1/6 VTS TOYS - Wasteland Ranger: The Road to Hell

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but you guys posted a picture of the belt off screen. i don't like the AF belt because it's damaged due to belt bigger than the buckle there is a stress line.

If you go back in the thread, there were pictures of the belt posted. It was a standard rigger type belt that you can pick up pretty much anywhere for about $1.
Mine just came in from Monkey Depot and I am in love. Very pleasantly surprised with the amount of weathering on mine, enough that I probably won't even bother adding more any time soon. Initial impressions are that the pleather is so thin that it will almost certainly start to peel at some point, which really does seem like a matter of when not if, but I actually like it better than the AF costume in person since it reads like actual dirty leather. Also I really want to remove that padding on his thighs that seems like it's there for no good reason--is it actually glued to the body? Like the AF it could benefit from a body swap I'm sure.

But seriously, this figure and all the accessories are really fantastic. I still really like the AF version but would pick this easily if I had to choose. VTS has definitely won me over--now bring on that Epoch Cop! And then a Furiosa!

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You can remove the padding it's not stuck on there it's an easy removal. Now for some bad news on my part. My shotgun broke, well the part that holds the gun closed. Atm it's being held by blue tak.
If you go back in the thread, there were pictures of the belt posted. It was a standard rigger type belt that you can pick up pretty much anywhere for about $1.

do you have the pic because i can't find the page too many pages.
So I started putting my figure together and ran into an issue where I can't get his feet flat enough to stand to save my life. Took the boots out and noticed the notch in the leg extensions are at the back, is this backwards? Anyone know how to fix?


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So I started putting my figure together and ran into an issue where I can't get his feet flat enough to stand to save my life. Took the boots out and noticed the notch in the leg extensions are at the back, is this backwards? Anyone know how to fix?

I think the legs pull off at the knee (and above), so you can turn them round. Though you might need to heat them up to soften the joint.
I think the legs pull off at the knee (and above), so you can turn them round. Though you might need to heat them up to soften the joint.

Ok thanks, I will try that in the morning. I noticed the legs seemed to go in a slightly weird direction when bending them at the knee so that might explain it.

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So I started putting my figure together and ran into an issue where I can't get his feet flat enough to stand to save my life. Took the boots out and noticed the notch in the leg extensions are at the back, is this backwards? Anyone know how to fix?


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Just took a look at mine and the notch to the rear is correct.

Yeah, I checked online and all the DamToys bodies are like that. Checked my legs again and they weren't backwards. Eventually I just pushed him forward as far as I could go for about 10 minutes to stretch out the boots and finally got him to stand with his legs completely straight. There is no way to bend his knees even slightly and still get his feet flat enough to stand though. Very weird.

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Got this guy today. Very pleased. Spent a good hour getting him together. I still don't know if I have the shoulder pad right. I don't quite get how it's supposed to attach, other than the bit of velcro. I do think I'll dirty up his arm at some point, and need to find a better way to attach the rifle to his back. I love all the little details, though part of me sort of likes him without all the gear too. Really pleased, and hope they make Furiosa. Strange we still haven't heard a peep about her that I've seen.

those using ZC body, the thighs come inverted so make sure you turn them around before you install the lower legs. the inner side is caved in. i just noticed after comparing it with EB body i was wondering why the legs minimum radius was so wide. had to pull out the lower legs to correct it.
I got mine yesterday and overall, a really solid figure. For $160 it is a great deal: head sculpt looks great, the leathers look great (mine are pretty weathered compared to what some of the pictures have been), and he comes with tons of cool gear.
He does have a few minor short comings, primarily the giraffe neck is really apparent without the gear/scarf on. I thing all that gear is cool but I honestly think he looks best just in his leather jacket with his shotgun and he looks a bit silly from some angles without at least the scarf. Its like his shoulders sit too low compared to the chin with the current neck design.

The other minor quibble is the bare arm. They went to pains to make the hands and face match tone-wise and then you have this shiny off color forearm with no detail. I definitely feel no need to change any clothing or weathering but the one thing of customization I will have to do is paint that arm a slightly darker color flesh tone, maybe paint some hair or texture and then hit it with a matte coat so it doesn't look shiny.

All that being said, he is immediately recognizable as Fury Road Mad Max and looks awesome in hand. I think they did a great job and would love a Furiosa and Immortan Joe.

I got mine yesterday and overall, a really solid figure. For $160 it is a great deal: head sculpt looks great, the leathers look great (mine are pretty weathered compared to what some of the pictures have been), and he comes with tons of cool gear.
He does have a few minor short comings, primarily the giraffe neck is really apparent without the gear/scarf on. I thing all that gear is cool but I honestly think he looks best just in his leather jacket with his shotgun and he looks a bit silly from some angles without at least the scarf. Its like his shoulders sit too low compared to the chin with the current neck design.

The other minor quibble is the bare arm. They went to pains to make the hands and face match tone-wise and then you have this shiny off color forearm with no detail. I definitely feel no need to change any clothing or weathering but the one thing of customization I will have to do is paint that arm a slightly darker color flesh tone, maybe paint some hair or texture and then hit it with a matte coat so it doesn't look shiny.

All that being said, he is immediately recognizable as Fury Road Mad Max and looks awesome in hand. I think they did a great job and would love a Furiosa and
Well, the reason for the 'giraffe neck' is that he's supposed to wear all his gear and those would make the the neck seem too short if it was normal length.
Well, the reason for the 'giraffe neck' is that he's supposed to wear all his gear and those would make the the neck seem too short if it was normal length.

Perhaps but I have not seen it quite like this with any of my other figures that come with tons of optional kit so I think there is a way to make it work both ways but regardless, I will opt for the scarf and leathers for now and kit him up with the rest at some point down the road once I have had enough time to soak in that look.
Oh baby just got mine in and spent a damn hour setting it up. Love it. The hardest part for me was getting the handgun holster attached to the leg strap piece. I wish it was just one part instead of two, or was something easy like Velcro vs those two itty bitty straps. I had to use the knife to thread them through. Managed to strap and equip him up without breaking anything! A miracle for me, I usually bust something on these "artistic" versions of figures.
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