Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #11 Matt Smith in Series 7 costume

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I popped the original 11 sculpt back on the space suit to create a fuller set of figures.



Nice setup!
Thanks guys. I think I need a bigger shelf!

I redressed 12 into a more appropriate costume.

I've had a lit of fun with this set playing around with different combos, and I think I've taken more pictures with it than any of the others. And I took a lot if the 1st Doctor. I think it's down to the 12 to be honest. He quickly became my favorite of the new Doctors, and the on screen chemistry between Capaldi and Coleman is the best we've seen ( I know that's down to personal taste ), so yeah, this is a great t, and I now look forward to the release of the 12th in his on screen costume.
Thanks guys. I think I need a bigger shelf!

I redressed 12 into a more appropriate costume.

I've had a lit of fun with this set playing around with different combos, and I think I've taken more pictures with it than any of the others. And I took a lot if the 1st Doctor. I think it's down to the 12 to be honest. He quickly became my favorite of the new Doctors, and the on screen chemistry between Capaldi and Coleman is the best we've seen ( I know that's down to personal taste ), so yeah, this is a great t, and I now look forward to the release of the 12th in his on screen costume.

For me he's the most perfect piece of casting in the role since the mighty tom:)
Yup. Awesome casting and Mr Capaldi just oozes Doctorness....
Back to my shelving proble,. A little bit of reordering the Bats figures, and..

Yup. Awesome casting and Mr Capaldi just oozes Doctorness....
Back to my shelving proble,. A little bit of reordering the Bats figures, and..

:exactly: Yeah I really like him as the Doctor as well! :rock Can't wait to get the BCS figure of him.

Great pics btw!! :clap
I'm still trying to decide what to do with the Capaldi head, hoping that somehow the next season could redeem the mistakes of the last one and save his version of the doctor. Don't misunderstand me: I believe that it wasn't his fault (I blame Moffat and his team) and the guy did a decent job with the material he was given, but after all he was the titular doctor when the series stopped being Doctor Who and became "The incredible boring sentimental life of Clara Oswald and her dull boyfried" :pow
I'm 100 percent behind you with you Clara/dull boyfriend thing. They so need to drop that like a hot potatoe. I like Clara and the chemistry between her and Capaldi. Bring in Mr dullsville and you have needless drivel that belongs in Eastenders . It is possible that Mof man secretly wants to be lead writer for that aweful show. No offense to anyone that likes it, but whilst visiting my parents earlier this month, I had to endure it every other day!!
All that said, Mr Capaldi held his own and was totally captivating as the definitive Who. I've said on Who forums for the past couple of years that Moffat needs to go. It's not that Moffat can't do a good job, it's that he can't do a consistently good job. In this current season, he was damned lucky to have a brilliant lead man distracting us from some of the drivel.
I'm 100 percent behind you with you Clara/dull boyfriend thing. They so need to drop that like a hot potatoe. I like Clara and the chemistry between her and Capaldi. Bring in Mr dullsville and you have needless drivel that belongs in Eastenders . It is possible that Mof man secretly wants to be lead writer for that aweful show. No offense to anyone that likes it, but whilst visiting my parents earlier this month, I had to endure it every other day!!
All that said, Mr Capaldi held his own and was totally captivating as the definitive Who. I've said on Who forums for the past couple of years that Moffat needs to go. It's not that Moffat can't do a good job, it's that he can't do a consistently good job. In this current season, he was damned lucky to have a brilliant lead man distracting us from some of the drivel.

I agree about Moffat, but I'm afraid I'm not a Capaldi fan. It's not that he's too old (though he is) he's just not charismatic enough.

Wonderful display btw DVD1!
I'm 100 percent behind you with you Clara/dull boyfriend thing. They so need to drop that like a hot potatoe. I like Clara and the chemistry between her and Capaldi. Bring in Mr dullsville and you have needless drivel that belongs in Eastenders . It is possible that Mof man secretly wants to be lead writer for that aweful show. No offense to anyone that likes it, but whilst visiting my parents earlier this month, I had to endure it every other day!!
All that said, Mr Capaldi held his own and was totally captivating as the definitive Who. I've said on Who forums for the past couple of years that Moffat needs to go. It's not that Moffat can't do a good job, it's that he can't do a consistently good job. In this current season, he was damned lucky to have a brilliant lead man distracting us from some of the drivel.

Yeah, Moffat needs to go. He did some nice one-off stories in the past, but as a producer, he's pretty awful.
Honestly man, you sound way too nice, here at least ....
BCS get waaaaaay more slack than any other company all based on that they are apparently 'nice guys' and that 'well at least they are doing BBC licenses!'
Both those reasons are bu***hit IMO.

You may well be right. And cheers.

I really do try to always give the benefit of the doubt, but let's just say sometimes that isn't as easy as it may seem on the surface...


