Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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Well, I've always felt the HT 1/4 scale bust was a bit off, and still do, but I think they were at least in the ballpark of Stallone more than EB is. I thought EB did amazing sculpt work on the T-800, their MIB sculpts look stunning, even their Scarfaces look great. Since I've been following Enterbay for the last year or so, this looks like the worst likeness they've turned out, and I'm not here to rip them for fun, I had big hopes for this figure, I love Rambo, I've got Rambo 2 and 4 and 1/4 scale, I liked the promise of having Rambo 3 and maybe some luck, a Rambo 1 to have every movie in the scale, but at $400, going off a head alone, I'm not feeling certainty of buying this, and I'm pretty open with Rambo, it takes a lot to dissappoint me, I defended the Sideshow PF against a lot of criticism. This was a bit of a dream piece for me and the portrait reveal, especially with how nice the early body sculpt and the accessories have looked, is a bit deflating.


:lolLmao I cant tell if your being serious or not. And judging by the pics you posted Enterbays is WAY more accurate.
:lolLmao I cant tell if your being serious or not. And judging by the pics you posted Enterbays is WAY more accurate.

I am dead serious, without modification, I don't see the sculpt as Stallone, it looks like a guy with Stallone's mouth. As cartoony as the HT may look, I at least see Stallone in it.
Here is my modded Rambo.

That's a bit scary-looking, but it's definitely a step forward imo.

I still have faith that Enterbay will fix the eyes. The rest is perfect.
The eyes just need to be more rounded and bigger. The same happened with Hot Toys Superman and the final product was incredible.

I hope you're right, but as mentioned, they seem to be about to start shipping these. :(

Oh, and this is not my pic —I just found it on a Brazilian forum—, but it made me smile:

I am dead serious, without modification, I don't see the sculpt as Stallone, it looks like a guy with Stallone's mouth. As cartoony as the HT may look, I at least see Stallone in it.

I'm beginning to see your point.

The eye area (brows included) and overall shape of the face stand out as being 'off' in the EB one.

Though the EB one is UNDOUBTEDLY far more lifelike.
Not much I can do to his nose but the EYES... Here is what I'd like to see:


And since I think that EB got eye size properly here's V.2:


yeah much better,just shows that the problem is the Eyes and not anything else(The nose doesn't bother me).
You just need to post it on his facebook,doing it here won't help our chances.
Though the EB one is UNDOUBTEDLY far more lifelike.

No argument there, as the slight PS mods in this thread have shown, a little work and this could be every bit as realistic to Sly as the T-800 to Arnie, but as it is, that's not Sly Stallone. I'm not trying to start trouble here, I am very familiar with the man's face, I've drawn it several times, poured over countless photos, bought just about every piece depicting him that I can find, it's just not there. I defended some of the lacking in the Sideshow PF because their piece wasn't intended to be photorealistic, EB is trying to make it look like they zapped an actor with ray gun and shrunk him down. They nailed it beyond doubt with the T-800, so well that I was content enough with their figure to sell off my HT collection. Not likely I'd ever sell anything Rambo unless strapped for money with nothing else to sell, but, done right, this Rambo 3 could wow me the same, and with the current portrait, it's not there.
I am dead serious, without modification, I don't see the sculpt as Stallone, it looks like a guy with Stallone's mouth. As cartoony as the HT may look, I at least see Stallone in it.

I wasnt trying to sound like an a-hole. But going by the pictures you posted, they seem to show off how much more accurate the EB head is imo. Its the exact opposite for me, HT sculpt looks very cartoonish, and even for stallone those are HUGE bug eyes. While Enterbays isn't perfect, it's the best stallone sculpt ive seen.
yeah much better,just shows that the problem is the Eyes and not anything else(The nose doesn't bother me).
You just need to post it on his facebook,doing it here won't help our chances.

:lecture Someone post those pics on Facebook ASAP!
yeah much better,just shows that the problem is the Eyes and not anything else.

Nah, it's just that we're "sad and pathetic complainers who'll find all kinds of faults with it". :rolleyes:

Somebody post this on Bill's Facebook. This otherwise excellent headsculpt needs droopier eyes:

I wasnt trying to sound like an a-hole. But going by the pictures you posted, they seem to show off how much more accurate the EB head is imo. Its the exact opposite for me, HT sculpt looks very cartoonish, and even for stallone those are HUGE bug eyes. While Enterbays isn't perfect, it's the best stallone sculpt ive seen.

Not at, and we do agree on the quality, EB is without question a better made piece, I mainly got the HT bust because it's Rambo and it's a nice piece for what it cost, like $80, if that. I only used it for comparison because for once, we have pieces from multiple companies in the exact same scale from the same movie to make direct comparison with. As far as likenss quality, I'd put the HT 1/6 Rambo 3 against EB before their 1/4, but then scale arguments come in.

I also just don't feel like dealing with the bs that, rightly so, gets tossed a people who like to just run around and _____ to _____. I am complaining because I'm deeply interested in this piece, anyone around here that knows me well knows that Rambo is tops in my collection and fandom and I take it very passionately.
Guys, the reality is Stallone is a strange looking man, and it is VERY difficult to accurately capture his likeness. I have said this since the Rambo PF days.


Look at the picture on the right. It's more accurate, yet it doesn't seem right because of how weird he looks. Strange looking dude
I dunno how Enterbay doin their business cuz this wasn't even announced yet but Bill said that it's already in production :lol
Guys, the reality is Stallone is a strange looking man, and it is VERY difficult to accurately capture his likeness. I have said this since the Rambo PF days.

It may be hard to get 100% to his likeness, but there's been some really close sculpts, at least for me, I've recognized Sly more clearly in other portraits over the years, this is probably the most I've struggled to see him in a Rambo piece that was even close to lifelike, the HT Rambo 2 is quite off but it's also not even close to looking like a real human face, let alone Sly.

HT Rambo 3, FB M65 and Barney Ross (despite making his nose symetrical when it shouldn't be) look unquestionably like Stallone, even if not perfectly. This EB has more room for doubt than other sculpts. And going back to the EB T-800, it's it flawless, no, but damn is it close, certainly closer than any Hot Toys effort. No sculpture will be perfect because it's interpretation of looking at something, but, there's levels of closeness and EB has shown themselves to be capable of being closer than this.

Will Smith


Tommy Lee Jones


They have their own "goofy" traits to their faces and EB handled them just fine.