Gary Oldman in hot water!

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Class act in how he handled that. You can tell he resizes his word choices were not a good one and is deeply bothered by them.
Or his agents and managers told him he had to apologize.

I wonder what would happen if he chose to simply not talk about it or offer an apology. I doubt he'd be blacklisted.
Bothers me that he had to apologize for something that didn't really warrant an apology.
And it bothers me that he did apologize.
Very awkward. And I kinda think he laid it on a little too thick which makes me doubt his sincerity. Not that I care whether he really was sincere or not. I agree it's stupid that he had to apologize for a non-offensive statement.

Now, I don't want to offend anyone, but is it simply that Jewish people don't like to be called "Jews"? The word feels a bit harsh and I personally wouldn't use it like that in a sentence.
What a mess.

I would've respected him more if he came out and said "I said what I said, if it ruins me career so be it, but those are my words and i'm sticking by them."

Instead, we get him blaming Playboy for derailing the interview and a very forced apology.

Hell, he didn't even point at the correct location for his heart when he said he was sorry from the heart. :lol

So either:

A. This was all a marketing ploy for POTA, as in behind the scenes his jewish bosses gave the ok for this "incident"


B. He's eating crow because he knows without a Hollywood career he will be working at the Home Depot. I thought he was going to start crying there for a second.
Or it could be all an act. I'm amazed at how quickly he's apologized, how utterly submissive it is, and the timing of this fake news distraction. He's an actor promoting a movie why the ADL was even included in this tells me they wanted to make a bigger show of it than the content warranted.

Gorillas don't like or understand your comment. They now want an apology.


Let them fling pewp!
Growing up in NY one of the first things I learned "you don't say boo to a j*w" fact
Yes I very much doubt this was all a marketing ploy- Oldman is still too much of a class act to pull a stunt like this.
The outcome will be a wash and he will continue to be a great actor working in Hollywood despite his misgivings about it.
Now, I don't want to offend anyone, but is it simply that Jewish people don't like to be called "Jews"? The word feels a bit harsh and I personally wouldn't use it like that in a sentence.

As a Jew myself, I don't think there is anything wrong with being called a Jew. There is obviously some sensitivity given the fact that Jews were viewed negatively throughout history - the word itself for many people brought to mind the caricature of the "greedy, plotting, evil Jew" - something along the lines of the ugly .JPG that DiFabio posted below which comes right from the handbook of Nazi propaganda. So when somebody uses it in the context of saying the "Jews run Hollywood", that for many Jews brings to mind the "evil" and "controlling" stereotype of Jews that caused centuries of misery and heartache for millions of people. I agree that this world has gone too PC and that everyone has a right to say what they want - I'm just trying to explain how a subject like this can stir up a lighting rod of emotion for some people. I don't think what Oldman said was incorrect - everyone obviously has their own prejudices and is free to say what they want. I just think he picked a very poor example to use. Maybe he's just really upset that Hot Toys only released his figure in the SWAT uniform and this is his way of lashing out.
Let's face it, PC culture will always remain dominant so long as victimhood is glamorized. It's like having a drowning victim teach swimming lessons; they will drag everything and everyone else down by their own mediocrity in the best cases. In the worst cases, the biggest bullies on earth use it to perpetually excuse their brutality. A feigned injury will cause an opponent to drop their guard every time if they don't know what they're looking at.

If an undesirable stereotype comes our way, the only thing we can do to combat it is to prove it wrong with our own positive actions. We can't force people to change their minds but we can put the best face we can out there. If we don't drop our fists, there's no way to avoid purging one side or the other.
As a Jew myself, I don't think there is anything wrong with being called a Jew. There is obviously some sensitivity given the fact that Jews were viewed negatively throughout history - the word itself for many people brought to mind the caricature of the "greedy, plotting, evil Jew" - something along the lines of the ugly .JPG that DiFabio posted below which comes right from the handbook of Nazi propaganda. So when somebody uses it in the context of saying the "Jews run Hollywood", that for many Jews brings to mind the "evil" and "controlling" stereotype of Jews that caused centuries of misery and heartache for millions of people. I agree that this world has gone too PC and that everyone has a right to say what they want - I'm just trying to explain how a subject like this can stir up a lighting rod of emotion for some people. I don't think what Oldman said was incorrect - everyone obviously has their own prejudices and is free to say what they want. I just think he picked a very poor example to use. Maybe he's just really upset that Hot Toys only released his figure in the SWAT uniform and this is his way of lashing out.

I agree with you. There's nothing wrong with calling out hypocrisy, but the examples he used to make his point were pretty bad.
What a mess.

I would've respected him more if he came out and said "I said what I said, if it ruins me career so be it, but those are my words and i'm sticking by them."

Instead, we get him blaming Playboy for derailing the interview and a very forced apology.

Hell, he didn't even point at the correct location for his heart when he said he was sorry from the heart. :lol

So either:

A. This was all a marketing ploy for POTA, as in behind the scenes his jewish bosses gave the ok for this "incident"


B. He's eating crow because he knows without a Hollywood career he will be working at the Home Depot. I thought he was going to start crying there for a second.

I think the guy who did the interview with him in Playboy stirred the pot by posting things to twitter right away.
Daniel Tosh is another guy that has some pretty hard racist jokes. His show is nothing but that kind of humor. His stand up is even worse, he only got in trouble for a rape joke but even then it wasn't as bad

That was one of the points that Gary was talking about.

Though I don't care for Tosh, Lisa Lampanelli is awesome. A blue Don Rickles.
Weird gif response brah.

You talk funny.

As a Jew myself, I don't think there is anything wrong with being called a Jew. There is obviously some sensitivity given the fact that Jews were viewed negatively throughout history - the word itself for many people brought to mind the caricature of the "greedy, plotting, evil Jew" - something along the lines of the ugly .JPG that DiFabio posted below which comes right from the handbook of Nazi propaganda. So when somebody uses it in the context of saying the "Jews run Hollywood", that for many Jews brings to mind the "evil" and "controlling" stereotype of Jews that caused centuries of misery and heartache for millions of people. I agree that this world has gone too PC and that everyone has a right to say what they want - I'm just trying to explain how a subject like this can stir up a lighting rod of emotion for some people.

I'm one of the first people to get out of my chair when the Jewish global banking conspiracy card gets pulled by some knuckledragger, but I recognize when that is happening and when it isn't. ADL should take note.
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His career will be fine. This is just another blown out of proportion "news" story that distracts from serious issues that people don't want to be bothered with. The general public's attention span for any story--pop culture or otherwise--doesn't last for more than a month or two anyway.

When I lived in London my wife and I went to see a live taping of the Graham Norton Show and Gary Oldman was one if the guests. I was crazy excited because I'm a big fan of his work. His interview ended up being one of the most awkward, boring things I've ever seen. He may just be a person that's uncomfortable with that part of the job and it shows. Personally, I don't think he said anything in the Playboy interview that was genuinely offensive and really wish he hadn't apologized for it.
Yeah, knowing how light-hearted, sometimes crude the Graham Norton show is, it certainly doesn't surprise me that Oldman didn't really fit in there.