Iron Man 2: 1/6th scale Mark IV Limited Edition Collectible Figurine (Secret Project)

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I think he had a stroke if memory serves me. He was in a wheelchair from some kind of diving accident or something and I think that lead to other issues.
Yo. i am sick of hearing about people buying with the sole intent to flip. Do you people complain about the retail prices at your supermarket, too? that is an entire business with the SOLE intent to buy from manufacturers to then flip, which the manufacturers themselves also sell for way more than it cost them. What about a comic shop that buys comics from publishers via Diamond for around 50% of what we pay? How about bakers and their unchristian-like flipping of cakes for a profit? Best Buy selling HDMI chords and memory cards for $50 that cost $2 for them to purchase?

Get over it. And dont say all of those examples are not the same, it really is in the most basic sense.
Supermarkets provide outlets for the local distribution of food so that people don't need to go to the farms or the manufacturers of the processed foods themselves.
Comic shops charge people the price on the cover of the books that are established by the publishers, just like Sideshow or Hot Toys establishes the MSRP. Bakers take raw ingredients and then use their talent to make cakes which require talent and effort to make, just like artists make paintings with paints and canvas. The whole is more than the sum of the parts, thus, the bakers CONTRIBUTE something. It is their talent in making the cake that justifies the greater cost than that of the ingredients. Similarly, when someone buys a house in shoddy shape and fixes it up to sell for a profit, which is what "FLIPPING" REALLY means, they deserve whatever profit the market will bear, because who is to say what their craftsmanship is worth? Scalpers contribute nothing. They just take away from people to give to themselves.
I doubt that Best Buy sells things at $50 that costs them only $2. They can't unless they are the manufacturer. Someone else would sell it for $8 if that were true.
I'll find. Thanks for the info.

No problem.

I think he had a stroke if memory serves me. He was in a wheelchair from some kind of diving accident or something and I think that lead to other issues.

That sound about right. I know he was wheelchair bound from the diving accident but couldn't remember the cause of death.
I flip stuff on occasion, but primarily to reinvest into the hobby. Most recently, I sold a HT IM MK II Ex for $500, and to top it off, it was won as a prize from SS. You know what that money went towards? To pay for some custom framing for some artwork I want hung. I would have done the same thing with this IM2 MK IV secret project exclusive. I could give two ____s if you approve or dont approve of who does it and what their motivation is.

My customer was neither exploited nor unhappy with his purchase. He wanted something he didn't have and was willing to pay for its perceived value.

If you approve or disapprove of the how and why the free market supply and demand system works is really insignificant at this point, as most people accept it, except for communists and socialists.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
I am arguing PRINCIPLE. Holding someone at gunpoint for money are different in degree but are the same in principle. They are both taking advantage of others for money. Of course, if you compartmentalize every action that people make and act as if they are all totally different because they are not the same, then you obviously are not acknowledging principle.

People who are concerned whether their actions negatively affect others and strive not to do so are moral people.

People who just try to make their own way through this world for their own personal success who do not try to exploit others, yet if they inadvertently do as a consequence of their own getting ahead are amoral people.

People who relish the idea of exploiting others because they see it as a way to fast profit and makes them better or above others as they take advantage of them and makes them feel more powerful and successful in this world are immoral people.
Your views seem very amoral to me.

First off you don't even know me my friend so do not throw stones at me. I am a very "Moral" person but...maybe not by your exact definition but I consider myself much better than most people in terms of how I live my life and interact with others. I do not rob people, sell drugs, break the law, murder, rape women, steal, cheat on my wife, abuse kids, drink or do drugs( not that i consider them bad in moderation)....I earn an honest living, pay my taxes, help others, besides my family and friends ( i have a few friends who I have loaned money to and will never see again...talking a few grand here)...for you to call me a non moral person because I flip figures from time to time is freaking crazy. Its laughable at best friend. The times I have purchased and sold for more ive not ONCE had one person disatified, felt like they were cheated...most of them were super happy to be able to get a product that is rare for a price that is relative to how the market sets it. I did not feel superior to them or got some sort of rush out of doing it....I got lucky getting the figure SO WHAT!

