Universal should reboot THE MUMMY...

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Mummy: Impossible


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I get what Khev is saying, it would be cool to have the new Universal monsters in the new breed of horror like VVitch.

Intelligent, crafty, slow burn, good cinematography, genuinely unsettling and creepy, not relying on jump scares or action...

That's what I would hope for with all the Universal Monster reboots. Make it darker, give it a smart script, the cinematography should be memorable, and actors/actresses that can deliver without using familiar faces that we will associate with their previous roles.
With this current Mummy trailer, all I saw was Ethan Hunt getting thrown around a plane falling out of the sky. :(
The 99 Mummy and "Van Helsing" are great.
They're just fun and childish rides, don't take themselves seriously.

This film so far looks like a terribly clishe story with an awfully serious tone full of inappropriate action scenes.
Eh, pretty decent trailer. Not cinema-worthy, but a definite watch at home. I liked Dracula Untold (maybe it had to do with the fact that it was essentially a guy from the Balkans ****ing some Ottoman **** up), so even if it does end up being part of this universe, I won't mind. As for Victor Frankenstein, it has no relation to these films, but I thought it was decent enough. It ended abruptly, and the monster was kinda lame, but eh, it was enjoyable for a late night watch.
Well, I certainly liked the fact that each reanimated corpse had patches of different kinds of skin, exposed tendons and whatnot. It really made them look more horrifying and like the illegal experiments of a loony that they were.
The only Mummy movie I've seen is the 1999 one, which I enjoyed.
Is this a remake of the original or a new story?
It has nothing to do with any of previous films.
Also, watch the original - it's surprisingly good for a 84 years old film.
It has nothing to do with any of previous films.
Also, watch the original - it's surprisingly good for a 84 years old film.

I like the original wolfman and dracula and frankensteen
I love creature of the black lagoon

But the old mummy was too dull and boring for me

I loved the invisible man as well. Really liked that one.

Is that also a creature feature kinda
I meant it as "probably because it wasn't about the horror and the mummy".
It's mystery/thriller and definitely not a horror.
Most people only remember Brendan Fraser's Mummy and I just shake my head at them. 1932 is the true grail. If you haven't seen the film you should check it out its one of my favorites. Yeah this looks to be another action looking version like the 1999 film but looks interesting and excited over it. It's got a different element and when Cruise and Crowe are in the film it should be a decent flick. I'm a Tom Cruise fan so I dont mind the casting there. I'm glad to see the classics come back in a whole new way I don't mind change as long as it's good. The 1999 remake was alright but not the best in some aspects well better then it's sequels and scorpion king spin off's.

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Sofia Boutella again...she's the female Jai Courtney at this stage. Quit shoving her down our throats Hollywood.