Star Wars Rereleases in 3D Discussion

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If anything I think the bandwagoning was people who liked the PT. Or maybe the circles I run in aren't representative of the majority but it certainly seemed that the 'rebellious' thing to do was to say you liked it.

Reverse psychology isn't reversing. :nono

No, the backlash on usenet was pretty much immediate for TPM. The SE's had many people leary of what TPM would bring and it certainly didn't win everyone over.

Haters always claim that **** and yet have multiple theatre viewings to their credit as well as owning the DVDs and now Blurays. :lol
All of this stuff has never really dampened my enthusiasm for the original films at all. But it did affect the "brand" of STAR WARS and how I view the entire saga. It actually started with the Expanded Universe books and comics. I never really liked any of those (until KOTOR) but I bought and read them because I was starved for new Star Wars. Then Shadows of The Empire happened. Then the Special Editions. Then the prequels. Then all this other silly stuff (and even tons more EU). So, I've had to completely compartmentalise my love of SW. It's basically the OT, and a few other things here and there. But the whole franchise is much bigger than just that now, and a lot of it just frankly does not appeal to me.

10-15 years ago (and before that) I would eat, sleep and breath Star Wars. Couldn't get enough of it. But it's been completely diluted. Oh well, everyone's gotta "grow up" sometime. :lol

Yeah thats a good way of putting it. It did negatively affect my view of the brand Star Wars.

I wouldn't say I grew up though. I just switched my primary obsessiveness over to Terminator, Predator, Aliens and Robocop - my other 'big four'. Of course they have their share of crappy entries in their canon too.

-edit - ah just saw Dark Knight's post where he brings up that point...

This argument no longer applies. Lucas has acknowledged his awareness of fan restorations of the OT and has decided not to shut them down. That's his way of yielding to those who love the unaltered OT as far as I'm concerned.

Ah, I didn't know that. Well thats something.

Haters always claim that **** and yet have multiple theatre viewings to their credit as well as owning the DVDs and now Blurays. :lol

This was true of me for some time, especially as I tried to find something to redeem the new star wars in my mind. However, I'm not going to the 3D rereleases, no longer buying the DVDs, don't have any Star Wars on Blu-ray, no longer buying any toys to do with the PT.
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Yeah thats a good way of putting it. It did negatively affect my view of the brand Star Wars.

I wouldn't say I grew up though. I just switched my primary obsessiveness over to Terminator, Predator, Aliens and Robocop - my other 'big four'. Of course they have their share of crappy entries in their canon too.

-edit - ah just saw Dark Knight's post where he brings up that point...

Ah, I didn't know that. Well thats something.

This was true of me for some time, especially as I tried to find something to redeem the new star wars in my mind. However, I'm not going to the 3D rereleases, no longer buying the DVDs, don't have any Star Wars on Blu-ray, no longer buying any toys to do with the PT.

I liked the prequels and will not be seeing the movies in 3D and with the new BR set am done with purchasing them. :huh

Well yeah. Even Carl has a secret blu-ray set that will never see the light of youtube. :monkey3

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :exactly::goodpost:
Even this I don't understand... When I watch the OT I'm still watching Vader, Luke, Han, Leia, the droids etc.

Obviously that's how you feel though :1-1: I just think it's a shame that people have allowed it to influence them in such a way.

I don't hear many people saying that Terminator Salvation or, to a lesser extent, Terminator 3, destroyed people's love for T1 and T2? I don't see why Star Wars is different?

FYI, I think T1 and T2 are modern classics, T3 and TS I can still enjoy :)

Perhaps I held SW in higher esteem because it always seemed like there was a grand plan, I saw more potential in it than George himself thought there was. When it failed to live up to what I thought it could be it had a more damaging effect on my overall view. Terminator got sequels, they were never planned as a big saga. So I always had this built-in pre-emptive defense mechanism that if they sucked I could live with it and just be happy with the good ones.
Perhaps I held SW in higher esteem because it always seemed like there was a grand plan, I saw more potential in it than George himself thought there was. When it failed to live up to what I thought it could be it had a more damaging effect on my overall view. Terminator got sequels, they were never planned as a big saga. So I always had this built-in pre-emptive defense mechanism that if they sucked I could live with it and just be happy with the good ones.


