Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I'm just hoping that was water on kylos hand after force "t"exting" rey

Speaking of texting. I’m surprised Poe didn’t just send poop emojis to Hux.
Good post.


IMO people can feel what they feel, but with SW and the *better* comic book movies there's always stuff you just need to roll with *shrug*. Sure, there's flat-out terrible movies.

But don't agree that TLJ is one of them. Polarizing, maybe. For me there's too much good in this movie - and also, it's a LOT of movie. You get your money's worth. And some stellar performances.:clap
Actually I think you are correct and this is something that had occurred to me as well. The only way JJ can salvage this trilogy (and the fan backlash) is by retconning a lot of the weakest moments of TLJ:

(1) Snoke isn't dead... Look at those scars, do we really think this was the first time an apprentice of his tried to kill him. He will be regenerating and will be back. Episode 9 needs this because Kylo is not a strong enough villian for Rey especially as he has been undermined so greatly by her having already bested and then saved him and also through the directors making his hissy fits a moment of comedic relief for the audience. What better and scarier threat than someone who seemingly cannot be killed ... He could still be Plagius (please lol)... I can't imagine JJ was happy with his bad guy being killed so unceremoniously by Rian ... I also hope Ben will turn at the end or have the chance to and he can't do that very easily if he is the only bad guy.

(2) Rey's lineage will matter and naughty Ben was using some misdirection to undermine her and try trick her into joining him but not as his equal (I'm somebody and your nobody but I can make you somebody). Maybe she really is the heir of Skywalker and he knows it and is threatened by it because he wants to fulfill Vader's "destiny". As much as some people love the idea that she is a nobody so anyone grow up to be a Disney princes I mean Mary Sue I mean Jedi that's not how this saga should work. This is the last instalment of the Skywalker story and it would be rubbish if the main protagonist of the final film is a random Disney princess and not a Skywalker.

(3) yoda just reset what a force ghost can do by being able to physically interact with their environment. Perhaps you can only do that if you became one with the force willingly and not through a violent death (i.e. like Yoda and now Luke). Perhaps that is what Yoda taught Luke after they burned down the tree. If that were the case then there is scope for Luke to appear in 9 and to physically interact in the final battle. Have Luke redeem himself for the fans one last time and make his blowing away in the wind death in TLJ a bit more meaningful and purposeful..

Perhaps, perhaps, maybe this, maybe that....these movies won't give answers because they don't have a plan. Every new director will just make something up and put in on film as long as Kennedy likes it. They'll just keep creating new questions and giving vague answers for the die hard fans to come back for Luke milking that slug, coming back for more.

As far as Snoke, they ruined him. Who cares if he can grow legs like Wolverine? His image has been tarnished. He talked a big game and got schooled by a Padawan....right after he said he was the man, to make it even more comedic.

I knew things were not right the minute Luke tossed the lightsaber. Heard one poor soul in the audience say, “WHAT! WHY?!” While the rest laughed it up like if it was some kind of Marvel joke.
That scene right there is where I knew it was going downhill, and it was the very beginning. Totally took me out of the movie. I half expected the benny hill theme to start playing
Episode VIIII prediction: as both TFA and TLJ rely heavily on the OT the final film will be about Ben’s redemption ala Anakin. As the story goes it’ll tie together PT, OT and ST. Hux will clone Snoke the two of them will turn against Kylo while Rey and Luke’s force ghost will team up with him to end the First Order. Rey and Ben get together have a family and in a few yrs Episode X happens.

Mark it on your calendars SW fans.....

Whose ready for Solo.....

Lol.... Here's Rian Johnsons thoughts on Rey's parentage

"I don’t think he’s lying in that moment — I think he is like telling what he saw and I think that Rey seems like she believes it in that moment. So for me, I wrote it as an honest revelation and as an honest kind of reaction to it, as opposed to a move in a game of chess.

"Now as we know in these movies, you know the whole idea of a certain point of view comes into play and as you know I’m not involved in writing the next movie. JJ [Abrams] and Chris [Terrio] are writing it so, I want to make it clear I’m not sure how it’s going to get resolved. For me the important part was saying it was an emotionally honest revelation, I feel like it, I don’t know, I believed it."

So yet again they literally have nothing planned and they're making it up as they go along.. Who's to say JJ doesn't pull a TLJ and just reverses everything one more time? Basically everything you watched literally means nothing.

What is this whole story group for then? All it took was one man before.

That just means it's been brigaded by people who thought Luke Skywalker should've been exactly the same as he was 30 years ago, because as we all know, people don't change.


I mean I can understand the shock because it is kind of disappointing to see a childhood hero who preservered in the face of adversity, suddenly go right to having thoughts of murdering his nephew the next time we see him on the big screen.

However, it is important to keep in mind that some time has indeed passed between RotJ and the ST, so it's not far fetched that a character has changed a bit in their views and mental state based on experiences. Of course, you may disagree with the direction of the character though. I personally don't like the fact that he dies in this film without at least wielding a lightsaber again in a duel, very anticlimactic for the character to me.
Snoke’s demise reminded me of a loud mouthed arrogant leader being assassinated by his inner circle.

What is Disney trying to say.


Actually I think you are correct and this is something that had occurred to me as well. The only way JJ can salvage this trilogy (and the fan backlash) is by retconning a lot of the weakest moments of TLJ:

Rey's lineage will matter and naughty Ben was using some misdirection to undermine her and try trick her into joining him but not as his equal (I'm somebody and your nobody but I can make you somebody). Maybe she really is the heir of Skywalker and he knows it and is threatened by it because he wants to fulfill Vader's "destiny". As much as some people love the idea that she is a nobody so anyone grow up to be a Disney princes I mean Mary Sue I mean Jedi that's not how this saga should work. This is the last instalment of the Skywalker story and it would be rubbish if the main protagonist of the final film is a random Disney princess and not a Skywalker.

These are just the random thoughts and hopes of a Star Wars nerd who was disappointed by TLJ as a film but also as a continuation of Star Wars lol.

But Kylo IS a Skywalker. Leia's son. So that box is checked. Yeah, Rey is a Mary-Sue whatever (like how did she get pilot training?) but having her be a Skywalker and having feels for Kylo would be getting too Game of Thrones for me in SW.:horror There are kids at these movies.:google

And who's to say that Kylo really doesn't end up being the "primary" hero in the end (except since he's a white guy that's politically incorrect now:monkey3).

Also maybe Kylo isn't tricking her because he saw inside her head and knew how lonely Rey was etc. At least the way it was shown, he does seem to have feels for Rey. Heck, they end up fighting together.

I could see them ending up paired. Or not. Actually what Kylo does next for me is pretty interesting. This director doesn't seem to mind pulling the rug out from everyone. Maybe Rose will save the universe.:monkey3

Read that piece about Rian too. I laughed. What a way to backpedal/pass it off to the next guy.

That just means it's been brigaded by people who thought Luke Skywalker should've been exactly the same as he was 30 years ago, because as we all know, people don't change.

Shallow comment. I expected Luke to be different. Just because they did different doesn't make it "good" different.

There is a laundry list of problems with this movie. It's obvious the new crew handling didn't give a rat's arse about continuity with what came before. And people are pissed.

That’s the short and sweet of it. This isn’t fanboy bitching. This is fans of good Star Wars films disliking a BAD Star Wars film, period.
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