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Still making it then? Leaving it a little late I think, they'll be putting up CW figures for pre order soon.
Since when has a new movie stopped HT from releasing figures from older movies?
Because it's the fodder from the previous film, people are jumping onto CW now and what figures they want from them.

This will end up like the Chitauri, still in stock and heavily discounted for years.
That may be true, but that still doesn't mean HT won't release figures from past movies during the release of a new movie... We're still getting Iron Man 2 figures. They all sell out eventually... Especially if the figure is unique, like this one.
People might buy multiples of this figure. It's a good army builder figure. As for myself, I'll be buying just the one and that will serve as the only Ultron in my display since I don't like the design of Ultron Prime.
Because it's the fodder from the previous film, people are jumping onto CW now and what figures they want from them.

This will end up like the Chitauri, still in stock and heavily discounted for years.

Up until Aou it was the norm for 15 plus years to have figures take years after a movie to get made. And since ultron is not in CW there's nothing hurting waiting. If they released all 20 Aou figures at the same time instead of over a couple years no one gets them all(well almost no one anyway). Not to mention the logistic side where they can't actually make everything all at once.
Up until Aou it was the norm for 15 plus years to have figures take years after a movie to get made. And since ultron is not in CW there's nothing hurting waiting. If they released all 20 Aou figures at the same time instead of over a couple years no one gets them all(well almost no one anyway). Not to mention the logistic side where they can't actually make everything all at once.
True, but is AoU going to be an iconic film in years to come like Star wars or The Terminator franchise? With IW 1 and 2 in the near future and CW next year, there's plenty of more Avengers figures yet to come.

If they released this in 5 years time, do you think most collectors are going to care? Maybe if it's a UU version, but just a sentry?
Is commando iconic? Do you think sleepy hallow is? Will im3 be more iconic then this? What about civil war? Or Any future film. How about avp requim? Or aliens. Or alien 3. There's other movies that have iconic status that there's no figures for and little interest. Say sixteen candles or two and a half men.

It doesn't matter if the film is iconic. It's about the individual figures. And the ability to make and sell them. This won't sell any worse then if it was released at the same time as The other figures. Something has to get pushed to later. And hot toys does not have control over every part of the process. Marvel can dictate release dates and how slow or fast they approve a figure for production and then release.

My point intitally was that nearly every figure from every film in the history of hot toys has come out well after the film. And they seem to be doing pretty well.

I can't wait for pre orders to go up. This is the ultron I want to display as it looks more like comic book ultron than prime to me. Very excited for this. Hope they give it a red head too.
If this ever gets released, I might get it just to represent Ultron in my villains. I hate Prime's design and this is as close to classic Ultron as we're gonna get.