And once more unto the breach...
Well, I've never had any issues with Big Chief, order wise or on social media, if thats what you're referring to but I've had shipping issues with this figure so I think it is a problem on their end and not anything personal. Mine said it was shipped but no tracking number was given. I waited a week and nothing arrived so I emailed them and they got back to me in a few days and shipped my figure which arrived yesterday but Handles wasn't included and there wasn't any damage to the plastic bag so it was likely just forgotten and not lost in transit. Another email sent and they're going to send a replacement so know that it isn't just you who has had problems, though their support has been helpful for me at least.

Well given the fact that I just received an email that confirms that they have deliberately held on to my 11th Doctor figure, something I paid for, in advance, and in good faith, these past few weeks, and that they won't actually send it to me until after I send them confirmation that I have gone out of my way to fix a problem that is entirely, 100%, completely of their own making, and of which I was just the unlucky son-of-a-***** to get caught in the middle of, I have to say I have really big damn problems with them and how they behave as a company and treat loyal customers at this point. Or at least how they have treated me, anyhow.

After the latest email that I received, I am so beyond angry right now. Every time I go out of my way to try and give them the benefit of the doubt, and play nice, they come right back and kick me even harder. It's crazy. And utterly illogical, when this started by my trying to do them a favour here, not the other way around. But more than two months solid of this crap, now. All from me trying to help them (nothing in this is to my benefit in any way, far from it by this point), because they mistakenly, and completely unsolicited, sent me a Weeping Angel statue that I didn't order. I immediately informed them of their mistake, of which they were unaware of entirely, and offered to assist in the return of said item (after they tried to sell it to me first, at full retail price!). With my only, I believe entirely reasonable, caveat being that I won't go out of pocket to pay to send it back on my own dime (international shipping on one of these statues isn't cheap, after all. Plus, again, not my error to begin with, so fixing it shouldn't be expected to cost me anything, beyond a bit of time and maybe some petrol and leg work). Anything else, though, I was open to. What I very much wasn't expecting is two months of utter frustration, as they attempted to negotiate a return that was the most beneficial to their own needs, while actually achieving exactly nothing. And meanwhile the damn thing is still sitting here packed, and waiting to go back.

And now their latest illogical choice is to try to leverage stuff that I have paid for in order to force me to do what they want in the way that they want me to on an issue that wasn't even remotely my problem or in any way my mistake or responsibility to begin with, but which I had still been trying to help them rectify, all the same.

You would think that my bringing their error to their attention to begin with, and offering to help rectify it (in any way short of me paying out of my own pocket to send it back), in combination with the fact that I have purchased every single Who release in the line thus far (apart from Amy Pond), amounting to almost two thousand pounds so far (minus shipping!) might buy me a sliver of appreciation somewhere down the line, but instead all it has gotten me is constant misery and frustration, through countless emails to no noticeable effect. And now, something I paid for is intentionally being held hostage in order to be used as leverage against me, despite the fact that at every point I have told them that I was willing to assist them in this issue, and it is their own unreasonable expectations of what I should myself do in order to fix their mistake for them that has drawn this out for so damn long to begin with. The craziest part, their latest suggestion on how to return the item would have been, finally, acceptable, had it been presented as a simple polite request, rather than telling me that I only get what I have already paid for after I do what they want and go out of my way to fix their mistake for them in the way that they suggest I do so, first. And only after I provide them proof that I have fixed their mistake for them, will they then send me the item that I have already long since paid for! I'll take a fair bit, but that pushed past even my limits.

Without a doubt, in all my years of collecting, this is the worst, most illogical, unnecessary, and frustrating experience I have ever had with any company. And again, all borne out of their mistake, that I informed them about to begin with, and had no part in originally creating. They seem to have forgotten that it is not my job, as a customer, to fix their mistakes for them. And yet because I pride myself on my honesty, and on trying to help others whenever I can, I was still perfectly willing to not only inform them of their error, but also assist them in solving it, within fair reason. But, quite rightly, I'm also not going to risk taking a financial hit for the privilege of doing so. And such a thing should never be expected, to my mind.

The whole thing just truly beggars belief. I already have enough stress in my life, without this sort of needlessly frustrating ridiculousness. Collecting is supposed to be fun, and is my single vice escape from working full time and acting as a permanent carer, but this ordeal, and the additional stress it has created, has largely poisoned that escape during these past couple of months. So at this point I am done playing nice and staying quiet about it, because it has gotten me nowhere, and refusing to send something that I have paid for is truly the last damn straw.

I still love the products that they make. But their idea of 'customer service' God.
Got my figure last week, really happy with it. :) Only one of my heads had an extremely bad paintjob, the lower half of his face almost black. Returned it, hopefully I'll get a replacement.
Well given the fact that I just received an email that confirms that they have deliberately held on to my 11th Doctor figure, something I paid for, in advance, and in good faith, these past few weeks, and that they won't actually send it to me until after I send them confirmation that I have gone out of my way to fix a problem that is entirely, 100%, completely of their own making, and of which I was just the unlucky son-of-a-***** to get caught in the middle of, I have to say I have really big damn problems with them and how they behave as a company and treat loyal customers at this point. Or at least how they have treated me, anyhow.

