Ghostbusters reboot with all-female leads

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No respect left for Ackroyd after "Blues Brothers 2000" anyway.


RIP Mr. Freeze.

Spoiler Spoiler:
but when everyone was attacking Pixels the same way and saying adam sandler looks like a donkey's behind, you would have no problem with that.... of course not. actors being attacked this way is fine
but these ladies? then yeah, their honor MUST be protected (equality means guys can be treated like crap and be made fun of and criticized but women must be sheltered from any jokes at all times)

i seriously will never understand people asking for equal treatment while advocating for special treatment and protections at the same time.... (we need feminism so that actresses are never made fun of...? ) how isn't that sexist of You to think?

What are your thoughts on this bro, sexist right? :

House Committee Votes to Require Women to Register for Draft

I tried to bold where you said you'll never didn't work.

That's the trick. They claim to want equal rights, but they don't. They want MORE and SUPERIOR rights. These groups segregate themselves intentionally and then still claim discrimination. It's not about equality. It's about superiority. They'll never come out and say it, but actions clearly show it.
I call a lot of this movement "bro-fem" and "bro-fem"

None of it is actually equality but merely asking for superiority. It's a millennial thing I guess.
All these leg beard feminists get taught to hate men in college, specifically White men.
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I tried to bold where you said you'll never didn't work.

That's the trick. They claim to want equal rights, but they don't. They want MORE and SUPERIOR rights. These groups segregate themselves intentionally and then still claim discrimination. It's not about equality. It's about superiority. They'll never come out and say it, but actions clearly show it.

I call a lot of this movement "bro-fem" and "bro-fem"

None of it is actually equality but merely asking for superiority. It's a millennial thing I guess.

all I know is that I was taught to treat everyone equally, i was taught to treat girls equally as the boys when i was young. to treat my girl cousins equally as the boy cousins. equally to us meant everyone gets treated EQUALLY...for good, or bad
I seriously dont understand this new meaning of equality where there is a lot of special treatment involved. the white knight version of equality.
Women want to be treated equally except when they don't.

Isn't that simple?

One day you open a door for a woman and your a gentleman, on another day you open the door for the same woman and your a chauvinist. It's happened to me,
Women want to be treated equally except when they don't.

Isn't that simple?

One day you open a door for a woman and your a gentleman, on another day you open the door for the same woman and your a chauvinist. It's happened to me,

And I'm sure you're totally giving us the whole story there too. ;)

Not much else to tell about it, except that the word "chauvinist" wasn't actually used, but implied.

In reverse, I once had a gf that when I opened the car door for her, she complained saying that it was unwelcome. Eventually I had enough complaining so I stopped and one day she got upset and wanted to know why I never open the door for her anymore.
all I know is that I was taught to treat everyone equally, i was taught to treat girls equally as the boys when i was young. to treat my girl cousins equally as the boy cousins. equally to us meant everyone gets treated EQUALLY...for good, or bad
I seriously dont understand this new meaning of equality where there is a lot of special treatment involved. the white knight version of equality.

Women want to be treated equally except when they don't.

Isn't that simple?

One day you open a door for a woman and your a gentleman, on another day you open the door for the same woman and your a chauvinist. It's happened to me,

I don't want to get sucked in to this whole debate, but shouldn't we treat everyone, man or woman, well? Bad treatment shouldn't be a part of this equality debate because we shouldn't be treating other guys badly in the first place! Why not hold the door for other men? I do. Why not refuse to split a check when out with the guys? I do that too. We shouldn't be debating better treatment for women. We should be striving for better treatment for everyone!

Edit: Just saw your response about holding and opening the door, rushmore--that's just plain weird! Women, :rolleyes2 amirite fellas?


Visuals and humor are worse than modern TV shows.
Zero chemistry between characters.
Terrible acting.
just a question but,
is there an actor you hate? is there a director you hate? what are your thoughts on justin bieber?
on donald trump?
what are your thought on Michael bay?
uwe boll"?
do you always speak well of them? im not trying to sound sarcastic but, do you ever say anything negative? im just trying to put some perspective. just looking for an honest answer

Of course! But I'm not going to waste too much time dwelling on people or things I hate based on my own personal opinion. Some people like cheese. I hate cheese but I'm not going to condemn anyone for liking it. Trump's an idiot of the highest caliber, but there's not much that I can do about that, just hope that he doesn't f up the country too much when (that's right--when!) he's president. I can't understand how people can not see what an idiot he is, but I also know that they are so entrenched in their beliefs that nothing I say will every make a difference in their opinion. Anything I would say they would just counter it with something just as stupid as Trump would say and think they're right.

Regardless, we have enough in this world to truly worry about like terrorism--people who hate all Americans for their own beliefs and are willing to kill for it. I don't think I could ever get to that point unless I am face to face with that kind of danger. Why not try and be kind to other people you encounter every day (whether you know them or not) by doing the simplest acts of courtesy and respect when you are out in the world? Compliment someone on their fancy glasses. Let the waiter know you appreciate them doing a special order for you. Little things make a big difference.
Of course! But I'm not going to waste too much time dwelling on people or things I hate based on my own personal opinion. Some people like cheese. I hate cheese but I'm not going to condemn anyone for liking it. Trump's an idiot of the highest caliber, but there's not much that I can do about that, just hope that he doesn't f up the country too much when (that's right--when!) he's president. I can't understand how people can not see what an idiot he is, but I also know that they are so entrenched in their beliefs that nothing I say will every make a difference in their opinion. Anything I would say they would just counter it with something just as stupid as Trump would say and think they're right.

Regardless, we have enough in this world to truly worry about like terrorism--people who hate all Americans for their own beliefs and are willing to kill for it. I don't think I could ever get to that point unless I am face to face with that kind of danger. Why not try and be kind to other people you encounter every day (whether you know them or not) by doing the simplest acts of courtesy and respect when you are out in the world? Compliment someone on their fancy glasses. Let the waiter know you appreciate them doing a special order for you. Little things make a big difference.

Saying Trump will win is being incredibly unkind to millions of people, and a backhanded implication that you don't think a woman can be elected President. ;)

Seriously, I refuse to believe That abomination will ever be in the oval office.
Of course! But I'm not going to waste too much time dwelling on people or things I hate based on my own personal opinion. Some people like cheese. I hate cheese but I'm not going to condemn anyone for liking it. Trump's an idiot of the highest caliber, but there's not much that I can do about that, just hope that he doesn't f up the country too much when (that's right--when!) he's president. I can't understand how people can not see what an idiot he is, but I also know that they are so entrenched in their beliefs that nothing I say will every make a difference in their opinion. Anything I would say they would just counter it with something just as stupid as Trump would say and think they're right.

Regardless, we have enough in this world to truly worry about like terrorism--people who hate all Americans for their own beliefs and are willing to kill for it. I don't think I could ever get to that point unless I am face to face with that kind of danger. Why not try and be kind to other people you encounter every day (whether you know them or not) by doing the simplest acts of courtesy and respect when you are out in the world? Compliment someone on their fancy glasses. Let the waiter know you appreciate them doing a special order for you. Little things make a big difference.

Edited to add: They say the opposite of love isn't hate-it's indifference. I truly believe that. If you really didn't like something, you would just not care and never give it a second thought. There is passion in hate and you give a lot of yourself to anything you hate. Is it really worth expending any time or energy to something you hate?

Edited again: Weird. I thought I hit the edit button but I guess I hit the quote button.
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