24...duh duh....duh duh...duh duh....(spoilers!)

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Every season has had the "beyond believability" moment, last night was this season's.


Does anyone find the VP plausible, at all?! :google
Bill Buchanan: "Mr. Vice-President, I am happy to report that we successfully prevented the detonation of the nuclear weapon. There was only a minor radiation leak resulting from the crash landing of the drone in an unpopulated industrial area."

Vice-President Daniels: "Ah! So what we've got here is a dirty bomb. Launch the counterattack!"

Audiences across the country: "Oh, come on..."
So.... Pres. Palmer is suppose to stay in a comma for several days to let the swelling in his brain go down. They wake him up and with in seconds he is the acting Pres. again.... sure.
you would have thought they could have dragged that out over several weeks to make it more realistic ...
LOTRFan said:
Does anyone find the VP plausible, at all?! :google

No, LOTRFan I don't - and I always find your insights quite helpful.

I have a feeling that by the end of the season, Vice President Daniels will be dressed in a clown outfit and chasing people around with a hatchet. That would be slightly more plausible than his behavior so far.
Another lousy week... Jack was only in the episode for about 15 min.

The two things I did like were Gradenko cutting off his arm (only becuase I siad it out lous the second they but the tracker in his arm.).

I also liked Gradenkos death (?) under the peir. I honestly thought it was one of the coolest shots that 24 has ever done. It was very peacful.

Now that I praised the show I can say that the rest was crap.
Giant Chicken - I had the same reaction with the arm and told my wife that they would find it .... so that was telegraphed a mile away. Regarding the "death" of Gradenko .... we saw him fall and bleed among the waves, but maybe there is a chance he can return in a year or two having been saved off camera. That would not shock me if they did that. Maybe outfit him with a robotic arm that spasmodically gave the Heil Hitler salute at inappropriate moments --- ooops - wrong movie.

I love how everybody on this show can so easilly take pain that would disable most people. They shove a thick needle into the arm bone of the Russian and he simply winces. They cut off his arm and he is walking around seconds later. These people are tough as nails. Or modeled after comic books.
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Worst. Episode. Ever.

I can suspend my disbelief but this season's lost the plot. I don't think they even know where this train wreck's heading... It's simply so unbelievable that I really don't care anymore. Maybe Rosanne Barr pops up from behind a hedge, eats the last remaining nucs, farts and leaves while Jack runs around screaming 'has anyone seen my personality this year?' at the top of his voice.

Hop, skipped AND jumped the shark (whilst riding a unicycle backwards playing a flute. Badly).
gideon said:
Giant Chicken - I had the same reaction with the arm and told my wife that they would find it .... so that was telegraphed a mile away.

I thought they telegraphed at least two moments:

1) The replacement for Fayad, just the fact that one of his lackeys asked what to do if he doesn't come back seemed like a giveaway

2) The "this is how the tracker works" speech given by the CTU agent

It was a laughably bad episode .... adrenalize!

It has been much weaker this year, but I don't think as bad as some are saying. Wayne jumping up and getting adrenalized is kind of bad, and still ordering the nuclear strike makes NO sense (maybe they'll explain it next week).

I do miss Jack though.
It's still a good show but not what it used to be.

After watching Prison Break season 1 on DVD, I feel it has the excitement that 24 used to have.

This season, compared to others, is lacking for sure. I think a lot of it has to do with the characters. It was a much better show IMO when Tony, President David Palmer, Michelle, etc were in it. Plus, the bad guys are not one bit interesting...yawn.

Wayne as the President is also a joke.

Oh well, I will still always watch it.

I do love Powers Boothe VP character though. He is the savior of this season IMO.
Well as a regular 24 complainer I must say that I liked this episode a lot better than the past 5-10 episodes.

Here is the rundown...

1) Pres. Palmer pulled a fast one on everyone with the fake nuke!

2) Pres. Palmer wants "other country" to threaten terriost families (done in season 2).

3) CTU set up a Fayid rescue (kind of cool, but the accident seemed pretty dangerous for just a set up)

4) Jack took out the entire terrorist group all by himself (like in season 1) but I thought it was still pretty cool.

5) Audrey is still alive (they did not keep that secret too long).

6) Jack saved the day (it appears) and the show seems to be focused on his personal life (like it should have done the entire season!).

I hope the remaining episodes are about Jack and Audrey.
Wow, I have to disagree - this show is getting really OUT there.

Shark meet Jack - Jack, Shark.

-Palmer was BLUFFING!!!!! Yah, right.

-Arab speaking CTU agents are the new red shirts. I knew it was a set-up from the start and knew these guys were dead from the start.

-Jack jumps 20 terrorists and takes them out - IT'S SUPER JACK!

-Oh crap! We have 5 episodes to go and he found the nukes! What do we do? Ah hah! No one expects the Chinese!!
Darklord Dave said:
-Palmer was BLUFFING!!!!! Yah, right.

-Jack jumps 20 terrorists and takes them out - IT'S SUPER JACK!

- I do agree that Palmer not telling anyone on his staff that it was a fake was ridiculous.

-Jack has Always! been Super Jack!

Season one: Killed all terrorists at the end by himself.
Season two: DIED!!! Came back to life.. Saved the day!
Season three: Overcame heroin addiction in the matter of hours.
Season four: Stopped his heart for several minutes... Came Back!!!
Season five: Captured by the Chinese and endured torture for 18 months.
Season six: Escaped from terrorists by biting a guys throat and then took out all terrorists by himself again!

On top of that Jack has been captured every season and has managed his own escape and has killed 114 people in days 1-5.
Well at least the made some type of connection between the last 17 weeks with the nukes and the Chinese. How did the Chinese get Jacks cell phone number? Gotta say that I feel Jack is totally in the wrong on this saving Audrey thing. It is simply way too risky for the nation and a president would never have okayed such a thing. The VP is a creep but I was ahppy to see him withdraw the authorization for the operation.

Was that Wayne in the previews? Some cerebral hemmorage. Maybe it was a ruse... but why?
While Jack may have been risking too much, I thought it was an awesome episode. The last two eps have finally felt like 24 again.