DX vs MMS /// Which do you prefer?

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The Skull

Super Freak
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
New York
Ok so I have been thinking about this topic lately, and have come to the conclusion that I prefer the MMS line over the DX line.

Heres my reasoning,

Looking at the quality of the head sculpts coming from both lines to me the soild sculpted mms line wins hands down. For instance the dx12 batman figure, you get a pers sculpt and a soild sculpt, the pers head with the cowl comes off looking kinda goofy and undersized, you can pose the pers to look better but in the end does not compare the the wayne head included in the set, people have done mod after mod to make the cowled head look better and yet the wayne head is untouched, except to cut it up the put into the cowl by some:lol

Sure you could say the dx set bought that head to release but I'm really trying to point out pers sculpts verse soild sculpts.

Then I look at the dx10 t-800, the sculpt it self is better than the mms117 t-800 in terms of more acturate to arnold, however the thick eyelids and ugly seam tend to ruin the look abit, I still like the figure overall but wonder how much better it would have came out without pers added.

I look at the continueing line of mms figures like bane and solid snake, those head sculpts are F'ing sick, the bane figure esspecially looks to be one of the most photo realistic figures ever produced by hot toys.

Not to say every dx pers head is bad cause thats not the case, but from where I am standing I will always prefer the soild sculpt over the gimic that tends to always detract from the overall realism of any head. Sure pers gives you a few more ways to pose a figure but the trade off is a ugly seam, and a less lifelike figure.

I always see alot of people saying that I wish this figure was a dx, or I hope they make a dx of that figure and all I keep thinking is I hope not. Theres some people for instance that wish the bane was a dx so they could get a few more accessoires, That would have been a tragidy if that were the case, the figure would be 275.00 instead of 190ish and would have a ugly seam and wonky eyes:monkey4

What do you guys think?


Some of my favorite figures are DX figures, but you know what would make them better? If they didn't have PERS or panels on the backs of their heads.

DX 09 Batman? One of the best figures I own. How could it be better, perfect even? If it didn't have the moveable eyes or the PERS panel seam on the back of it's head? DX 10 Arnold? Same reasons Skull described. Imagine that figure if it was just a regular MMS release without PERS, the figure is fine, but have the head be PERSless and it would have been fantastic. DX 08 Joker? Imagine if it wasn't a DX, we could have gotten an extra head or some more outfit looks in there.

Also the boxes and stands. Those boxes used to be cool, I liked the art, design and foam inserts. Now? They're so cheaply made and fall apart before you even open them. The light up stand gimmick is lame too.
Depends. Generally I'm against PERS, but it works for Jack Sparrow and the new Joker really well. On others, (Indy, I'm looking at you in particular), it looks absolutely terrible. Just plain crap.

A lot of them, it adds nothing to the figure.
DXs suck.. I like the effect for Jack sparrow... It ends there. People think the DX Keaton is gods gift. How people forgive that completely hideous MASSIVE chunk in the back of his head to house his stupid googly eyes is beyond unfathomable to me.

I wish they were all MMS from here on out.
DX Bruce Lee is amazing too. The PERS works great with him

Personally I disagree like most DXes the eyes almost ruin the sculpt with Lee they pretty much did making his eyes not surprisingly too big and wide. He looked more Hispanic than Asian. Bruce Lee is one of the worst DXes in my opinion, the google eyes also ruined the Arnold which was a pretty good sculpt otherwise.

Look what it did to Indiana jones,

To my shock I think it somehow worked for Luke Skywalker.
My Bruce Lee and 89 Batman/Joker say DX. After owning them I agree. The rest of my figs are monsters,mechanical men, or spidermen. So I cant really say how much better human MMS sculpts are. I have two RDJ heads which are very similar and they are okay. My DX's look more real. Well see when black widow gets here monday.
I've been preaching about the virtues of regular painted heads over PERS for a long while now. PERS heads sometimes work, but it's a 50/50 split of good/bad likenesses at best, and the MMS sculpts have a much better track record. The gimmick is unnecessary for me, as I hardly ever feel a need to make a guy look in any direction other than straight ahead. I've said this before, but I would much prefer every important figure to just get two painted heads--one traditional sculpt looking forward, and one alternate sculpt (laughing, angry, battle damaged, what have you) looking left or right or whatever. Works with the T1 T-800, works with T-1000, would work with any given figure. But HT has built up a brand around DX that has obviously affected the collectors referenced who want DX everybody (Darth Vader, Storm Trooper, Boba Fett, Snake Eyes, and freaking HAL 9000 included).
I think the difference between PERS working and not is wheather or not the eye is either squinting, or has some sort of make up. Jack Sparrow, Batman and the new Joker all successfully pull it off, minus the chunk in Keaton's head of course.

I do actually think Bruce Lee is a great figure and a great likeness, but I agree the eyes are slightly too wide, which is odd since lots of Caucasian HT figures tend to have eyes shaped more like asians.

overall though, taking into account the price increase, Id take MMS over DX any day. DX should always imply 2 outfits, extra large base etc to justify the price increase, not just rolly eyeballs. If it did, then DX would be what you hoped your favorite release to fall under. The inconsistency with the releases hurts the line and really takes away any prestige factor in my opinion..
:goodpost: Awesome valid points Skull

I think most of the PERS are aweful , figures like 89Joker , Jack Sparrow , 89 Bats , Joker2.0 can get away with it and they look great IMO

All others didn't need it IMO

I'm glad that they didn't DX the CR Superman like they were originally gunna do , that woulda been a nightmare.

Great thread :hi5:
You don't think most collectors would have been satisfied with closed mouth Bruce looking forward and an open mouthed Bruce looking to one side?

Satisfied maybe, but not excited I don't think. I probably still would've bought an MMS EtD Bruce Lee set, same as I bought the two MIS Bruces. The fact that EB's 1/4 WoD figure features two sculpts both looking in the same direction and appears to be selling ok suggests that you're likely right, many don't care so much. But my preference is definitely for Bruce Lee to have moving eyes.
I feel that the figures that came out desent with pers would have come out excellent without pers. Thats my whole point, it adds a gimic and the sculpt suffers, weather it suffers badly like indy, or suffers moderatly like the dx10 or weather it suffers slightly like bruce, the point is they all suffer.