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Going through these old mags is definitely a blast from the past! Tons of great photos, articles and old Star Wars action figure ads. And I love the article about Alien 2 rumors. :lol

I also have stacks of Starlog, Fangoria, Futura and all sorts of weird pulp sci-fi magazines. I'll try to post some more scans later tonight.

Guys, seems there is another little known film besides the clear ALIEN template "IT! The Terror from Beyond Space" which influenced Alien. A Buddy told me about it yesterday. It's a an old B movie called "Planet of the Vampires" made in 1965, yes, I know it sounds cheesy and it was in some aspects (the outfits were leather Wolverine like suits) But it was ahead of it's time in concept in some elements, in it a tractor beam like "force" pulls a spaceship to it (ESB?), and they use parcec as terminology (don't know if that is an actual term)

And in this film you will find the original Space Jockey which was found in a derelict ship, imagine that...

My Buddy lent me the DVD and sure enough there is a space jockey, sure it was ripped off for Alien and Wor-Gar even mentioned Ridley acknowledged that...

anyways, the original Space Jockey.
that is so cool!!! i checked netflix and they don't have it. I'll have to look around for this one. REALLY interested in seeing it now!! Thanks Paul!
Same exact design as the one in ALIEN P?

Well.... Spoiler Alert for those who want to be surpised...

Scroll below for answer...

The crew had spotted a shiny object in a fog bank and went to explore and found a derelict ship. The space jockey in this film was outside the ship and was the skeletal remains of a human looking figure 3X the size of a human. The actual look of it was strikingly similar to the SJ in ALIEN. I believe there was another SJ inside the derelict ship, he was not sitting in a chair or anything... but there is no doubt this was the Original SJ.
I have Planet of the Vampires. I can do screen-shots later if anyone's interested.

It is worth checking out. And I actually like the leather suit designs in this movie.
I have Planet of the Vampires. I can do screen-shots later if anyone's interested.

It is worth checking out. And I actually like the leather suit designs in this movie.

Maybe someone can do something I always wanted done on the ALIENS thread but I don't have screen grab software, and what is that you ask?

Well the Actual ALIENS grand dad film, the orginal Bug Hunt Movie called "THEM!", in it you will find the original Newt, original Ripley, plenty of elements retooled for that film, Military Soldiers using flamethrowers in Queen Egg chambers, translucent eggs, etc.
The truth is Alien didn't steal from any one soruce, Dan O'bannan cites a nuber of books and movies, inculding Darkstar, which is what got him started writting Alien in the frist place.
A few more scans. I have some Aliens covers I'll post in that thread.

Alien merchandise. I still have all the books and the album.

How's this for a centerfold? :lol I guess they didn't have any pics of the Warrior Aliens yet.

Love it Batty! You Rock, Bro. :rock :duff

Old School, Baby! :rock

Definitely Old School! :lol

Way before the internet and the countless entertainment shows on tv, the only way to get movie info was through magazines. I always looked forward to the newest issue of Starlog or Famous Monsters or Fangoria. There were so many I used to bug my parents to get me every month! :lol
Man I really need to get around to watching these movies. I just saw the 3 pack at Target for 19.99$ too, hhmm, maybe this weekend.
I had to see Alien again two weeks ago in my Sci-Fi/Horror class. I can't think of a cooler class. We get to see Alien, Blade Runner, Forbidden Planet, the Bride of Frankenstein, etc, etc. I feel like I'm watching everything related to Sideshow :lol