Big Chief Studios BBC Sherlock

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We have been very good with customer service and we of course want to get better. But one thing I wont stand for is bullies with nothing better to do. These people are big enough to dish it out but when they get it back it comes we are the bad guys? I think its a little unfair.

Of course I can understand how negative comments must make you feel, particularly with all the drama that has been going down of late, but you just can not afford to take it personally. I am not going to engage in a discussion of whether there was any bullying involved in this but, as a provider, you just have to rise above, no matter what is said. An almost superhuman feat, I know, but it has to be done. Bad mouthing a potential customer in public, let alone to their faces, is going to come back and bite you in the arse.

And I know you are an artist and not a diplomat, which involves a wholely different skill set, but this sort of business does require diplomacy. I wonder whether the larger companies deliberately don't engage directly with threads like these as otherwise it would turn out badly. We do appreciate direct updates and news from you guys, so I hope we continue to get them, but it might be an idea to step back when it starts getting snarky and, being the internet, it always will.
I'll just add in a short $0.02 and say that if you're so picky about paint, become a painter. I think they're fine as-is. This isn't Hot Toys, who's made a deal with the Devil to get their ops as perfect as they have. No other company, even huge ones, has touched their ops (MAYBE Enterbay, but they're not exactly reliable). Depending on what I get in the mail, I'll just repaint 'em. Simple as that. If you can't afford it, then don't buy them. Vote with your wallet.
Yes I'm the painter!!! Do I have a bad attitude about my paint work? No. But this will sound like a bad attitude indeed. Do I think my paint jobs could be better and improve of course I do. But one thing you have to understand which you never do, might I add. You my friend are a collector you have no idea about how much things cost or how things are made. In fact why don't you tell me how you think we make these. How long these things take, factory cost. Because you always seem to know all the answers. Another thing may I add is have you seen these in hand? No. Have you seen all the finished prototype images no. So therefore how on earth do you know so much? But one thing I'll say to you is if you don't like it that's fair enough but why are you the type of person to type a personal review or attack when ever you see fit? If I don't like something I move on. Why is the a constant need for your opinion to be heard?

Funnily enough, although I didn't know you were the painter I did wonder if it was you; and I did have you in mind when I made the comment because in the past I think you have had a bad attitude about your work being criticised. Which, unfortunately, you just proved with your response. That's you, not BC - never had any complaints about Big Chief.

Now that's out of the way, what on earth are you talking about? As many people here can testify I've been an absolute cheerleader for BC since the beginning. I loved the paint job on 11 - although sadly some factory problems meant there were a few heads with too much grey wash - and I loved the sculpt on this. However, from the images I've seen - and I can only go by those - I don't think the paint job is as good as it could be. I don't know why that is, and of course, I could be wrong; and of course, I may change my view completely when I see more shots or get the product in hand.

You say 'why is there a constant need for your opinion to be heard'. Um, it's a forum. In fact, when there was a round of 11/Amy bashing a few weeks ago I was so bored by it that I decided not even to comment (Daron had already said everything I wanted to say in your support).

As for price, I have accepted BC's arguments on price and I have admitted to my own ignorance in comparison with a professional like you. But that doesn't mean, as a consumer, that I'm not entitled to an opinion. Sure, what you are charging is fair, but is also a lot of money - and for that I want a paint job which is great out of the box. And yet, I'll still be buying this because I love Sherlock, the figure is more or less good enough, the paint job is okay if not good enough for the price; and because I like to support BC with my money.

Look back at my posts. Aside from Daron I'm sure no one here has expressed as much support, pleasure, appreciation for BC's output as me. I'm no hater, nor am I an uncritical cheerleader, nor do I give a **** what anyone else thinks.

Bottom line - from what we've seen the paint job could be better. Make it better, and I'll be on here praising it; show new photos in which the current paint job looks better and I'll happily tuck into a large dish of crow. But until then I can only go by what I've seen and you know what I think of that - okay, but not brilliant.
I'll just add in a short $0.02 and say that if you're so picky about paint, become a painter. I think they're fine as-is. This isn't Hot Toys, who's made a deal with the Devil to get their ops as perfect as they have. No other company, even huge ones, has touched their ops (MAYBE Enterbay, but they're not exactly reliable). Depending on what I get in the mail, I'll just repaint 'em. Simple as that. If you can't afford it, then don't buy them. Vote with your wallet.

I don't see why something this expensive should need a repaint. Not arguing with the price - just saying that for that price the paint apps need to be better. Maybe the factory artists will do a better job than Greggo.
Now, that is interesting. I don't remember seeing it with more than one button hole. In fact, when I was investigating this to get one custom made for me, I remember reading that the Beeb put in THE red button hole as a custom addition. The same button hole (the second) that is showing black on the picture I posted is coloured red in your picture. And they all seem to be a different colour of red. Brighter. A different coat but, OK, screen accurate, then. I wonder if that was second series? I will have to watch the DVDs again. Any excuse.

