New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Guess everyone loves their own Doctor. Me personally I am 26 and I would rank Pertwee, Hartnell, Tennant and Eccleston as my top 4.

Matt Smith is yet to grow on me.He has episodes where he is the Doctor and then others where he seems to be channeling either Tennant or Troughton's Cosmic hobo part a little to much.

Either way I am a Who Fan,past and present. If the Product looks great I am in for all the Doctors.

P.S. Since we are getting Pond Im so in for a Jo Grant in Mini Skirt:D
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

And Leela in her tight leather 'cavegirl' mini-dress!

Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

My problem with Classic Who isn't really the dodgy special effects, sets, or acting. My problem is that the stories seem needlessly drawn out. They're so full of unnecessary padding to extend a story that really should have been told in 2-3 episodes into 5-6 episodes. They can't hold up at all to being watched back to back because they just seem to crawl. The only way to keep any semblance of pacing would be to watch one episode per week like they were aired. The DVDs actually make this almost impossible though, as many of them have all the episodes edited together.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I agree. Classic Doctor Who has too much padding. But I also think, generally speaking, NuWho has too little. :lol
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

^And I would disagree. NuWho has told some absolutely fantastic stories in the span of 45 minutes that are more complex, compelling, exciting, and emotionally involving than anything Classic Who ever did in twice that amount of time.

Look, I still enjoy Classic Who for what it is, but in all that I have watched, it has never thrilled me, made me laugh, or cry the way the new show has.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I also agree that NuWho has told some absolutely fantastic stories in the span of 45 minutes that are more complex, compelling, exciting, and emotionally involving than anything Classic Who ever did in twice that amount of time...

... and it could still use some padding. :D
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I would also agree that classic Who, primarily the '60's era, has too much padding. The War Games is the worst example of that.

I think that's one of the reasons Tom Baker's era was so popular, most of his stories were nice, tight 4 parters.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

man I am still peeved that Character Options first female companion release was Peri.Of all the people.seriously.boggles the mind.

yep some of the Classic stories were to long, but I figure they fit that era perfectly. No way that format works now,same as no way new format would work back then.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Interesting how people's perspectives differ. I think the majority of the Nu Who stories -- especially in the last couple of years -- consist almost entirely of padding so there can be a "shocking revelation" in the last 30 seconds. It bores me to tears, but that's just me. I'll take Genesis of the Daleks over anything in the Smith era any day of the weekl!

I can totally understand why Eleven and his companions are the first releases and just because I hate their stories it doesn't mean I won't buy the figures (because I'm fickle like that), but at the same time if there isn't an announcement in the very near future about a Four (and a Ten), I'll have to conclude Big Chief is out of its mind.

Four and Ten are guaranteed sellers and they would have to be crazy to miss the opportunity to satisfy a lot of people who've been waiting a very long time for a decent Four and a better Ten, if they put off the most-desired figures just because they are not the ones currently on screen.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

^And I would disagree. NuWho has told some absolutely fantastic stories in the span of 45 minutes that are more complex, compelling, exciting, and emotionally involving than anything Classic Who ever did in twice that amount of time.

Look, I still enjoy Classic Who for what it is, but in all that I have watched, it has never thrilled me, made me laugh, or cry the way the new show has.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but oh boy do I disagree. Modern Doctor Who is one of the worst programs I have ever seen. It commits more crimes against characterisation, plotting, the viewers intelligence and story-telling than anything else I've ever seen. It's loud obnoxious, poorly edited, badly acted, boring clap-trap. The fact that it's so popular beggars belief. Mind you so are the Transformers movies which come to think of it kind of proves my point.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Interesting how people's perspectives differ. I think the majority of the Nu Who stories -- especially in the last couple of years -- consist almost entirely of padding so there can be a "shocking revelation" in the last 30 seconds. It bores me to tears, but that's just me. I'll take Genesis of the Daleks over anything in the Smith era any day of the weekl!


The current style is reflective of general TV trends, just as every other era was and that's where my main problem lies.....the over reliance on story arcs and needlessly convoluted plots and the 1000mph pacing just leaves me cold and that's true of most popular series especially if they're imported from the USA.

Contrary to what people try and tell me this doesn't mean I need to "get with the times", it just means I have different tastes.

I don't think Smith is awful but he's got no character of his own and gets by with various Troughton & Tennant-isms and like Eccleston seems to get shoved into the background in favor of his horrible sidekicks far too often.

The only Doctors I'd buy 1:6 figures of are,
1.Tom Baker
2.Jon Pertwee
3.Sylvester McCoy
4.William Hartnell

I would add the Trout to that list but I already have figures of him, Jamie & Zoe in various stages of completion thanks to WGP.

Companions for the above,
1.Leela, Sarah Jane, Harry & Romana I
2.Anyone but Jo ( The Brigadier preferably )
4.Ian & Barbara
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Can we shut up about which era is more liked, already? If you want to talk about the show, go to the damn thread for the show! I wanna talk dolls and action figures here. >:l

Buy what you want to buy, don't buy what you don't want to buy and everyone's happy and dandy.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Imagine they made a 1/4 10th Doctor regenerating, his hands and head could be translucent plastic with a light up feature to make them give off that glowing energy effect.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

That would be a brilliant statue.

I would also love regular non-glowing heads of both 10 and 11, then.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Imagine they made a 1/4 10th Doctor regenerating, his hands and head could be translucent plastic with a light up feature to make them give off that glowing energy effect.

that would be pretty sweet. I don't know if they could pull it off. I am def down for all the Doctors, Amy or Rory,prob pass.I dislike the new format where Amy is the center of the universe.

I hope they are at Comic Con so I can see the sculpt or promo pics soon.

Most exciting news since HT revealed Batman 89 License
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Imagine they made a 1/4 10th Doctor regenerating, his hands and head could be translucent plastic with a light up feature to make them give off that glowing energy effect.

I suspect that a regular pose is a more viable option to begin with although that's not to say a variant could be made reusing the body from the initial release with the new head, hands and lights added.

Headsculpts or statues with "extreme" expressions/poses are often "love or hate" pieces so I think that to begin with they're something that will probably be avoided.

I couldn't agree more. It doesn't tell proper stories, it just presents the audience with a vast stream of visual white noise that relies on cheap shocks and fancy effects.....strong characterisation and dialogue is almost non existent although that may partially be an impression I've formed because the incidental music is so loud it drowns out what the actors are saying :lol
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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

TBH I have no interesting in 1:4.
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