Do you ever think of suicide?

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Thank you Jen i love people that care, i'm ashamed now for even starting this topic but i felt/feel so desperate and it's late here. Thanks to everyone who cared. I just feel soooo bad right now. I'm a wreck.

Don't feel bad obviously want some help and maybe need a gentle push to get yourself some professional help. Suicide is not an answer at all. If you really feel that desperate please call those numbers Jen sent you right now. There is no shame in admitting that you are sad or depressed. By posting this thread you were seeking help or advice...many have provided you with that help. Please take them up on it. :hi5:
Back in 1993 my best friend decided he wanted to check out. We were one year out of high school and he was having a hard time moving on. One night he took an overdose of multiple pills. Luckly his brother found him and got him to the hospital. He spent a few months in treatment there. Fast forward to three years ago he got married to a wonderful woman and now has a great two year old boy. None of this would have happened if he had been successful that night. Seek help, life has many wonderful things to offer. Sometimes you just need some help to "see" that.
8Th Wonder,

Whatever it is that's troubling's not worth your life, bro.

Life is precious. Yours, mine, everyone's life has value.

We all go through tough times.

Whenever times get tough for me I like to recite to myself the following from Sir Andrew Barton...

'I am hurt but I am not slain. I'll lay me down and bleed awhile,
Then I'll rise and fight again.'

I don't care who it is you talk to...a professional, a family member, a friend...just talk to someone.
Stuff like THIS is the key:
(Mind the f-bombs)
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I edited your post because it contained a post that I had deleted for being in very bad taste.

Actually, i find the sheep that love crap like that F-You song you posted tend to have a greater chance at being depressed and having suicidal thoughts,sheltered types, hell pretty much everything on tv or the radio depresses me.Look at most metal fans for instance, you don't see them out robbing people or killing,extortion,being ignorant to others in public etc..this culture is not favored within society, yet most of this younger generation want to be some mouthy f'kin Eminem or Li'l Gayne and walk around all bow-legged with their pants down around their knees, and the sad thing is,the older generation are growing to accept this garbage and that is depressing.

The music i listen to is a escape, soothing to my ears, even if the lyrical content is suggesting something different to you on occasion..i know better not to think about self termination, where as most sheltered,rich,over worked people, or really poor people tend to think otherwise.

i think the best thing to do to reaquire a sound mind, do something that most other people are not, for a hobby i mean.

Archery, horseshoes, horseback riding, bowling,fishing,rowing something different.

Stay away from common people.
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nothing is ever that bad
no one on this board can help you, u need professional advice
^^Agreed, 100%, thats not said to be mean or harsh, but it's true and you NEED to let your family know how you're feeling. Depression (which I'm assuming is the cause of your feelings) is a brutal monster and can ruin you if left unchecked.

I'm not here to create a guilt-trip just to talk to people who may have felt the same thing (their life not leading to anything). Just a conversation because i'm pretty much socially isolated and this is the only forum i posted on from time to time. I understand your attitude but i doubt it's the nice thing to do.
Thing is, they're right.. I'm going to be honest. if you had information on here re: facebook or something I'd try to alert someone in your family because I wouldn't want someone else to go through what I went through early this year.
I don't know if you can view it.. but my brother had done exactly this.. he confided in users at Gamefaqs and hid it from everyone he knew in real life. One of his virtual "friends" came to me and alerted me to it but only AFTER the fact.
Needless to say, I had it out with the GF crowd over their being cheerleaders and not activists. None of them even discouraged him from doing it.

To answer the thread title, yes I do, but not my own.
That sounds very odd I know but let me explain.
Jan 10, this year, I got a call from my father who NEVER calls me. He asks me what I'm doing.
me: "Sitting at the computer while a game installs on my PS3, about to call Ryan as soon as it's done so we can play it together."
dad: "Your brother is dead."
At this point, I assume one of two things is going on. Either dad is pulling my leg "for the lulz" or my brother Sean (who is incredibly reckless and was recently diagnosed with diabetes) has killed himself in some horrific accident. Point is, I NEVER suspected that he meant Ryan.
me: "Well, thats not a huge shock.. how did he go?"
dad: (sounding annoyed) "Your brother Ryan.."
me: " WHAT?!... (I stood up out of my chair)WHAT?!
(I walked in to my work table and sat down) What the hell dad? What happened?"
He told me how my brother died and the reality set in. There had never been any indication that he was suicidal OR depressed. He didn't leave a note.

My advice is that you NEED to discuss this with someone in your family and let them know that this is a serious attempt to get help.
You may need some sort of medication to help you out.. you'd be surprised how much depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the body or brain. For my brother, it was his thyroid.
Actually, i find the sheep that love crap like that F-You song you posted tend to have a greater chance at being depressed and having suicidal thoughts,sheltered types, hell pretty much everything on tv or the radio depresses me.Look at most metal fans for instance, you don't see them out robbing people or killing,extortion,being ignorant to others in public etc..this culture is not favored within society, yet most of this younger generation want to be some mouthy f'kin Eminem or Li'l Gayne and walk around all bow-legged with their pants down around their knees, and the sad thing is,the older generation are growing to accept this garbage and that is depressing.

