Spooktacular Losers Lounge 2012

Collector Freaks Forum

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wakes up, yawns & stretches...............oww why do i have a headache?

oh yeah..........:slap
Sideshow's first round of site contests ended last night so the winners should be posted today. There's still hope!
Day 4

Feeling abandoned, A few freaks managed to get under the welded steel today and opened up the Chat room. Icummins wired up the system to work for him, and a few of us, so that we can make our own fun. The system smoked and sparked all afternoon, as irregular as a senior with the runs, but the freaks now have total control of the chat. Is this the first steps to rebellion? Not wanting to whine, or beg for prizes like a Noob, the freaks as we're known have stepped up and decided to run contests of our own. Some of us locked in this lounge have come a long way, some have had a rough time with family and friends to arrange time to be here, some have had a horrible year with illness and unemployment, so we are all grateful to those who have willingly shared the spirit of spook with us. The mistress would be humbled by their generosity, were we to believe she knew we were here. We're beginning to have our doubts....everything has this to clinical, to automated a feel to it this year. it's even relatively clean, but that could be from the lack of people willing to enter.
But it's still early...we have some hope yet.
Vander gave us a glimpse of Morts campaign map today, it's amazing how much ground he's covered in such a short period. I'm not sure how he funds his travel, but he must have on heck of an expense account.
Thanks to darth snoopy I'm getting kicked out of the lounge. I'll be sure to drop off beer for you guys each day. And maybe some homemade treats. :wave
congrats VA............:clap

working on a 3 year losing streak............:yess:........................ dammit i mean......:gah:
Day 5
Such a migraine today, I really shouldn't have drank that 40 of rum I found last night, who am I kidding, of course I should have. Those of us locked in here have continued to make our own fun, there was a huge scavenger hunt earlier and Vasith seemed to find all sorts of stuff, even having these short little minions he brought help him find the last pack of sweet and low. We're all a little annoyed however that he seems to have also taken the last of the TP and hidden it away as well. it was amazing the other odd stuff he came up with.

Avenger got the best collectible today, 1/1 scale and due to arrive in a few months. While it didn't help him get out of lounge, he really didn't seem to mind. We all hope he survives the lounge to see the delivery.

Vander continues to campaign for Mort, handing out kits left and right. He seems to have a lot of support here, and somehow he's been managing to reach people outside the lounge. He must have a connection somewhere we haven't found yet.

I'll have to update the list on the fridge this weekend, my head just hurts to much to do it tonight. I guess I'll have to go look for a cure for this, I think I saw some JD behind the bar.
(found on a piece of paper slipped under the door)

"Sorry to have snuck out like I did...as someone once said, you don't want to celebrate in front of those who just died, or in this case those who are sitting in misery. I'll send word when I can, and supplies if I can find them."

(In other words, I'm out of the Loser's Lounge...hitting the campaign trail for Mort, thanks to Vander, and I have to do some shopping on the Sideshow website thanks to UTtoyfan)
Day 6
Kamikaze slipped out during the night, he left us a note saying he would try and send supplies. Apparently UTtoyfan was able to get his ankle out of the device and set him free, though he's not sure at this point if could repeat the feat. Time will tell. The new Chat room seems to be working better today, we've had further contact with those on the Outside, and Buffy Girl was there earlier to try and set some of us free as well. We don't seem to be as abandoned this year as we feared, other Freaks who were able to resist the call of entering the room, or were winners last year and were not forced to return are on the outside trying to help. Hope is very much alive, because even though it seems SC has deserted us, our fellow freaks have not.
Spotted a new poster for Mort and Dos Equis, apparently he ate the most interesting man, and they needed a replacement. Hopefully this will help his campaign,
Spent some time updating the list on the fridge today, okay, I scratched the names out in purple crayon, but it's all I could find after Vasith's little scavenger binge yesterday. There's now no Tp left anywhere and V's the only one who seems to be smiling. My butt is starting to chafe, so I hope some of the supplies Kamikaze can find us are kitteny soft related.
Darth MAdden
Darth Waller
Darth Snoopy
Sid Philips
If I've missed anyone, I left the crayon on in the fridge on top of the beer case, they should find it there
Day 7
Freaks on the outside have been helping us escape the lounge today, many of us were loaded up with boxes, anklets hacked off and ushered out a gap in the back wall. I suspect the gap is how the Mistress got her henchmen in here to do her bidding last year, but in her absence, freaks on the outside have pried it open. Once we get our legs free, we can escape and she will be none the wiser to our schemes. We cannot thank our fellow spookers for their generosity enough, many of us have been able to once again join family and friends on the outside world.
Of course, you ask, why am I still here with all that's going on. Can I just rack it up to another year of being in the wrong room at the wrong time? Was I just lying on the floor wallowing in my own filth, waiting for rescue. Neither of these are true ( though the filth I feel from lack of TP is getting really annoying, I really need a shower. Word is swabie used it all up making Mummy's ), but I think I'm starting to feel a need to see this through to the end. Maybe I've begun to sabotage myself in order to find out how. Maybe I'm starting to get that stockholm syndrome I've heard about. Who know's, whatever the reason, here I remain.