Almost ten years of episode 1 !!!!

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I didn't really care that Anakin built C-3PO... It's like he found the parts of the droid and restored him, like one would do with classic cars. Nothing wrong with that.

The fact that Anakin built a droid is fine with me but that he build C-3PO is what bothers me... just seems like a stupid way to explain 3PO.

The immaculate conception is supposed to leave the possibility open that Anakin was the result of Darth Plagueis manipulating the midichlorians to create life.

The Darth Plagueis explination is good.. maybe they could have hinted a little more at something like that.
Fans friends , enjoy the movies as they are made , becouse it can not be changed , we want all new trilogy were like the old , surely all have things to draw, but....... thanks lucas for everything and for making me spend that much money .I have 32 years old , i 'm fun since 7 and this madness will follow me until my dying day. :chew
I was 7 when "Star Wars" was released so I have had a LONG ride with it and unlike some people I have seen I am glad the prequals were made. It was great to dive back into that universe I just wish TMP had been done a little better.
The fact that Anakin built a droid is fine with me but that he build C-3PO is what bothers me... just seems like a stupid way to explain 3PO.

Well, I think part of the reasoning behind it was that C-3PO is special (we see lots of protocol droids, but only 3PO seems to be able to go beyond his programming). Having him not be built like all of the other droids helps explain that a bit, I guess. But then again, the same could be said for R2 and there's never any explanation for that. In the end I think Lucas just went a little too far in trying to tie all of the characters together.

TPM is still my favorite of the prequels. There, I said it. :lol
Well, I think part of the reasoning behind it was that C-3PO is special (we see lots of protocol droids, but only 3PO seems to be able to go beyond his programming). Having him not be built like all of the other droids helps explain that a bit, I guess. But then again, the same could be said for R2 and there's never any explanation for that. In the end I think Lucas just went a little too far in trying to tie all of the characters together.

TPM is still my favorite of the prequels. There, I said it. :lol

But we know Anakin tinkered with R2 and 3PO which is maybe why they gravitate toward each other and are a little 'off' to most droids.
Some of the better "Fan Edits" have made the PT much more tolerable for me. Even simple things like the following make a HUGE difference:

<object width="400" height="302"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="302"></embed></object><p><a href="">Episode II comparison scenes</a> from <a href="">Darth Mojo</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
(It will play the complete scene... and then the edited version. So much better, imho).
Well, it's not just the exclusion of the painful dialog... the way it's edited actually makes the scene more believable and emotional. And these were very simple changes! But it makes such a dramatic difference.
Yes, it is a much more compelling scene when you cut out the goofy dialogue and play it with a bit more subtlety.
Yes, it is a much more compelling scene when you cut out the goofy dialogue and play it with a bit more subtlety.

That is exactly it. Lucas apparently knows nothing of subtlety anymore, and the prequels suffer for that greatly. He simply refuse to ever slow anything down and let the characters breathe. These simple edits of this one small scene is a very good example of that.
To me what makes the change work is the way events occur, not the exclusion of the dialogue. Sure the chatter might be a little corny or whatever, but the big flaw in all the love scenes is the way they were cut or set up.

The one posted in here, for example, if that whole conversation from the LFL cut had played out as they're walking along, it might have worked, it just looks forced when people arrive at a place and then have this conversation and pause to just stare off a balcony and not talk to each other. That scene would work better if all the dialogue comes during the walk to the railing, the silence and awkward kiss happens, and then Padme walks away into the home leaving Anakin behind staring at her as she walks away.

I think the dialogue is fine in the fireplace scene, but the cut is horrible. They cut to there and the two are sitting there uncomfortable and Anakin just starts his dialogue, it makes you wonder like, what was going on before that, how is it you're sitting around in this room and just jump into this conversation the way it starts. Again, had maybe Padme been in there alone, and some extra dialogue or just Anakin coming into the room sitting next to her and having a strong lead into his dialogue it could work much better.
To me what makes the change work is the way events occur, not the exclusion of the dialogue.

True, but they are part and parcel. Cutting the lines (whether they are cheesy or not is not the point) is what changes the entire dynamics of the scene... because the dramatic, silent pauses and looks between the two characters says 10x more than anything that could have been coming out of their mouths... and it's more natural and realistic. This is something that, sadly, Lucas does not understand or care for anymore.
I think Lucas really pigeon holed himself from the start with AOTC, and it's lightspeed pacing. It really dictated the pace of scenes to come right from the beginning. That said, I really like the fan edit IJ posted.
True, but they are part and parcel. Cutting the lines (whether they are cheesy or not is not the point) is what changes the entire dynamics of the scene... because the dramatic, silent pauses and looks between the two characters says 10x more than anything that could have been coming out of their mouths... and it's more natural and realistic. This is something that, sadly, Lucas does not understand or care for anymore.

Well like I said, I think the dialogue could work as banter while they walk together, it was using it when they stopped that made it inappropriate. It is much more effective that when they finally pause their movement, there is the awkward, what do we do, moment.
I think Lucas really pigeon holed himself from the start with AOTC, and it's lightspeed pacing. It really dictated the pace of scenes to come right from the beginning. That said, I really like the fan edit IJ posted.

Go to There are tons of them (not just for SW, mind you... even TDK has a few) and some are quite good.

Conversely, the best version of ANH you will ever see can be read about right here:
To me what makes the change work is the way events occur, not the exclusion of the dialogue. Sure the chatter might be a little corny or whatever, but the big flaw in all the love scenes is the way they were cut or set up.

The one posted in here, for example, if that whole conversation from the LFL cut had played out as they're walking along, it might have worked, it just looks forced when people arrive at a place and then have this conversation and pause to just stare off a balcony and not talk to each other. That scene would work better if all the dialogue comes during the walk to the railing, the silence and awkward kiss happens, and then Padme walks away into the home leaving Anakin behind staring at her as she walks away.

I think the dialogue is fine in the fireplace scene, but the cut is horrible. They cut to there and the two are sitting there uncomfortable and Anakin just starts his dialogue, it makes you wonder like, what was going on before that, how is it you're sitting around in this room and just jump into this conversation the way it starts. Again, had maybe Padme been in there alone, and some extra dialogue or just Anakin coming into the room sitting next to her and having a strong lead into his dialogue it could work much better.

:lecture you speak the truth, except maybe about the dialogue itself being fine. But you're dead-on as to the set-up and cutting. I always thought the fireside scene was so bizarre. Without any buildup whatsoever anakin comes out with 'from the moment I met you etc etc'. As you said it makes you wonder what the hell was said offscreen up to that point?!! How did they come to be sitting there in the particular positions they were sitting? Judging by their sitting postures it appeared as though there was no casual conversation at all, leaping right into this heavy stuff - totally unnatural. And very unnatural for a viewing audience coming off the back of whatever scene preceded it (which correct me if I'm wrong had been an action scene?).

As to TPM - IMO its a more enjoyable film than ROTS. Its lightness, bad acting, bad dialogue etc was not so at odds with the subject matter unlike ROTS where the same flaws just cripple my ability to take seriously the 'serious' subject matter in that film. TPM is a better adventure film. Its a more useless 'Star wars' film as in terms of the overall story it achieves sweet F all - but it works better as an adventure than does ROTS.