I'd like to see the back of the coat to see how well they have done the skirting. If the fabric is too thick, that will really show up there.

Yes, they certainly have been but, as has been noted above, they seem to letting their (understandable) frustrations show in some of their responses to the (understandable) frustrations of their customers on FB. Time to take a deep breath before posting, boys.

All of the buttons are redlined. I have read everything I could about that coat and even tracked one down only to be screwed over at the last minute. A company, Celestial ToyStore, makes the coats that are used for the show now. They took an original Belstaff Milford, took it apart, and reconstructed it in order to perfectly replicate the coat. You can buy one from for 750 pounds. The original Belstaff also has a mink collar that Sherlock wears on occasion during the series. It's a beautiful coat, and I wish Belstaff still made it. In short, Big Chief got it correct but I don't see the coat being a perfect 1/6th replica of the Belstaff. However, I don't feel that it's even possible in this scale.
All of the buttons are redlined. I have read everything I could about that coat and even tracked one down only to be screwed over at the last minute. A company, Celestial ToyStore, makes the coats that are used for the show now. They took an original Belstaff Milford, took it apart, and reconstructed it in order to perfectly replicate the coat. You can buy one from for 750 pounds. The original Belstaff also has a mink collar that Sherlock wears on occasion during the series. It's a beautiful coat, and I wish Belstaff still made it. In short, Big Chief got it correct but I don't see the coat being a perfect 1/6th replica of the Belstaff. However, I don't feel that it's even possible in this scale.

The tailoring on Sherlock looks great especially considering how much he has to wear - a coat over a suit.
I do not have a bad attitude at all about getting criticised we sit here going though changes and what looks better all the time. You can ask most of my customers I never have a problem at all. Benedict approved his paint job straight away and so did Martin so no problems with them on that. So thats something else your wrong on. You want my honest opinion I don't have a great attitude towards you because if someone has a problem with me I wont take very warmly to them or most the time just ignore them. But I wont stand for something like what you said. I know for a fact you wouldnt even.
But then again if I don't like something I move on and dont comment. Also I would like to know where I have had a bad attitude towards my work???? Also Daron who I have met, I'm sure he can say what kind of person I am and how I work. He has been brilliant and I see him getting attacked here all the time for speaking his mind, just because he likes something. Which is unfair I also remember a certain thread being shut down due to things like this.

Funnily enough, although I didn't know you were the painter I did wonder if it was you; and I did have you in mind when I made the comment because in the past I think you have had a bad attitude about your work being criticised. Which, unfortunately, you just proved with your response. That's you, not BC - never had any complaints about Big Chief.

Now that's out of the way, what on earth are you talking about? As many people here can testify I've been an absolute cheerleader for BC since the beginning. I loved the paint job on 11 - although sadly some factory problems meant there were a few heads with too much grey wash - and I loved the sculpt on this. However, from the images I've seen - and I can only go by those - I don't think the paint job is as good as it could be. I don't know why that is, and of course, I could be wrong; and of course, I may change my view completely when I see more shots or get the product in hand.

You say 'why is there a constant need for your opinion to be heard'. Um, it's a forum. In fact, when there was a round of 11/Amy bashing a few weeks ago I was so bored by it that I decided not even to comment (Daron had already said everything I wanted to say in your support).

As for price, I have accepted BC's arguments on price and I have admitted to my own ignorance in comparison with a professional like you. But that doesn't mean, as a consumer, that I'm not entitled to an opinion. Sure, what you are charging is fair, but is also a lot of money - and for that I want a paint job which is great out of the box. And yet, I'll still be buying this because I love Sherlock, the figure is more or less good enough, the paint job is okay if not good enough for the price; and because I like to support BC with my money.

Look back at my posts. Aside from Daron I'm sure no one here has expressed as much support, pleasure, appreciation for BC's output as me. I'm no hater, nor am I an uncritical cheerleader, nor do I give a **** what anyone else thinks.

Bottom line - from what we've seen the paint job could be better. Make it better, and I'll be on here praising it; show new photos in which the current paint job looks better and I'll happily tuck into a large dish of crow. But until then I can only go by what I've seen and you know what I think of that - okay, but not brilliant.
I don't see why something this expensive should need a repaint. Not arguing with the price - just saying that for that price the paint apps need to be better. Maybe the factory artists will do a better job than Greggo.

There you go again. I tell you what Please feel free to come to the office and you can have a job because clearly you can see something that we can't.
Come on folks, let's not get this thread locked too. It's an active thread for a figure whose PO goes live in about a week's time.

Let's just take a step back and let calm heads resume.
The tailoring on Sherlock looks great especially considering how much he has to wear - a coat over a suit.

