see how feminists can be taken seriously when they're about as mature as us, grown men on doll forums :lol

At least we're not so full of ****.
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