The music i listen to is a escape, soothing to my ears, even if the lyrical content is suggesting something different to you on occasion..i know better not to think about self termination.

Right. Mine is the depressing one. That's why your mopey song got deleted and my cute, upbeat one (which contains several curse words) didn't.

Maybe since I HAVE thought about self-termination I know a little better than you what a suicidal person should be listening to.
Whenever times get tough for me I like to recite to myself the following from Sir Andrew Barton...

'I am hurt but I am not slain. I'll lay me down and bleed awhile,
Then I'll rise and fight again.'

Thats an awesome quote.

This is one I use to help me feel a bit better when I'm down. 8th Wonder maybe it can help bring you some peace when you need it as you get the help you need. :)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
thats an awesome quote.

This is one i use to help me feel a bit better when i'm down. 8th wonder maybe it can help bring you some peace when you need it as you get the help you need. :)

god grant me the serenity
to accept the things i cannot change;
courage to change the things i can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as he did, this sinful world
as it is, not as i would have it;
trusting that he will make all things right
if i surrender to his will;
that i may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with him
forever in the next.

nooooooooo. Not this thread too.
nooooooooo. Not this thread too.

Not trying to bring anything into this thread. Was just giving a quote that helps me deal with things when I feel really down. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Mostly I just repeat the first part. Its a pretty long quote. :lol
Right. Mine is the depressing one. That's why your mopey song got deleted and my cute, upbeat one (which contains several curse words) didn't.

Maybe since I HAVE thought about self-termination I know a little better than you what a suicidal person should be listening to. to ignore Valfar. He's so much more superior than us with his heavy metal music.

Well 8th Wonder hasn't posted in awhile - I hope he is seeking some help.
Thats an awesome quote.

This is one I use to help me feel a bit better when I'm down. 8th Wonder maybe it can help bring you some peace when you need it as you get the help you need. :)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

That's the AA prayer, at least the first part. I've had to mumble through it quite a few times when going with my wife to various meetings over the last few months.
8th Wonder, I hope you take Jens & Clouds advice to get the help you need. Suicide & giving up should never be an option. You may think you are lonely now. However, you have loved ones and a community here on this forum that do care about you a great deal. Especially when it comes to your well being.

Life throws curveballs from time to time. I think everybody here can attest to issues that arise (out of nowhere) at some point of their lives. Whatever it is that you are going through cannot be worth your own life. Value it, cherish it, embrace it. It's all you have right now. Life is a gift. Think of people that have less than what you have and are going through worse situations that would trade shoes with you in a heartbeat.

Do yourself a favor. Please seek help if suicide is something that you've been thinking long and hard about. Suicide is never an answer for anything...
Actually, i find the sheep that love crap like that F-You song you posted tend to have a greater chance at being depressed and having suicidal thoughts,sheltered types, hell pretty much everything on tv or the radio depresses me.Look at most metal fans for instance, you don't see them out robbing people or killing,extortion,being ignorant to others in public etc..this culture is not favored within society, yet most of this younger generation want to be some mouthy f'kin Eminem or Li'l Gayne and walk around all bow-legged with their pants down around their knees, and the sad thing is,the older generation are growing to accept this garbage and that is depressing.

The music i listen to is a escape, soothing to my ears, even if the lyrical content is suggesting something different to you on occasion..i know better not to think about self termination, where as most sheltered,rich,over worked people, or really poor people tend to think otherwise.

i think the best thing to do to reaquire a sound mind, do something that most other people are not, for a hobby i mean.

Archery, horseshoes, horseback riding, bowling,fishing,rowing something different.

Stay away from common people.

Nice edit.

You don't have to be sheltered, rich, overworked, or really poor to feel the urge to want to die. The cause is as much mental as it is social. I'm not sheltered, rich, overworked, OR really poor. I'm just bipolar and no amount of archery or horseback riding can cure a mental illness.
That's the AA prayer, at least the first part. I've had to mumble through it quite a few times when going with my wife to various meetings over the last few months.

Really? I did not know that. Well, I hope all is well Flosi. :duff

That's a beautiful quote, Josh. :clap :)

Thanks man! My mom gave me a card with that on it a little over a year ago when this bit of a rough patch for me started. It helps make me smile. to ignore Valfar. He's so much more superior than us with his heavy metal music.

Well 8th Wonder hasn't posted in awhile - I hope he is seeking some help.
Good point. He's on his pedestal looking down on us "sheep". No reaching him.

I hope he either is getting help or just went to bed for the night and is sleeping soundly knowing there are people who care.
Really? I did not know that. Well, I hope all is well Flosi. :duff

Thanks man! My mom gave me a card with that on it a little over a year ago when this bit of a rough patch for me started. It helps make me smile.

She's doing great Josh. Thanks for asking. :D Pain killers are highly addictive. It had her before she even knew what happened.
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