DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Great work there Doug!

Personally though (and I really really really don't mean this to sound harsh since you put some nice work into making that chart) I don’t think we should send that list. Not unless we fudge the figures and add a few zeros onto each of them! Right now this only suggests a handful of people are interested in the figures, and I dunno if that’s going to send a bad message or not? Or perhaps a negative effect? For instance, if DCC were planning to make Maxie Zeus or Lock Up and see only 1 person here was interested, then they might change their mind.
I dunno, I guess there’s always the ‘something’ is better than ‘nothing’ approach, but to me this chart as it is doesn’t seem impactful enough. I’m sure they’d rather see 1300 people want Scarecrow as opposed to 13.

Also as whakojacko mentioned, those numbers won’t be 100% accurate since some people were only voting for 5 characters and some were voting for more. For instance, I only put down my top 5, and if I’d put my top 10 then some of the characters in that chart would have an extra vote.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

One question...

Who the hell is 'Enrique El Gancho'? :rotfl
Ricky The Hook
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

When did u make the pool? or did you take it from our comments.

No official pool. I just took it from the comments.

Great work there Doug!

Personally though (and I really really really don't mean this to sound harsh since you put some nice work into making that chart) I don’t think we should send that list. Not unless we fudge the figures and add a few zeros onto each of them! Right now this only suggests a handful of people are interested in the figures, and I dunno if that’s going to send a bad message or not? Or perhaps a negative effect? For instance, if DCC were planning to make Maxie Zeus or Lock Up and see only 1 person here was interested, then they might change their mind.
I dunno, I guess there’s always the ‘something’ is better than ‘nothing’ approach, but to me this chart as it is doesn’t seem impactful enough. I’m sure they’d rather see 1300 people want Scarecrow as opposed to 13.

You're not sounding harsh at all! I've thought about this too. I agree that 13 people (or even 130 people) saying they would buy a Scarecrow will not make DCC bat an eye. My thoughts for the letter was to not give them specific numbers.

I figured I'd say something about doing a poll within members of the action figure collecting community, and on a specific thread devoted entirely to the Animated Series figures with over 1300 pages of comments... the top 10 (or whatever number) figures we'd love to see are....

I don't know that reaching out to them will make any difference at all - in all actuality it probably won't. DCC is understandably going to do what they think will make them the most money. My hope though is that writing a friendly letter, encouraging them to continue the line will catch someone's attention that will help our cause. As a group, if we decide this isn't worth the time - then we'll just hope for the best. Really I am just trying to do whatever I can to help.

In terms of the accuracy of the vote... I only tallied the "votes" in hopes of getting a list that best represented figures we, as a group would like to see. I never planned on sharing that list in the message I send to DCC. I think if we do reach out to show our support of continue the line, we would be more effective giving them a specific list of figures we'd like to see. If we just say "we want the line to continue" I think we'll have less of a chance of catching their attention.

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Okay - here are the results as of this morning.

We need to decide exactly how many figures we think we should ask for... I am thinking our collective top 10, but I'd love to hear your opinion.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-01 um 14.15.28.jpg
All of them.

Great list- leave it up for them to figure out what they could release in and in which most profit-oriented combination.

I just remembered, there could be even more variants of popular characters:

- Bomber Pilot Joker
- Judge Joker
- Arkham Asylum Inmate Joker
- Dr. Harleen Quinzel
- Harley Quinn - Arkham Asylum Inmate
- Harley Quinn - QCPD Uniform


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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I figured I'd say something about doing a poll within members of the action figure collecting community, and on a specific thread devoted entirely to the Animated Series figures with over 1300 pages of comments... the top 10 (or whatever number) figures we'd love to see are....

That's a much better idea than actually giving numbers. :) I'm sure where we to take this poll to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram we'd get a lot more votes from people and much higher numbers as it would get a lot more exposure, but as it stands right now leaving the numbers out is definitely the way to go I think.

A top 10 does sound like good idea, but I also think we shouldn't relegate any characters that are likely to make it into figure form, just incase. For example: I can see Lock Up or Maxie Zeus or Condiment King making it into figure form because they're costumed villains with interesting and vibrant looks. Whereas characters like Leslie Thompkins and Sid The Squid I'd say are much much less likely.

Perhaps we should all agree on a top 15 together? Perhaps we could use the list below as a starting point, and if anyone feels a certain character should be replaced with another we can vote to change or not?

Two Face
Rupert Thorne
Grey Ghost
Clock King
Hugo Strange
Red Claw
Bruce Wayne
Lock Up
Maxie Zeus
Hardac Batman

TNBA Penguin
TNBA Clayface
TNBA Ventriloquist
TNBA Mad Hatter

That's just my idea anyway. I can't see them producing much more than 15 figures before the line ends anyway, if that. Though you never know!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I just want a Terry McGinnis Batman from the episode were he is grown up and finds out Bruce is his father. Have it come with two simple plug on wings this time (the articulated versions in the two pack suck!) and two alternate heads. One Terry head and one Old Bruce from his last time as Batman. That's all I want DC, make it happen! Tim Drake Joker, Blight, Shriek and Inque would be awesome too but I ain't holding my breath.

For what it's worth, this would be a SUPER simple custom since that costume is almost entirely black.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

... A top 10 does sound like good idea, but I also think we shouldn't relegate any characters that are likely to make it into figure form, just incase. For example: I can see Lock Up or Maxie Zeus or Condiment King making it into figure form because they're costumed villains with interesting and vibrant looks. Whereas characters like Leslie Thompkins and Sid The Squid I'd say are much much less likely.

