Geroge A. Romero new zombie movie: SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD

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Best Zombie film/whatever I've seen in YEARS was the 'New Years' episode of Fear Itself. Pretty bad series in most episodes, but this one was just... awesome.

I looked this up on IMDB and it sounds pretty cool. Anyone know where I can see this episode? Hulu or what have you?
Does seem to have pretty low production qualities...

Who cares? He's proven that having higher production values turns his movies to crap and even gone so far as to admitting to such. Here's hoping he continues making low budget zombie flicks until he, himself, turns into his subject matter. :lol
I guess what I meant to say was, it looks cheap. Production costs and quality in itself is not a major issue (of course there are lots of great, cheaply made movies out there, and lot of incredibly ^^^^ty, expensive ones), so long as you can maintain an effective mood and so long as the viewer isn't put off by how cheap and artificial something looks. Romero's previous movies never looked that cheap to me, even when they were fairly cheaply made. If it looks like a made-for-Sci-Fi channel movie, its gonna be more difficult to get into it, I think.
I guess what I meant to say was, it looks cheap. Production costs and quality in itself is not a major issue (of course there are lots of great, cheaply made movies out there, and lot of incredibly ^^^^ty, expensive ones), so long as you can maintain an effective mood and so long as the viewer isn't put off by how cheap and artificial something looks. Romero's previous movies never looked that cheap to me, even when they were fairly cheaply made. If it looks like a made-for-Sci-Fi channel movie, its gonna be more difficult to get into it, I think.

Well, imagine seeing the preview for the original Dawn of the Dead today for the first time. Many people would ^^^^^ and moan about the blue/gray zombies. The irony is, that even today, with the make-up colors Savini chose and has publicly admitted it being a poor choice, it still stands up as one of the best, and in many peoples eyes, THE best zombie flick ever made.
Of course, the cheapness of a movie is not the end-all, be-all, which is why I said that I will withhold judgment. Dario Argento's movies are a good example, because they often look pretty hokey for various reasons, but he maintains an effective mood despite all that.

As for Dawn specifically, I don't know that I agree, though. Sure it looks bad in relation to modern films, but it looks about on par with average movies of the time (some of Carpenters earlier movies also look pretty cheap by today's standards), and people understand that when they watch it, and don't judge a movie for not meeting modern standards. Even the makeup wasn't unreasonably bad for that period. It didn't look like a work of art, but it looked pretty good then, and looks "real" enough now that people can get into it.
Of course, the cheapness of a movie is not the end-all, be-all, which is why I said that I will withhold judgment. Dario Argento's movies are a good example, because they often look pretty hokey for various reasons, but he maintains an effective mood despite all that.

As for Dawn specifically, I don't know that I agree, though. Sure it looks bad in relation to modern films, but it looks about on par with average movies of the time (some of Carpenters earlier movies also look pretty cheap by today's standards), and people understand that when they watch it, and don't judge a movie for not meeting modern standards. Even the makeup wasn't unreasonably bad for that period. It didn't look like a work of art, but it looked pretty good then, and looks "real" enough now that people can get into it.

I can honestly say I was never much into Dario's Zombie movies (the ones he directed). They just seemed like poorly made ripoffs. The latter sequels were so painful I'd deem the lot unwatchable. :lol Dario's best zombie use is in Beyonder and should've ended there.
Argento is an acquired taste, I think. I never got too into his stuff personally, but can see how others do. He does some things very well, but you can throw the storyline and acting out the window half the time.
I can honestly say I was never much into Dario's Zombie movies (the ones he directed). They just seemed like poorly made ripoffs. The latter sequels were so painful I'd deem the lot unwatchable. :lol Dario's best zombie use is in Beyonder and should've ended there.

I think you're getting him confused with Fulci.

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