Almost ten years of episode 1 !!!!

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Yes, aesthetically ROTS is also a bloated mess. It's far too busy and the film never breathes. The only scenes that even remotely look/feel like a SW film are the brief ones on the Tantive IV and Star Destroyer bridge. Visual continuity between EPISODES III & IV is all but nonexistent.

As far as the TPM transfer on HBO... it wasn't a true HD transfer. They simply took the telecine from the original transfer to VHS/DVD and made it 720p without as much compression. But it still wasn't a true HD direct from the source material and masters. We still have yet to see that.

Sorry I just read this but I still think the beginning of ROTS (the battle above Coruscant) was very SWish. Also the ship design was much better under Ryan Church than it ever was under Doug Chiang. Also :lol at your picture of Papanoida.
I need to take the PT with a grain of salt. It's Star Wars, but it's not at the same time.

I own them, I'll watch them even enjoy some parts, and I own collectibles from some of the PT films. But OT will always and forever be SW through and through. The heavy reliance on CGI and crutch of special effects used killed the story which took 2nd, errr....3rd seat to the effects and spectacles. Where the OT took both hand in hand.
The first time I saw TPM was a surreal experience and I pretty much took everything (Jar Jar, midichlorians, etc.) with an open mind and just accepted it as the next chapter in the SW saga until the final battle against the Droid Control Ship. When Anakin went "Woooo!" as he flew away from the exploding ship it really hit me how subpar the finale was compared to the first three films. Oh well, I love it now, despite its flaws.

Revenge of the Sith pretty much reconciled the sins of TPM and AOTC for me. A *fantastic* SW movie and very much in the tradition and style (save for the yucky CG troopers) of the OT.