Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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I think it looks fantastic. The smaller eyes give him a more focused, intimidating vibe, and it's enough to get me thinking about buying this guy. I'd be up for any improvements though, seeing as this is going to be a landmark piece for sure.

Dammit, between this, the 1/4 Termies, and HT Predators, this year will break me. Not even sure if I can afford to spend any money at SDCC if I choose to get Rambo.
EB: Eyes to narrow/small, bridge of the nose too narrow, chin too long between lower lip and point of the jaw, making his entire face too elongated. It's close but not close enough. If they revise this would be my first 1:4th scale purchase, if not I will save myself a pile o' loot.
EB: Eyes to narrow/small, bridge of the nose too narrow, chin too long between lower lip and point of the jaw, making his entire face too elongated. It's close but not close enough. If they revise this would be my first 1:4th scale purchase, if not I will save myself a pile o' loot.

the photo is taken with final product HS
How about this?

I've slightly enlarged his eyes - so little, in fact, that I bet some of you won't even notice. I might even have gone further. The eyes are still not quite there, but I think they do improve a bit.

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I thought some of the critiques this morning were crazy, but after looking at it all day, I understand now what some of you mean. It's missing the trade mark droop/puppy dog eyes that Stallone has.
How about this?

I've slightly enlarged his eyes - so little, in fact, that I bet some of you won't even notice. I might even have gone further. The eyes are still not quite there, but I think they do improve a bit.


It's better,you should post that pic on Bill's facebook page.

If this was 1/6 i would get it anyway,but since it's 1/4,it's easier to pass on this because imo the eyes looks nothing like Sly.The rest looks good though.
Sounds like a lot of 1/6 fanboys are jealous :lol That thing is dead on.

I'm with you on this, that sculpt is fantastic. I have all the HT Rambo's, but as usually the complainers well find all kinds of faults with it, sad and pathetic. The crazy thing is the people who are the biggest complainers are the the ones that well end up purchasing it, seen this strange behavior happen many times with other collectibles here, it's almost like they get some kind of sick satisfaction by complaining, and of course their opinions are the final verdict and must be followed or you're a trader and you well never be given membership into the secret society of collectors here:lecture
I'm with you on this, that sculpt is fantastic. I have all the HT Rambo's, but as usually the complainers well find all kinds of faults with it, sad and pathetic. The crazy thing is the people who are the biggest complainers are the the ones that well end up purchasing it, seen this strange behavior happen many times with other collectibles here, it's almost like they get some kind of sick satisfaction by complaining, and of course their opinions are the final verdict and must be followed or you're a trader and you well never be given membership into the secret society of collectors here:lecture

What is wrong with feedback from the possible paying customer? For $400+ smackers I would hope for the BEST possible outcome. That said I am no sculptor in this scale or otherwise, however, I have shown this 'final' sculpt to non-collectors and they say this sculpt is close but OFF. You are correct tho' opinions are opinions and everybody's got one:wink1:
the photo is taken with final product HS

True, but, nothing's shipped yet, if EB felt enough that the portrait as is could hurt the sale of this figure and their effort to gain support from collectors, i wouldn't be shocked if they delayed the release to turn out a better product and fans would appreciate that, I'd sure give them kudos for it, I thought it was great how they seemed to involve the collectors in the making of the T-800.
Well, I've always felt the HT 1/4 scale bust was a bit off, and still do, but I think they were at least in the ballpark of Stallone more than EB is. I thought EB did amazing sculpt work on the T-800, their MIB sculpts look stunning, even their Scarfaces look great. Since I've been following Enterbay for the last year or so, this looks like the worst likeness they've turned out, and I'm not here to rip them for fun, I had big hopes for this figure, I love Rambo, I've got Rambo 2 and 4 and 1/4 scale, I liked the promise of having Rambo 3 and maybe some luck, a Rambo 1 to have every movie in the scale, but at $400, going off a head alone, I'm not feeling certainty of buying this, and I'm pretty open with Rambo, it takes a lot to dissappoint me, I defended the Sideshow PF against a lot of criticism. This was a bit of a dream piece for me and the portrait reveal, especially with how nice the early body sculpt and the accessories have looked, is a bit deflating.

I still have faith that Enterbay will fix the eyes. The rest is perfect.
The eyes just need to be more rounded and bigger. The same happened with Hot Toys Superman and the final product was incredible. Here is my modded Rambo.
That I would not hesitate to buy. Probably some other minor differences from Sly's face, but the eyes are definitely the main area hurting thing.