Almost ten years of episode 1 !!!!

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The fact that Anakin built a droid is fine with me but that he build C-3PO is what bothers me... just seems like a stupid way to explain 3PO.

Well, I don't necessarily disagree with that. Having C-3PO's origin explained in TPM was almost as unnecessary as the midichlorians. He's a droid - we all know he was built at some point, programmed and that's pretty much it. I don't think anyone was hoping to see who he was built from, or thought it was really even cool that it happened to be Anakin. Personally I thought it was a little too coincidental, but whatever.
Well, I don't necessarily disagree with that. Having C-3PO's origin explained in TPM was almost as unnecessary as the midichlorians. He's a droid - we all know he was built at some point, programmed and that's pretty much it. I don't think anyone was hoping to see who he was built from, or thought it was really even cool that it happened to be Anakin. Personally I thought it was a little too coincidental, but whatever.

I find it funny now when C3PO says, "Thank the maker."
TESB Yoda is still the best, by far.

But I'll take CGI Yoda over the TPM Mongoloid puppet any day.
I agree with all of those. Adding in the fact that Anakin built 3PO.. give me a break. And the "immacualte conception" comparing Anakin to Jesus was a bit of a stretch.

Take a closer look at Mythology and you'll find that Jesus wasn't the only one who was the end result of Immaculate Conception.
I remember when this came out on dvd. I watched it over and over again. Back when new star wars was exciting.
I remember going to see this in the theater and before I left I told my wife not to go into labor until after the film.
I've said it before, but while I acknowledge TPM's weaknesses as a film, when you think of everything that it introduced to us with regard to the Star Wars universe, you have to give it some respect. Our image of what Jedi are like, for example, is almost totally a result of what was in TPM (and of course this was continued in the other films).
That "True Masterpiece" ripped off Dark City.
Funny how nobody talks about The Matrix anymore, but people still talk about the Star Wars Prequels.

That's because the Star Wars prequels are still relevant and in the public eye. When Lucas has loads of merch out there, tv shows and games that focus on the prequels or tangentially the "good" trilogy or extended universe, then of course people are going to talk about the Star Wars prequels.

Last time I checked, the most recent Matrix property was......the MMORPG? I dunno.

Dark City was great, and I hold both that movie and the original Matrix in high regard, but I don't think Matrix ripped it off. The films were in production around the same time.