Geroge A. Romero new zombie movie: SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD

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Love Romero for his work thinks he's lost his edge after Day.... >.<
The way I see it we have a master of the genre still embracing said genre (i.e. zombie movies). To a lesser extent, it's like having Hitchcock still making thrillers. Romero could have walked away from zombie movies deservedly thinking he had contributed enough.

Or, he could be dead.

We have Romero alive and kicking still making fun movies about the dead and kicking. Life is good.
The way I see it we have a master of the genre still embracing said genre (i.e. zombie movies). To a lesser extent, it's like having Hitchcock still making thrillers. Romero could have walked away from zombie movies deservedly thinking he had contributed enough.

Or, he could be dead.

We have Romero alive and kicking still making fun movies about the dead and kicking. Life is good.

Agree 100%. A bad Romero zombie movie is still better than 99.9% of the other zombie flicks out there.
Day of the dead remake was top and prob my fave zombie movie.
Everything that came after that imo sucked balls big time, especialy diaries.
Day of the dead remake was top and prob my fave zombie movie.
Surely a typo? The original Day might be my favorite zombie movie of all. That movie is probably the worst in terms of over-acting, though. Much moreso than Land, but I think Captain Rhodes and the doctor were both fantastic.

And of course, I agree that with few exceptions, Romero zombie movies > other zombie movies.
Surely a typo? The original Day might be my favorite zombie movie of all. That movie is probably the worst in terms of over-acting, though. Much moreso than Land, but I think Captain Rhodes and the doctor were both fantastic.

And of course, I agree that with few exceptions, Romero zombie movies > other zombie movies.

Sorry I ment to say dawn of the dead remake.
I also love all of Romero's early work including the day of the dead
I initially refused to give the remake Dawn movie a chance, but after several years, I can admit that it isn't that bad. Maybe in a few more I'll admit that it is actually good :horror

Still blasphemy to remake Romero, even if it is Tom Savini doing it.
I initially refused to give the remake Dawn movie a chance, but after several years, I can admit that it isn't that bad. Maybe in a few more I'll admit that it is actually good :horror

Still blasphemy to remake Romero, even if it is Tom Savini doing it.

I thought the NotLD remake was not only a faithful remake, but the best remake to date. Plus, it still has the most realistic zombies I've seen on screen to date. Dawn was "different" with the sprinters, and updated well enough, but was kinda it's own zombie movie and not what I'd consider a real remake, but a justifiable cash-in on the name. The folks behind the Day remake, should be taken out to the town square and hanged, drawn and quartered to remind everyone what happens when you blaspheme the holy trinity of zombie flicks.
I thought the NotLD remake was not only a faithful remake, but the best remake to date. Plus, it still has the most realistic zombies I've seen on screen to date. Dawn was "different" with the sprinters, and updated well enough, but was kinda it's own zombie movie and not what I'd consider a real remake (a justifiable cash-in on the name). The folks behind the Day remake, should be taken out to the town square and hanged, drawn and quartered to remind everyone what happens when you blaspheme the holy trinity of zombie flicks. all of this post I agree with and I wish I hadn't
F@$#ED up my first post in this thread...:D
Agree 100%. A bad Romero zombie movie is still better than 99.9% of the other zombie flicks out there.

You could make an argument that a bad Romero zombie flick is still better than 45% of any movies released in a given year.:D
Dawn was "different" with the sprinters, and updated well enough, but was kinda it's own zombie movie and not what I'd consider a real remake, but a justifiable cash-in on the name. The folks behind the Day remake, should be taken out to the town square and hanged, drawn and quartered to remind everyone what happens when you blaspheme the holy trinity of zombie flicks.
I think you are right about Dawn, because it is significantly different, apart from some very basic plot (zombies. . .in a mall; they use a van/bus at one point) and character similarities (one main white guy, one main black cop guy, one main woman). I wonder how Snyder would try to tackle it now, though. Probably a shot-by-shot recreation a la the Psycho remake. 100% agree about that Day piece of crap, even though I've never seen it and never will ( :eek: for judging something I'll never see)

You could make an argument that a bad Romero zombie flick is still better than 45% of any movies released in a given year.:D
I would go with something like 70%, but yeah, I agree with the sentiment :)

And this is with me really hating Diary.
I am convinced that Romero has such a specific sense of humor that only he gets. And it isn't really his fault, but our own for not understanding.
I thought the Dawn "remake" was great. But like The mag said, it was more just a barrowing of the name and a few plots points than a full on remake.

As for the new Romero movie, it cant be any worse than Diary, can it?
Can't wait. I liked Diary, although there were a few parts that I could have done without. It was the concept that saved it for me rather than any of the actual scenes. But maybe I've just been spoiled by expecting actually terrifying zombie films... I have high expectations for this new one.
Best Zombie film/whatever I've seen in YEARS was the 'New Years' episode of Fear Itself. Pretty bad series in most episodes, but this one was just... awesome.
When I first seen the Dawn of the Dead remake I love it. Thought it was the best remake ever. 2 weeks ago I watched it and i couldnt deal with it. It was badly written. Even as it own merits it still wasnt good. The characters was mostly ^^^^^^^s that Icouldnt connect with. The original Dawn of the dead Ken Foree's, David Emge and Scott Reinger's character I could get into. I feel for them. The Dawn's remake attempt to social commentary was laughable. The only character I like was Ving Rhinge. The script was poorly written. Filmmakers have to know you cant take a masterpiece movie and remake it into sub par material. It just dont work. The original had a feeling of hopelessness, dreadful feeling. Why the zombies have to run, the premise alone is freaking SCARY!!!!
When I first seen the Dawn of the Dead remake I love it. Thought it was the best remake ever. 2 weeks ago I watched it and i couldnt deal with it. It was badly written. Even as it own merits it still wasnt good. The characters was mostly ^^^^^^^s that Icouldnt connect with. The original Dawn of the dead Ken Foree's, David Emge and Scott Reinger's character I could get into. I feel for them. The Dawn's remake attempt to social commentary was laughable. The only character I like was Ving Rhinge. The script was poorly written. Filmmakers have to know you cant take a masterpiece movie and remake it into sub par material. It just dont work. The original had a feeling of hopelessness, dreadful feeling. Why the zombies have to run, the premise alone is freaking SCARY!!!!

:confused: And what statement would that be? I only got that it was a straight-up horror movie with sprinting zombies, borrowing on the premise of zombies and a shopping mall - end similarities.
I really loved Land, personally. Even if you are gonna get hung up on the admittedly hand-fisted political side of it, based on the characters and characterizations, the mood and cinematic merits broadly, the acting, and zombie parts (possibly the most important component), Land is leagues better than Diary, in my opinion. Of course, this is all completely subjective, but I think Diary failed in just about every possible way. It looked and felt nothing like any previous Romero work.

Also, the "smart zombie" started with Day, of course. So if you want to knock Bub, you just go ahead. :mad:

While I agree with you, bub being "smart" but scientists were actually working with bub and teaching him in DotD. No one taught these zombies, it was pure instict for them to do the things they were doing, but I just didnt buy into the whole instict and in a sense evolving into a "thinking" corpse. the hell did the main zombie get sharp teeth, lol. I know Im nit picking but that bothered me also. I just think Land was by far my least favorite. Again my opinion and yes subjective as well. To each his own, I just know I love zombies.