After the latest email that I received, I am so beyond angry right now. Every time I go out of my way to try and give them the benefit of the doubt, and play nice, they come right back and kick me even harder. It's crazy. And utterly illogical, when this started by my trying to do them a favour here, not the other way around. But more than two months solid of this crap, now. All from me trying to help them (nothing in this is to my benefit in any way, far from it by this point), because they mistakenly, and completely unsolicited, sent me a Weeping Angel statue that I didn't order. I immediately informed them of their mistake, of which they were unaware of entirely, and offered to assist in the return of said item (after they tried to sell it to me first, at full retail price!). With my only, I believe entirely reasonable, caveat being that I won't go out of pocket to pay to send it back on my own dime (international shipping on one of these statues isn't cheap, after all. Plus, again, not my error to begin with, so fixing it shouldn't be expected to cost me anything, beyond a bit of time and maybe some petrol and leg work). Anything else, though, I was open to. What I very much wasn't expecting is two months of utter frustration, as they attempted to negotiate a return that was the most beneficial to their own needs, while actually achieving exactly nothing. And meanwhile the damn thing is still sitting here packed, and waiting to go back.

And now their latest illogical choice is to try to leverage stuff that I have paid for in order to force me to do what they want in the way that they want me to on an issue that wasn't even remotely my problem or in any way my mistake or responsibility to begin with, but which I had still been trying to help them rectify, all the same.

You would think that my bringing their error to their attention to begin with, and offering to help rectify it (in any way short of me paying out of my own pocket to send it back), in combination with the fact that I have purchased every single Who release in the line thus far (apart from Amy Pond), amounting to almost two thousand pounds so far (minus shipping!) might buy me a sliver of appreciation somewhere down the line, but instead all it has gotten me is constant misery and frustration, through countless emails to no noticeable effect. And now, something I paid for is intentionally being held hostage in order to be used as leverage against me, despite the fact that at every point I have told them that I was willing to assist them in this issue, and it is their own unreasonable expectations of what I should myself do in order to fix their mistake for them that has drawn this out for so damn long to begin with. The craziest part, their latest suggestion on how to return the item would have been, finally, acceptable, had it been presented as a simple polite request, rather than telling me that I only get what I have already paid for after I do what they want and go out of my way to fix their mistake for them in the way that they suggest I do so, first. And only after I provide them proof that I have fixed their mistake for them, will they then send me the item that I have already long since paid for! I'll take a fair bit, but that pushed past even my limits.

Without a doubt, in all my years of collecting, this is the worst, most illogical, unnecessary, and frustrating experience I have ever had with any company. And again, all borne out of their mistake, that I informed them about to begin with, and had no part in originally creating. They seem to have forgotten that it is not my job, as a customer, to fix their mistakes for them. And yet because I pride myself on my honesty, and on trying to help others whenever I can, I was still perfectly willing to not only inform them of their error, but also assist them in solving it, within fair reason. But, quite rightly, I'm also not going to risk taking a financial hit for the privilege of doing so. And such a thing should never be expected, to my mind.

The whole thing just truly beggars belief. I already have enough stress in my life, without this sort of needlessly frustrating ridiculousness. Collecting is supposed to be fun, and is my single vice escape from working full time and acting as a permanent carer, but this ordeal, and the additional stress it has created, has largely poisoned that escape during these past couple of months. So at this point I am done playing nice and staying quiet about it, because it has gotten me nowhere, and refusing to send something that I have paid for is truly the last damn straw.

I still love the products that they make. But their idea of 'customer service' God.

I rarely post, but I still lurk, and I feel compelled to delurk just long enough to say that that is truly abominable. Especially when one takes into account that the problem at the heart of this is clearly and fully one of Big Chief's own making, and as such is ultimately on them to accept responsibility for, and to find a solution to. Nobody else. That you were willing to help in any way should have been something they were grateful for, not expectant of, and it certainly shouldn't have cost you anything, nor should you have ever been penalized in any way by them at any point, for any reason. Holding back your purchase is simply unconscionable.

Reading that I just can't stop shaking my head that any company would ever think such behaviour was ever acceptable in any way, or under any circumstances. Let alone the ones you describe. I truly feel sorry for you, Ex-Parrot. Talk about sucking the fun out of the hobby. But for the first time I'm kind of glad in a way that I had to drop out of collecting these a while back, now, as if something like this had ever happened to me, I wouldn't have been nearly as patient or even tempered about it.

I hope they comes to their senses and make this right for you. And soon.
love the 12th doc sculpt, so good. anxious to get the 12th fig. did not PO but will buy moment i see instock anywhere. tempted to get this 11 but happy with my first ver so will continue to try and resist new ver. save that loot for 12 and 9.

wow, what a nightmare! sucks, sorry Ex-Parrot. that is just.. yeah wow. shocked. :slap i do agree its on them the price of return shipping for that angel you didnt order(that is not unreasonable at all IMO) and absolutely horrified to hear they are refusing to send your 11th doc over this or even hinting at that in any way. whoahhhh wow.. wtf. hopefully this will end well for all involved.