I am not criticising the tailoring. I can't tell much from what I have seen. I am just saying that the details of the coat are very very difficult to create in this scale and most cosplay manufacturers don't get it right in full scale, ie the color and pattern of the wool, the leather looking buttons, etc. I was mearly pointing out that the red in on every buttonhole as the costuming department put that little detail in, which looks like you did. Please don't get defensive about this. I am buying the figure, just as I have bought almost all of Big Chief's other figures (lone exception Amy Pond). I have been very very happy with Big Chief in the past. My Matt Smith had some red paint on this chin, and Big Chielf dispatched a replacement without even getting the old head back first. In my many years of collecting, I have never had a company do this. Hot Toys just tells it's customers to suck it, so I have to buy them through good companies like Sideshow, so I know that if I have a problem, I can get it fixed without hassle. I dealt with Big Chief directly in that matter, and it was remedied within a week. Exceptional customer service there.
I do not have a bad attitude at all about getting criticised we sit here going though changes and what looks better all the time. You can ask most of my customers I never have a problem at all. Benedict approved his paint job straight away and so did Martin so no problems with them on that. So thats something else your wrong on. You want my honest opinion I don't have a great attitude towards you because if someone has a problem with me I wont take very warmly to them or most the time just ignore them. But I wont stand for something like what you said. I know for a fact you wouldnt even.
But then again if I don't like something I move on and dont comment. Also I would like to know where I have had a bad attitude towards my work???? Also Daron who I have met, I'm sure he can say what kind of person I am and how I work. He has been brilliant and I see him getting attacked here all the time for speaking his mind, just because he likes something. Which is unfair I also remember a certain thread being shut down due to things like this.

Okay, let's be constructive. My comment that you have a bad attitude was based on your response to criticism here. If you feel that I have unfairly slurred you, then I'm sorry you feel that way - but I can't apologise for the comment until you show me it isn't true.

I've seen your other work so I know it can be great, but for whatever reason I'm not getting that sense from the paint jobs you've done for Sherlock and Watson, based on what we've seen. And, well, even great painters and sculptors can have off days. I know we'll see more shots when the preorders go up but what I'd really love is to see some head shots taken in good natural light - headshots as good as the ones you post on your blog - so we can see exactly what we'll be buying, and maybe I'll be proven wrong. There is something waxy and lifeless about these paint jobs for me, based on what I've seen, but if I see some great photos I'll happily eat my words. Or maybe I still won't be happy, but everyone else will be.

One things for sure, I want to like your work, so if I like it I will always say so.
I am not criticising the tailoring. I can't tell much from what I have seen. I am just saying that the details of the coat are very very difficult to create in this scale and most cosplay manufacturers don't get it right in full scale, ie the color and pattern of the wool, the leather looking buttons, etc. I was mearly pointing out that the red in on every buttonhole as the costuming department put that little detail in, which looks like you did. Please don't get defensive about this. I am buying the figure, just as I have bought almost all of Big Chief's other figures (lone exception Amy Pond). I have been very very happy with Big Chief in the past. My Matt Smith had some red paint on this chin, and Big Chielf dispatched a replacement without even getting the old head back first. In my many years of collecting, I have never had a company do this. Hot Toys just tells it's customers to suck it, so I have to buy them through good companies like Sideshow, so I know that if I have a problem, I can get it fixed without hassle. I dealt with Big Chief directly in that matter, and it was remedied within a week. Exceptional customer service there.

I certainly wasn't being defensive, I agree with you 100% and especially with what you say about their customer service - it's excellent.
Thanks! I hope they take a while to hit (a year or two) since that'd be the only way i'd be able to afford them.

Well, and I'm making a few assumptions here so I could easily be totally wrong...the BC FB page says that it will be about minimum 8 months or so, so if you add in unexpected delays (like recent bad weather and the like, etc) that no one can predict...I think that a year is fair guess work.

I don't have a problem with that at all. It helps us to block out (the trauma of....?) our finances over the next year or so. I am really happy at the moment, two figures from BCS, to Sig Eds POed and two - will try for a Sig Ed matched pair of Sherlock/Watson, but different numbers would suit - coming up for PO. It's all good.
I'm so excited about Sherlock's figure, I totally agree that the paint could be better for the price, but I'll give BC a chance, honestly, I can't wait for it!
I certainly wasn't being defensive, I agree with you 100% and especially with what you say about their customer service - it's excellent.

Then my bad Cap. I apologize. It's hard to tell through type-face. I can't wait for their release. I would love to get the signatures but I am afraid it's just more than I am willing to spend, which is a shame cause I really wanted them. I just have too many other things to spend my money that makes the extra expense just superfluous.
Then my bad Cap. I apologize. It's hard to tell through type-face. I can't wait for their release. I would love to get the signatures but I am afraid it's just more than I am willing to spend, which is a shame cause I really wanted them. I just have too many other things to spend my money that makes the extra expense just superfluous.

No worries mate. I totally sympathise about the money, the only reason I will even consider getting Sherlock is that full payment probably wouldn't have to be made until this time next year at the earliest.
I love how you're all basing it on a few pictures. The initial pictures were washed out phone pictures. The latest, that were in the e-mail, aren't exactly large enough to see properly.


I don't see anything "wrong" with either's paint. It'll be easier to judge it properly when there isn't light shining on it.