Gentle Giant's Vintage 12" Star Wars Figures

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Has anybody tried using Black Magic Protectant on their Jumbos to give it that semi-gloss sheen that the original 3 33/4" figures have? I mean if people use it to clean and restore their original Kenner figures it probably wouldn't hurt the GG jumbos, would it? I just can't stand the dull matte finish on them.
I'm not too enthusiastic about the dull finish but didn't use anything on my two 12" Jumbos so far
Has anybody tried using Black Magic Protectant on their Jumbos to give it that semi-gloss sheen that the original 3 33/4" figures have? I mean if people use it to clean and restore their original Kenner figures it probably wouldn't hurt the GG jumbos, would it? I just can't stand the dull matte finish on them.

Someone over on the RS boards added a gloss and they look soooo much better:


12" Jumbo Vintage Kenner Line General Discussion - Page 105
That really is a HUGE improvement. That's exactly how they should look.

That actually makes me want to get Han and Rebel soldier (which I passed on.) As released, they just looked a bit off and the matte is the problem.
What about using Future Floor Wax to gloss them up? I mean it worked wonders for the Sideshow Stormies, seems like it would be the easiest and most economical way to make the GG Jumbos shine.
What about using Future Floor Wax to gloss them up? I mean it worked wonders for the Sideshow Stormies, seems like it would be the easiest and most economical way to make the GG Jumbos shine.

Wait! What?! I can use floor wax to shine up my Stormtroopers? Not to go off topic, but do you just apply a little with a soft rag? How is this done?
I thought R2-D2 was the SDCC exclusive? They have TWO?!?!?!?! :gah:

Well, Droids R2 was one of the most boring and ugly 3 3/4" vintage figs ever made, so also tossing in yet another Fett repack makes sense. That being said, Droids 3PO is one of the coolest.

I'm guessing TriLogo Boba is on the way (and would actually be worth getting - the only vintage Fett repaint ever done.)
I just ordered Fett. But I'm bummed I missed out on R2-D2. I didn't know about it til it was already sold out...
Some guys over at RS are saying the Jumbo line is done because there were no new announcements at SDCC aside from Jabba and the two Droids exclusives. They cite the high pricepoint and poor paint quality and such. I don't argue with the pricepoint. These are overpriced and GG has built in a handsome profit margin for themselves considering these are just vinyl rotocast figures. The Wampa and Jabba are going to be ridiculously overpriced and beyond my affordability. I have to admit I do enjoy this line though and am buying key figures I want but not all of them. I really hope the line isn't getting cancelled before we see more ROTJ and POTF figures like Jedi Luke, Emperor, Royal Guard, Imperial Gunner, Han in Carbonite, etc. but it seems GG emphasis on jumbos has shifted to Super Powers and G.I. Joe. But if sales of Star Wars were low to warrant cancelling the line, what makes them think Super Powers and G.I. Joe which cost about 30-40% more per figure will fare any better for them?
Wow no updates. You can hear the crickets chirping. Guess this line is done.
They're insane not doing any POTF figures - those figs were the best of the whole vintage line and all they made was Yak.:dunno

Han Carb, Amanaman, EV9D9, Imperial Gunner, Luke Poncho - all would have been awesome and have sold well.

The price on these was always the key problem though. If they would have been in the $40-50 range (based on what they were, that would have been a fair price,) I would have dived into this line. At the price they were, I got a couple (Boba obviously) then sold them. Scale issue did really bother me with blue snaggs however.

And frankly - what collector would continue buying this line in the context of HT moving into 1/6 SW plus the deluge of new SW products from TFA?