Here are some straws, please feel free to clutch at them

I KID! I JOKE! :rotfl

I guess I can see your point in a way. I think this whole discussion raises the suggestion that, perhaps, and I'm not including you in this dev, some people may take Star Wars more seriously than any other movie franchise (whether that be a good thing or a bad thing is up to the individual).
All of this stuff has never really dampened my enthusiasm for the original films at all. But it did affect the "brand" of STAR WARS and how I view the entire saga. It actually started with the Expanded Universe books and comics. I never really liked any of those (until KOTOR) but I bought and read them because I was starved for new Star Wars. Then Shadows of The Empire happened. Then the Special Editions. Then the prequels. Then all this other silly stuff (and even tons more EU). So, I've had to completely compartmentalise my love of SW. It's basically the OT, and a few other things here and there. But the whole franchise is much bigger than just that now, and a lot of it just frankly does not appeal to me.

10-15 years ago (and before that) I would eat, sleep and breath Star Wars. Couldn't get enough of it. But it's been completely diluted. Oh well, everyone's gotta "grow up" sometime. :lol

I don't think you have to "grow up", just not obsess over every aspect of Star Wars that you don't like. Trust me, that will drive you to do loopy things, like burning a perfectly good blu ray set that you got for free and could have sold second-hand for a tidy sum. :cuckoo: :wink1:

Seriously, though, when a franchise has grown to the size of Star Wars (and it's pretty damned rare for something to get that big), there is going to be a considerable amount of stuff that is not to your taste. Yeah, it's got the "Star Wars" brand on it, but there have been so many people contributing over decades, each with their own take on things, and it's been marketed to so many different target audiences that a lot of what's out there simply won't appeal to any one person. I not only love Star Wars, I love Star Trek as well, and let me tell you, that has been a hard journey. I suffered through as much "Voyager" as I could stand, and gave "Enterprise" a try (just my luck, when the show finally started to appeal to me, it was cancelled). I read my fair share of crappy books, played more than a few truly terrible games, collected some mediocre comics. Mixed in amongst all that was some gold - but you had to dig through a ton of crap to get to it. I have embraced the new reboot and so far I am enjoying the ride. The point is, I don't think I "grew up", I just loosened up and learned to pick and choose the stuff I like and ignore the rest. And there isn't a damned thing wrong with that; nothing to get angry or rebellious over (pardon the expression), just recognize that this is for entertainment purposes. You get to an almost zen-like state about it...or maybe I'm just getting old. :lol

As Star Wars goes, I love the OT more than the PT, but I still find enough in the prequels to like. I don't hate them for not being the OT. I love the first KOTOR and the first TFU. I haven't played The Old Republic, but I'm guessing I would probably like it. Shadows of the Empire was not my taste and the Clone Wars cartoon was iffy at first - the writing has shifted and it seems to be targeting an older audience, so I am absolutely loving the hell out of it now.

As for the 3-D films, the 3-D effect wasn't used to great effect in the first half of TPM, but I was enjoying it well enough in the second half. These movies were not shot in 3-D, so the effect will never be stupendous, but worth the price of a ticket? For me, sure. It's all good! :peace

Here are some straws, please feel free to clutch at them

I KID! I JOKE! :rotfl

I guess I can see your point in a way. I think this whole discussion raises the suggestion that, perhaps, and I'm not including you in this dev, some people may take Star Wars more seriously than any other movie franchise (whether that be a good thing or a bad thing is up to the individual).


