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Ummm... this is kinda-sorta awesome. :D:D:D


The Zygons are back?! :panic:
Not if it's going to be lame. The first few appearances by the Weeping Angels were truely disturbing and scary. Now the Statue of Liberty is playing peek a boo.

Scary is one of those things you do right or don't do at all.

Boy do I agree with you there. I see what you were saying now; that wi-fi is not very scary. :exactly:
I really liked 'The Bells of Saint John', for Claras real introduction episode it felt pretty much spot on. It did feel like the 'Idiot Lantern' as others have said in some ways, but unlike Bells I can't actually stand Lantern, or any other episode of Who Mark Gatiss has penned.

Looking forward to Tennant making a reappearance, while I think Smith is miles ahead of him in the role of The Doctor, I did enjoy most of 10's run.
Saw an interesting piece on SFX magazines website about the Zygons, as they are shape shifters, perhaps that's how they are bringing Tennant and Piper in, enemies in disguise.
I really liked 'The Bells of Saint John', for Claras real introduction episode it felt pretty much spot on. It did feel like the 'Idiot Lantern' as others have said in some ways, but unlike Bells I can't actually stand Lantern, or any other episode of Who Mark Gatiss has penned.

Looking forward to Tennant making a reappearance, while I think Smith is miles ahead of him in the role of The Doctor, I did enjoy most of 10's run.
Saw an interesting piece on SFX magazines website about the Zygons, as they are shape shifters, perhaps that's how they are bringing Tennant and Piper in, enemies in disguise.

A nice idea but it would be such a waste to have Rose actually be out there with 10.5 Doctor(be it an alternate universe yes) and not use them, they might even have there own Tardis if the "deleted scene" actually happened.
A nice idea but it would be such a waste to have Rose actually be out there with 10.5 Doctor(be it an alternate universe yes) and not use them, they might even have there own Tardis if the "deleted scene" actually happened.

I remember that scene, RTD said in the Confidential episodes he still likes to think it happened despite it not being aired.

To be honest i'm hopeful that it stays just a deleted idea, i prefer to think that there is just one Doctor, for all universes and Petes world got extinguished during the events of 'The Big Bang'
The Rings of Akhaten, like last week's episode, felt like another story plucked from the Doctor Who Random Plot Generator. The bright spot was Matt's monologue to the evil planet while it was trying to eat him. Awesome scene, right up there with the Pandorica speech.
I just am not as engaged with the first couple episodes as I usually am. There was a lot to like in this one. I though the alien setting was fun. I like Clara. I liked the Doctor's speech. It just left me slightly bored. And I wasn't sure what exactly the girl was doing by singing at the end? I know the Doctor played off of it, but what was she hoping to do? I also thought the face in the sun was a bit cheesy. I'd give it a 6/10 or so though.
I liked this episode, good to be off Earth for a change sometimes it feels like the 3rd Doctor again. I thought more could of been done with those 3 black masked creatures, very creepy compared to the the actual big bad.
Matts speech was fantastic, a ton of emotion he put into it.

Next week's episode from the small trailer looks a bit naff, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Mark Gatiss wrote episode, and this doesn't look to be the first.
Next week's episode from the small trailer looks a bit naff, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Mark Gatiss wrote episode, and this doesn't look to be the first.

Not even the Unquiet Dead? I thought he knocked it out of the park with that one. The rest have not been my favorites, though.
I think Gatiss gets an unfair bad rap. I like his stories and I think next weeks looks great! It has the actor who played Brutas in hbo's ROME too.
I just feel Gatiss writes 'filler' episodes,The Unquiet Dead was okay, but to be honest in my opinion most of 9's run was pretty poor and had it been placed in any other series bar 3 (which was pretty dull) it would of felt like another filler. Nice premises ruined by shoddy endings...

Thinking on it though, nothing can get worse than his Dalek episode where Spitfires gained space flight from blue prints to built in 3 minutes flat, so I may be pleasantly surprised by his take on the Ice Warriors.
OK. I guess I'm one of the only ones who liked the new episode. I agree the previous post that Matt Smith's monologue was the highlight. I truly thought with the Egyptian name in the episode and the pyramid, that we would have a return of the Osirins. For those of you not fans of the classic series, they were the main protagonists of the episode the Pyramids of Mars from 4th Doctor Tom Baker's awesome run. It involved Sutekh, from an alien race known as Osirins, who happens to be known and was worshipped in ancient Egypt as Set/Sutekh. It's on Netflix so check it out if you haven't already seen it or just to watch some good old Tom over again. I only thing I did not like about the episode was when the Doc and/or Clara was flying between the asteroids/planets, I could hear the Hawkman from Flash Gordon saying "Flying blind on a rocket cycle?". same scene. Again,for everyone who knows the movie, you'll get the reference.Lol. Anyway. Like it and like Clara. Seems to be much smarter and more gutsy than Amy and Rory combined. Yay. I like the Ponds but they're run was about 2 years longer than it should have been. Just my 2 cents. :lecture
I loved every single bit of this week's episode. Lightyears ahead of last week's drivel.

Man, I hope Murray Gold never leaves...
I really enjoyed the new alien races around the small city, the FX department did really well with the designs and i have seen it in reviews likened to the Star wars cantina but i felt it was more akin to Hellboy II in the underground market .

I wonder how many we will see again in future episodes? they must keep all the costumes in storage.