Point is, I wanted a guardian last year and didn't get one. In fact, I still do not own one. I did not cry or complain one bit about people flooding sideshow to buy and resale. They got lucky and I didn't, just how life goes. Good for them for making a little money on the side by clicking a button.
The only people who really annoy me are the people who brag they got more than one (against the rules) and are selling them. There are people who didn't get any and you are bragging about getting multiple and selling them? That's f-ed up IMHO.

I am against scalping figures in general. I still say it hurts the hobby and all collectors in the end as it prices it out of the reach of some people. Especially in this economy. But some people try to find opportunities to profit even when it hurts other people. So you gotta do what you feel is right. But bragging about cheating the system (getting multiple figures) and reselling them is just tasteless. I can't see how anyone can claim any morale high ground when doing that. It is just like coming online and saying "F-U!" to those who didn't get one.
I doubt that Best Buy sells things at $50 that costs them only $2. They can't unless they are the manufacturer. Someone else would sell it for $8 if that were true.

Actually Best Buy Charges OUTRAGEOUS amount for cables and things that cost them practically nothing to make. You can buy the same cables on ebay for a few dollars, so yes....others are selling the same thing for much cheaper. The reason people get things from Best Buy is convenience and they do not care the price of the cable is 10x more in the store, THEY WANT IT NOW or they are totally misinformed by the sale's people at best buy.
Actually Best Buy Charges OUTRAGEOUS amount for cables and things that cost them practically nothing to make. You can buy the same cables on ebay for a few dollars, so yes....others are selling the same thing for much cheaper. The reason people get things from Best Buy is convenience and they do not care the price of the cable is 10x more in the store, THEY WANT IT NOW or they are totally misinformed by the sale's people at best buy.

Most people just don't know that a $2 HDMI cable performs as well as the $50 gold plated one that Best Buy sells in a fancy package. I expect that most everything they sell does have fairly tight margins, or someone would undercut them and put them out of business (see Circuit City).
Most people just don't know that a $2 HDMI cable performs as well as the $50 gold plated one that Best Buy sells in a fancy package. I expect that most everything they sell does have fairly tight margins, or someone would undercut them and put them out of business (see Circuit City).

I think best buy makes most of its money in things like that and keep the cost of the bigger items lower. Same with a restaurant, keep the food prices lower but charge an arm and leg for a drink that cost's them nothing to supply. Screw America, capitalism is for a bunch of cheatin Amoral people who may make a buck at the end of the day.
Most of you guys In here are hypocrites if you were on eBay and seen an mk1 for 100.00 dollars even if you had no intrest In ironman and you knew you could make 500.00 dollars towards somthing you really wanted you would be a fool not to on that note any one want to trade this iron man for a blade or wolverine I have one on pre order and I missed out on those two and have no intrest In another grey iron man
Most of you guys In here are hypocrites if you were on eBay and seen an mk1 for 100.00 dollars even if you had no intrest In ironman and you knew you could make 500.00 dollars towards somthing you really wanted you would be a fool not to on that note any one want to trade this iron man for a blade or wolverine I have one on pre order and I missed out on those two and have no intrest In another grey iron man

Id buy a MK1 in a heart beat but since I love that figure id have to keep it for that bargain of a price. Even so id buy it and trade it for one of the AVP Preds I want.
The only people who really annoy me are the people who brag they got more than one (against the rules) and are selling them. There are people who didn't get any and you are bragging about getting multiple and selling them? That's f-ed up IMHO.

I am against scalping figures in general. I still say it hurts the hobby and all collectors in the end as it prices it out of the reach of some people. Especially in this economy. But some people try to find opportunities to profit even when it hurts other people. So you gotta do what you feel is right. But bragging about cheating the system (getting multiple figures) and reselling them is just tasteless. I can't see how anyone can claim any morale high ground when doing that. It is just like coming online and saying "F-U!" to those who didn't get one.

If the only thing you gotta brag about is how you were able to cheat the system on a toy website, then I feel sorry for that person. Most people are good people, and will at least follow those rules. If you can ethically purchase and successfully flip this single item for however much money another person is willing to pay, so be it. If you have gone out of your way to cheat the system in order to flip multiples, I'm thinking those people have much bigger skeletons in their closet or are just generally an _______. To each their own. :peace