The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I was in the Army for six years and fired both m16 and m50, and actually earned a sharp shooter badge in basic training before starting my medical traing at William Beaumont Army Med Center so you really shouldn't generalize about who knows what.

Thank you for your service. Now tell me what I said that was wrong? I guess you're one of the "couple posters" that I already mentioned right?:dunno
Probably been answered, but I'm not reading the past 10 pages of Plissken, Crow and CP whining about hating the show. :lol

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Um.... no. It all depends on training. I'm better with an AR than a pistol, even using 3rnd bursts. Plus, there's the obvious benefit of better range, higher mag capacity and damage via a rifle slug.

what? :lol CP was banned lol
Right, with the proper training and practice, a rifle can certainly be the better weapon. But on the show that's not really feasible. They mostly stick with the sidearms they constantly have on their belts. Sure they are a little too good with those (like how does Rick hit anything in the head with his Python :lol) , but I didn't feel them not being able to hit anyone with the auto rifles was unbelievable.

But in general, full auto rifles aren't that great. Fun to shoot, but not very practical for accuracy. Only when playing a video game is a fully automatic weapon very accurate :lol

Again, wrong. Full auto rifles are perfect for what they were created to do. You just have to know how to best use them (which even a basic 2-week course can do). Right now you sound like that one lezbo chick who was called out by her future girlfriend for being full of ****. :lol

what? :lol CP was banned lol

LINK, LINK DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! :lol
Not that Talking Dead has the definitive say on the matter, but the Governor, not Judith showed up in the memoriam.

Yeah, I saw that too. I felt Judith's death was more finalized than the Governor's though. I mean that was a very bloody car seat - not just what might be left behind by someone with bloody hands picking her up. I think she was zombie chow.

The show right now is basically just starting compendium #2. Compendium #1 ends with Rick and Carl leaving the prison like they did on the show. And in the comics, Lori survived giving birth to Judith only for her and the baby to be gunned down by the Governor. So unless they decide to go their own way now with Judith surviving the prison, they more or less kept her fate the same by dying at the prison.

I have to admit Hershel's death was MUCH better on the show than in the comics (heck, TV Herschel was much better than the jerk he was in the comics). After seeing some of his kids die (he had a lot more kids in the comics than he ever did on the show) he just gave up, feel on his knees and asked the Governor to kill him. So I felt Herschel got a much better treatment on the show (unlike Andrea).
Probably been answered, but I'm not reading the past 10 pages of Plissken, Crow and CP whining about hating the show. :lol

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Like you haven't in the past? :lol

I wasn't really complaining, more like disappointment in Rick being made out to be a wimp yet again.


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I am really really glad that Beth didn't die. I thought shew as a goner for sure. I was actually shocked they all made it out. I was expecting Glenn or Beth or someone else to die.
I'm glad they didn't.
Again, wrong. Full auto rifles are perfect for what they were created to do. You just have to know how to best use them (which even a basic 2-week course can do). Right now you sound like that one lezbo chick who was called out by her future girlfriend for being full of ****. :lol

I'll take your word for it because I definitely know you know your stuff when it comes to guns. I think I've proven myself as pretty clueless to you time and time again :slap

The characters on the show should definitely stick to their pistols though since none of them have had that 2 week course yet :lol
Like you haven't in the past? :lol

I wasn't really complaining, more like disappointment in Rick being made out to be a wimp yet again.


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Never hated on the show, not even while on the farm. I just get annoyed with how they seem to have misplaced Officer Grimes' testies time and again. But in all fairness, at this point in the comics, he was pretty much useless too, so he gets a pass for the finale and mid-season premiere.

I'll take your word for it because I definitely know you know your stuff when it comes to guns. I think I've proven myself as pretty clueless to you time and time again :slap

The characters on the show should definitely stick to their pistols though since none of them have had that 2 week course yet :lol

Gimme 2 weeks and I'll have you bullseyeing wamprats in your T16. :wink1: I should add though, that without any training, you'd be more dangerous to yourself, your friends and those near you, than the enemy down range. But that goes for just about any gun. :lecture:lecture:lecture
Never hated on the show, not even while on the farm. I just get annoyed with how they seem to have misplaced Officer Grimes' testies time and again. But in all fairness, at this point in the comics, he was pretty much useless too, so he gets a pass for the finale and mid-season premiere.

The only show thing I've really hated on was S3's conclusion. But I share the same thoughts on Rick. He had backbone in the end with Shane, but not with the Governor. Although he had more resolve with the Governor in the comic and actually had a gameplan if and when they were attacked.
The only show thing I've really hated on was S3's conclusion. But I share the same thoughts on Rick. He had backbone in the end with Shane, but not with the Governor. Although he had more resolve with the Governor in the comic and actually had a gameplan if and when they were attacked.

Even Hershall had a game plan in the comics. :(
Thank you for your service. Now tell me what I said that was wrong? I guess you're one of the "couple posters" that I already mentioned right?:dunno

No problem. I apologize. I guess I just needed to eat a Snickers bar. :lol

Sorry hoodonit00. :wave

The show Prison group always got caught with their pants down in a lot of situations. Although Woodbury's second "attack" :lol barely required any effort to make them run away.

They weren't ready for the second attack (technically third if you count the first attack when they killed Axel). They knew they were coming last year. That gave them time to prepare and plan a strategy. Granted, they should have had a plan in place in case the Governor came back. So yeah, I'd agree they got caught with their pants down this time and it cost them the prison.
They weren't ready for the second attack (technically third if you count the first attack when they killed Axel). They knew they were coming last year. That gave them time to prepare and plan a strategy. Granted, they should have had a plan in place in case the Governor came back. So yeah, I'd agree they got caught with their pants down this time and it cost them the prison.

I thought it was kind of dumb that the only one that was worried was Michonne,

And then ironically she is the ones that gets kidnapped...
I thought it was kind of dumb that the only one that was worried was Michonne,

And then ironically she is the ones that gets kidnapped...

Michonne had the biggest rivalry with the Governor - even more so in the comic. They were the true arch enemies - not Rick and the Governor. But Michonne finally let her guard down too. When they went for the Medical Supplies she told Tyreese she was done looking for the Governor. That she had moved on and let the grudge go. Of course that's when he happened to return :lol
They weren't ready for the second attack (technically third if you count the first attack when they killed Axel). They knew they were coming last year. That gave them time to prepare and plan a strategy. Granted, they should have had a plan in place in case the Governor came back. So yeah, I'd agree they got caught with their pants down this time and it cost them the prison.

They knew he was still alive and out there. They should of never let their guard down, even in preparation for other people that could want the Prison. Although I did like the translation from the comic situation since in the comic the Governor...

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They knew he was still alive and out there. They should of never let their guard down, even in preparation for other people that could want the Prison. Although I did like the translation from the comic situation since in the comic the Governor...

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Michonne had the biggest rivalry with the Governor - even more so in the comic. They were the true arch enemies - not Rick and the Governor. But Michonne finally let her guard down too. When they went for the Medical Supplies she told Tyreese she was done looking for the Governor. That she had moved on and let the grudge go. Of course that's when he happened to return :lol

She got more than enough revenge on him in the comic :lol