12" Padme Head Sculpt Previewed in Latest Podcast!

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JustinLuck said:
Not if you recently watched 'V for Vendetta'. ;)

Yah, this head sculpt would be perfect for Evey....When SS finally caves under the presure of the Kursade and gives me my Medieval Kurgan, V is gonna be my next crusade!!!
JustinLuck said:

Some of you guys might think I'm being 'anal' (as Josh loves to put), but I really just want these figures to be the best they can be for all of us. If we can make suggestions to make them even even better than they already are, I see nothing wrong with that.

Some of these figures though the stuff you're pointing out is so freaking silly. Like this yes it does appear that maybe there is a slight imperfection in the lip. Nothing though that probably won't be fixed before it starts production and nothing that if it gets fixed anyone will be able to really tell afterwards.

JustinLuck said:
Look at the reference shot to the left of the sculpt. You can see that her lip tapers downward and is not raised like a bump. The lip on the right side of the sculpt tapers perfectly.

Maybe a slight imperfection as I said nothing to go getting worked up over as you seem to do with every sculpt.

madden821 said:
This might be a record for fastest complaint.

:lol Not with who it came from it doesn't. :lol

JustinLuck said:
Why do I even mention it? Because like Dusty said, it's awaiting Lucas approval, so it is still a work in progress. There is a chance that they will modify it. Why not fix something while you still can? Jeeze...

I wonder myself why you ever mention it. I mean come on do you enjoy it? Most of what you suggest or complain about is stuff that can't be. So I say just kick back and enjoy them.

Justin Luck said:
Now this is a perfect sculpt. Josh may think all I do is complain. But I say it like I see it. If the Han Solo sculpt had been anywhere near as good as this one, I wouldn't have said a peep.

I think you pretty much confirmed that all you do is like to *****. You think it's perfect then you think there is something wrong. By the way I'm so gonna call bull**** on the fact that if any sculpt was as good as this you wouldn't have said a peep. I can't believe anyone here would believe that about you.

IrishJedi said:
By the way, did you post the above BEFORE you examined every pixel of the images?

You post "...this is a perfect sculpt" then 30 minutes later you're providing criticisms (with visual aids!) of a supposed imperfection you've already discovered? And you want to know why some of us think you go out of your way to be critical?


LOL so very very true :lol
Collector Freak said:
I've seen this sculpt before. I'm positive. I think someone posted it as their custom figure a while back on this forum.

.....the conspiracy is unmasked. Sideshow = melvinpelayo.
I think its a difference in what some take enjoyment from. I think Justin loves to analyze and pick and contemplate what can be improved (in his opinion). I would be surprised if he loved the figures any less than many of us do.

That being said, some people find the giant examination of every minute detail to be a bit tedious and missing the point which is just the simple enjoyment of the figure as its presented.

Neither is wrong nor prove that one loves the figures more than the other. my opinion is all. Really both views are right. :cool:
pixletwin said:
That being said, some people find the giant examination of every minute detail to be a bit tedious and missing the point which is just the simple enjoyment of the figure as its presented.

Yup pretty much.:D
This sure blows away that Triad Natalie Portman sculpt that everyone was raving about a while back.

Now they only need to make one at *least* as good for the 1/4 PF! :chew
I wish Sideshow would include us more in upcoming products like this. Because at this stage it probably isn't too late for our feedback to actually be put to use and correct minor flaws. The downside to this is we know what is coming and can't wait to order it and then get it.
The sculpt is perfect. Now SS can give us Padme and Evey Hammond.

And Justin has been added to my ignore list.
Collector Freak said:
I've seen this sculpt before. I'm positive. I think someone posted it as their custom figure a while back on this forum.

Nope! This is brand spankin' new... By none other than the immensely talented Trevor Grove (the fine young man who sculpted the Hooper/Dreyfuss head posted in the JAWS thread).

Trevor is da shizzle.
Sideshow Andy said:
Nope! This is brand spankin' new... By none other than the immensely talented Trevor Grove (the fine young man who sculpted the Hooper/Dreyfuss head posted in the JAWS thread).

Trevor is da shizzle.

Well, that's a heck of a figure to get started on the SW line with. A very nice job by Trevor!
Sideshow Andy said:
Nope! This is brand spankin' new... By none other than the immensely talented Trevor Grove (the fine young man who sculpted the Hooper/Dreyfuss head posted in the JAWS thread).

Trevor is da shizzle.

No way! Are you joking, Andy? That's awesome. I was thinking you guys should nab him.
JustinLuck said:
I guess it isn't clear that I do think the sculpt is 99% perfect.

99% perfect. LOL! :rotfl

That's like saying, it's 99% pure. You can't have something that's 99% perfect. It's either perfect or it's not. Hilarious!
Sideshow Andy said:
Nope! This is brand spankin' new... By none other than the immensely talented Trevor Grove (the fine young man who sculpted the Hooper/Dreyfuss head posted in the JAWS thread).

Awesome job, Trevor! :woo