What was your first Star Wars collectible ..EVER?

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I was 7 years old, I pissed and moaned for two hours at the mall, my mother finally cracked and bought me 3/4 Darth Vader, for $2.99.

Well, I'm almost 40 years old, I pissed and moaned for days, my wife relented and bought the SS 1:6 Vader for $125.00.

Times haven't changed much:D
My older brother shared his Star Wars toys with me, so my first ones were his!

But I distinctly recall a Kenner Vader on top of a birthday cake, the Max Rebo set when I was four years old, in the hospital for a terrible accident, and also The Emperor mysteriously showing up in a bag of 2nd hand figures as I was recovering with an IV in my arm.

Good times.
Honestly I cant remember...i did have all of the original figures even though I was 1 when the movie came out...so I imagine it was a Luke 3/4 and landspeeder.
The first ones I was ever given were the Kenner Luke, 3PO and (what I remember as) a wind up R2-D2. I think memory is playing tricks on the last one though as I can't find anything about it. The first things I got on my own though were likely the micromachines 3 packs that came out. Then the bend ems.

When I read this I thought of this little guy Ive had since I was a kid, he was made in Japan by Tomy in 1977. It could
have been this your thinking of as almost everyone I knew as a kid had one of these in their Star Wars collection.:D


Holy sh't! i had that too!, maybe back in 84 though along with the wind up R2-D2 that was only released in Canada and Japan.i can't remember exactly which was my first Star Wars figure but, i still have my Chewbacca which was one of them and in good shape after all these years, i believe he was on ESB card back.Also remember getting Mego Kirk and Spock.
Holy sh't! i had that too!, maybe back in 84 though along with the wind up R2-D2 that was only released in Canada and Japan.

So the a wind up R2-d2 did exist, cool.

The Tomy robot actually came in one of thoes little bubbles from a machine for like 25 cents, I got mine from K-mart, he's only about an inch and a half tall.
No, I dont think that was it. I remember it rolling around normally.. so I dunno what it could be other than me not remembering correctly. I was crazy young though and it was when we were helping my grandfather clean his house out after my grandmother passed.
The first SW related merchandise I owned was the 8-track tape of the soundtrack. My parents didn't tell me they bought it, they just popped it in and hit "play." I recognized it as soon as it started. I still have it stashed away somewhere.

The first figure I remember owning was the vintage Vader. My parents also got rid of most of my figures when I went to college. :mad:
Walking out of the theatre from my first viewing of ANH (sooooooooooooooooo long ago, not in a galaxy far far away but in a country far away-- Scotland) and into the lobby my dad bought my brother and I both two figures (they were selling them right there)... My brother got Luke and Chewie; I got Leia and C-3P0... Yes, I was young and foolish. Action figures?... The chick and a protocol droid-- was I even watching the movie??? :lol

And yes, still got them (in pretty good shape too) with a mountain of others.
First Star Wars items I ever had were the vintage R2-D2 and C-3PO figures. I was three when the first flick came out in '77. Before that though I carried around a magazine page with images of the original 12 figures.
So, let me track my odyssey...

1978 - Got Kenner Han and Chewie. Decided immediately I had to have them all. Didn't succeed because I was 9 years old and had no income. Lost all figures to younger brother :(

1995 - Wife bought me Han and Chewie POTF figures. Immediately decided I had to have them all. Had no idea Hasbro was going to make that such an investment. Did the same with the Han 12 inch figure. Ditto to Hasbro on that one. Once drove to Toys R Us 47 days in a row checking for the Han and Tauntaun the second time around. Started to think I had a problem...

1997 - Re-discovered vintage Kenner figures and scored a Han and Chewie again. Decided immediately I had to have them all. Succeeded through a wild ride through early internet message boards, pre-ebay auctions and flea markets in several states. Still the pride of my collection.

Discovered Sideshow Toys a few years ago and started 1:6 with Jedi Luke, got most of them. Started 1:4 with Han and have them all except duplicate Biker Scout. Have tightly closed eyes whenever a new diorama or 1:1 scale come out to avoid repeat of above.

So, with the exception of one innocent Jedi Luke, Han and Chewie have been the root of all evil and significant drain on my wallet, but wouldn't trade any of it :)
It was the Saturday before easter in 1978, I was 7 years old. we went into Walgreens and they had a displayer with 7 of the first 12 figures on a displayer for sale. Mom only agreed to put Han, chewie, Leia, Ben and vader on Layaway for me. "we'll get Luke and the Stormtrooper later.

What I didn't know, that she gave me later that day since my enthusiasm was over whelming, was that she had had a lady she works with go to a toystore a week or two earlier and Pick me up a Luke and stormtrooper.And had planned on giving them to me for Easter :chew

Even today, I could probably tell you(30+ years later) where I got all my orginal figures.

As for the first 12? I got r2 and threepio at a Richman gordman. death squad trooper and Tusken raider at K-mart and Finally the Jawa at JC Penny.
I remember seeing them in the toy shop and all the excitment in the store. They just only come in the day before my mum got me chewie i remember there was on 3 figures left.

The big news was that Darth (Guy in costume ) was coming the next week i remember going and being so scared but so excited at the same time he was so big. And wondering for years how he got all the way from out of space to little Melbourne Australia. It was 1978 I was 6 years old !

" Living the Dream "
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Mine was a album that I got in 77' ,and the album jacket had pictures from the movie and also a giant Marvel comic book as far as figs it was Han and Chewie, all of it long lost....bummer
Did you all throw them out or something? I still have every star wars toy from growing up...all in excellent shape( i took care of my toys)
My parents still have a room we lovingly call the "toy room" where we kept all of our stuff and where me and my bro use to play.
Did you all throw them out or something? I still have every star wars toy from growing up...all in excellent shape( i took care of my toys)
My parents still have a room we lovingly call the "toy room" where we kept all of our stuff and where me and my bro use to play.

I took care of my toys... my parents on the other hand. :(