Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Report indicates Harley Quinn story-based DLC and Robin gameplay is coming ...

Says that a list of trophies obtained lists 10 new "Harley Quinn DLC" trophies. The content of the trophies sounds more like story than challenge maps (clearing dry docks, diffusing bombs, zip kicking thugs). One trophy also references using five different Robin quick gadgets in the course of the Quinn DLC -- which may mean Robin free roam gameplay.

^ Yeah, read this news earlier today - very awesome indeed, especially considering I wasn't convinced more DLC was on the way. Hopefully it will be story based DLC rather than challenges. It certainly does give the impression of being story driven judging by the reports.
Interesting as they now lowered the price to $29.99 . . .

Don't bludgeon me because I haven't jumped on board to buy the game. With that, I want to know what the chances are that they plan to release a GOTY version with ALL these DLCs in one so that I don't have to worry about which version and vendor I should get this from. I only say this because I was pissed they came out with a GOTY version after I had bought Arkham Asylum.
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New Batman: Arkham City DLC Incoming?

The 10 Trophies for the alleged "Harley Quinn DLC" are as follows:

Lost Property
No crimefighter should be without this
Breaking and Entering
Find a way into the secret base
How's It Hanging?
Clean up the Dry Docks
The Last Laugh
The joke's on who?
Frequent Flyer
Zip Kick 3 different thugs
Battering Ram
Shield Bash 5 different thugs
Snap To It
Snap Flash an unarmed thug, an armed thug, an environmental object and a Titan
Bomb Squad
Defuse all bombs in 3 minutes or less
A Few New Tricks
Use 5 different Quickfire gadgets in one fight as Robin in Harley Quinn's Revenge
Party's Over
Destroy all Harley Balloons
Hopefully they release a fix for the save file glitch before they release this new DLC.

And hopefully the new DLC is quite lengthy and has new areas. It'd be very easy for this to be lazily done, and just add Robin to the main game and go through the Steel Mill with him to find Harley and then have a boss fight with one of the one-armed twins.
More DLC is coming?? YESSS! And if we get Robin free-roaming I would die. That would be awesome. I'd love Nightwing, too, but not sure that one would happen. But who knows!
I think if we're getting Robin in free roam, Nightwing will be the star of the DLC later.

Though it's a bit of a rip off having to pay twice to get the characters in challenge mode and story....hopefully this new DLC won't cost too much, that'd compensate for it a bit.
May sound like a dumb question but I have the DL content for Robin and Nightwing and cant figure out where I go to play the content on the game??? Again stupid question I know... But Im new to Playstation 3 DL content...
Don't bludgeon me because I haven't jumped on board to buy the game. With that, I want to know what the chances are that they plan to release a GOTY version with ALL these DLCs in one so that I don't have to worry about which version and vendor I should get this from. I only say this because I was pissed they came out with a GOTY version after I had bought Arkham Asylum.

I'm hoping that version shows up soon. I'll double buy and play a 2nd time though.
For HottoyzJoker

May sound like a dumb question but I have the DL content for Robin and Nightwing and cant figure out where I go to play the content on the game??? Again stupid question I know... But Im new to Playstation 3 DL content...

Bro, you can play as Robin and Nightwing in the Challenge Maps mode. That's also where you can play the different Batman versions/skins. :wave

By downloading the Robin DLC, you now have access to two (2) exclusive challenge maps: "Black Mask Hideout" and "Freight Train Escape".

The Nightwing DLC gives you two (2) additional challenge maps: "Wayne Manor" and "Main Hall".
Report indicates Harley Quinn story-based DLC and Robin gameplay is coming ...

Says that a list of trophies obtained lists 10 new "Harley Quinn DLC" trophies. The content of the trophies sounds more like story than challenge maps (clearing dry docks, diffusing bombs, zip kicking thugs). One trophy also references using five different Robin quick gadgets in the course of the Quinn DLC -- which may mean Robin free roam gameplay.


Robin free-roaming in Arkham City FTW!!! I hope Nightwing gets to be playable in normal mode next!!! :rock
hello, I have question...

arkham city statue comes in collector edition for PS3 and XBox, right?
well, is there PC version for this collector edition? I really really want to get the statue
and yet, I still can't find PC version anywhere >.<
Further confirmation of Harley Quinn DLC?

From the Arkham City Facebook:

Something else interesting, in the game on top of the Sionis Steel Mill, near where the main chimney is on the roof outside, there is that Harley bobble head, like the ones inside with the speaker that you have to destory for the challenges. Its set up near this one of a kind sign that says something about Joker Pyshic Readings or something, it also looks like it's hooked up to a shotgun thats pointing out twoards the person who'd be listening to it.

For a while people have been trying to figure out it's purpose as its the only Harley Head you can't destroy, seems likely it will be somehow used or related to this or by this dlc.

Oh yea, and also the game seems to acknolegde a timeline in that months are going by before we can go and visit Calander Man. I wonder if this indicates that the DLC will take place around 7 months after Arkham City, which could mean Harley could have already given birth depending how far along she is during the game.
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