Perhaps we should all agree on a top 15 together? Perhaps we could use the list below as a starting point, and if anyone feels a certain character should be replaced with another we can vote to change or not?

Two Face
Rupert Thorne
Grey Ghost
Clock King
Hugo Strange
Red Claw
Bruce Wayne
Lock Up
Maxie Zeus
Hardac Batman

TNBA Penguin
TNBA Clayface
TNBA Ventriloquist
TNBA Mad Hatter

That's just my idea anyway. I can't see them producing much more than 15 figures before the line ends anyway, if that. Though you never know!

I like this idea and I think that's a great list to start with. If we do a poll on Instagram we'll need someone with a much larger following than me... (Ahemm... SFA..) :)
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

That's a much better idea than actually giving numbers. :) I'm sure where we to take this poll to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram we'd get a lot more votes from people and much higher numbers as it would get a lot more exposure, but as it stands right now leaving the numbers out is definitely the way to go I think.

A top 10 does sound like good idea, but I also think we shouldn't relegate any characters that are likely to make it into figure form, just incase. For example: I can see Lock Up or Maxie Zeus or Condiment King making it into figure form because they're costumed villains with interesting and vibrant looks. Whereas characters like Leslie Thompkins and Sid The Squid I'd say are much much less likely.

Perhaps we should all agree on a top 15 together? Perhaps we could use the list below as a starting point, and if anyone feels a certain character should be replaced with another we can vote to change or not?

Two Face
Rupert Thorne
Grey Ghost
Clock King
Hugo Strange
Red Claw
Bruce Wayne
Lock Up
Maxie Zeus
Hardac Batman

TNBA Penguin
TNBA Clayface
TNBA Ventriloquist
TNBA Mad Hatter

That's just my idea anyway. I can't see them producing much more than 15 figures before the line ends anyway, if that. Though you never know!

Lol I’m glad someone else said it. I don’t want to be someone that craps on other people’s wishlist but if I’m being honest characters like Leslie, Mayor Hill’s son, and Ricky the Hook just don’t have a chance in my opinion. I can’t even imagine them packing them in with other more popular characters. I just can’t imagine them selling well at all. But the reason why I suggested a poll was to at least gauge other people’s opinions and just not base things on my speculations of what people want. I have a good basis for my opinion which is based on decades of toy collecting experience. There are just some characters that are too obscure for those that aren’t hardcore collectors. The random and casual buyers and cherry pickers. I also agree that realistically there are only 10-15 feasible characters left before they pull the plug (assuming they already haven’t).

Your suggested list works for me although I really could care less about Hardac. I’d rather have Kiodai Ken but I don’t quite see him selling as well as Hardac Batman. I’m fine with the list as is but if anyone wants to back me up on the Ninja... lol
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I agree that the ninja is a great character.
He even had two episodes centered around him!
I'm sure it's wishful thinking, but I'd love to have a figure of him with removable mask.

I like the list, although I'd rank The Clock King over Grey Ghost.
Grey Ghost's episode is nice, but I've never been interested in a figure of him.
The thing I wonder about Clock King is if we'd get him in a brown or black suit since his appearance differs in his two episodes.
The most important thing, however, is his clock glasses! I was disappointed when the Mattel figure of him didn't have them.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d take old Jonah Hex over Lock Up, Red Claw, or, even, Strange, for that matter.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I still say they could simply mold a new head and chest piece (due to the width of the necktie )for the Riddler figure to make Clock King. Plus they could probably just use either Alfred or the Ventriloquist hands instead since Clock King doesn’t wear gloves like the Riddler.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I still say they could simply mold a new head and chest piece (due to the width of the necktie )for the Riddler figure to make Clock King. Plus they could probably just use either Alfred or the Ventriloquist hands instead since Clock King doesn’t wear gloves like the Riddler.

There are definitely choices available to get Clock King out there, cutting a few tooling costs and without him looking like a cheap repaint. Hopefully somebody at DCC cares enough to sit down, take a look at existing moulds and figure out what can be done. The remaining figures are going to require a business plan that offers a decent margin otherwise I cannot see much effort being put in-Dang it!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Nice work SFA. Fantastic in fact.

I have seen your main display and it is very impressive.

Are you making more dio pieces for your display? favorite part of the action figure hobby for me.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thank you Amos! :)

I’m actually intending to create a few smaller specific displays to go alongside my main display eventually. Gordon’s office is one I’d been wanting to do for months now. I’ve just recently done Ivy’s greenhouse too, though it was quite rough so I intend to do that better. And hopefully I can squeeze in an Arkham Asylum one somewhere too.

I agree, making displays for the figures is just as fun as collecting them! :D
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

It all gets folded away after I’ve photographed it for now. I need more room!!

Haha yes indeed, the “Curious Case of the Missing Chair”. Batman needs to hurry up and solve this one, Gordon’s not getting any younger....
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Terrific work. You really captured the atmosphere of Gordon's office there.

Reminds of my favourite Batman entrance from "Read My Lips". Batman just slips through the window undetected. Gordon only notices Batman once the guy is walking towards him and exclaims, "Have pity on an old man's blood pressure!" :lol
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

It all gets folded away after I’ve photographed it for now. I need more room!!

Haha yes indeed, the “Curious Case of the Missing Chair”. Batman needs to hurry up and solve this one, Gordon’s not getting any younger....

Well not like he could sit down in that rubber trench coat anyhow lol. It did make me think though that this kind of throws a wrench in the works on that GCPD Squad Car that some people have brought up here. The only one that could currently sit down inside it would be Montoya unless they reissue Gordon and Bullock with cloth coats.