As to taking Star Wars more seriously than other franchises...well certainly not anymore.
I don't think you have to "grow up", just not obsess over every aspect of Star Wars that you don't like. Trust me, that will drive you to do loopy things, like burning a perfectly good blu ray set that you got for free and could have sold second-hand for a tidy sum. :cuckoo: :wink1:

Seriously, though, when a franchise has grown to the size of Star Wars (and it's pretty damned rare for something to get that big), there is going to be a considerable amount of stuff that is not to your taste. Yeah, it's got the "Star Wars" brand on it, but there have been so many people contributing over decades, each with their own take on things, and it's been marketed to so many different target audiences that a lot of what's out there simply won't appeal to any one person. I not only love Star Wars, I love Star Trek as well, and let me tell you, that has been a hard journey. I suffered through as much "Voyager" as I could stand, and gave "Enterprise" a try (just my luck, when the show finally started to appeal to me, it was cancelled). I read my fair share of crappy books, played more than a few truly terrible games, collected some mediocre comics. Mixed in amongst all that was some gold - but you had to dig through a ton of crap to get to it. I have embraced the new reboot and so far I am enjoying the ride. The point is, I don't think I "grew up", I just loosened up and learned to pick and choose the stuff I like and ignore the rest. And there isn't a damned thing wrong with that; nothing to get angry or rebellious over (pardon the expression), just recognize that this is for entertainment purposes. You get to an almost zen-like state about it...or maybe I'm just getting old. :lol

I put "grow up" in quotes for a reason. It's just a figure of speech. Don't take it so seriously. I basically just meant I've left my childhood unconditional love of SW behind. I didn't mean "grow up", literally. Hell, I'm putting my oldest kid through college now. I'm old! :lol

And the Blu-ray burning was just a personal catharsis. Any money I could have sold it for was/is meaningless. And the stunt actually worked. It really helped vent out the angst. Now I see things like this "Star Wars Detours" thing and instead of joining in the "OMG! WTF!" reactions like I probably would have before now it's more of a shrug and a "meh" and I'm on my way. It's all just amusing now, if anything at all. I mean, it looks bad... but I don't care anymore.
I hate AOTC for introducing the cringey kung fu master yoda leaping all over the place.:slap
The fight was meh..but seeing yoda take his lightsaber out and ignite it was one of the most exciting moments of my life.
I thought it was cool the first time I saw it, but not so much any more.

Yeah, that's exactly it. It was funny and cool the first couple of times ( remember laughing and cheering at this the first time). But after that it starts to grate. A lot of aspects of the prequels are like that, actually.
Yeah, that's exactly it. It was funny and cool the first couple of times ( remember laughing and cheering at this the first time). But after that it starts to grate. A lot of aspects of the prequels are like that, actually.

As opposed to the OT. I can't remember how many times I'd watched the OT before realizing that when Luke first fights Vader in Cloud City the first portion of the duel is conducted by Vader holding his lightsaber with one hand. An awesome scene became even more awesome.

And then with AOTC we're all laughing and cheering before watching the movie on DVD a couple times and realizing, "um they're not actually *doing* anything except dancing around and twirling their blades." :lol
For me it just took away from the wise old mentor character he has in the OT. Yoda is all about brains not bouncing about as a cgi monkey. I don't mind the cg character but we really didn't need to see him fighting.
As opposed to the OT. I can't remember how many times I'd watched the OT before realizing that when Luke first fights Vader in Cloud City the first portion of the duel is conducted by Vader holding his lightsaber with one hand. An awesome scene became even more awesome.

And then with AOTC we're all laughing and cheering before watching the movie on DVD a couple times and realizing, "um they're not actually *doing* anything except dancing around and twirling their blades." :lol

For me it just took away from the wise old mentor character he has in the OT. Yoda is all about brains not bouncing about as a cgi monkey. I don't mind the cg character but we really didn't need to see him fighting.

Love the yoda fight in aotc and rots. Both pretty much kick ass IMO and are one of the reasons I love yoda.
For me it just took away from the wise old mentor character he has in the OT. Yoda is all about brains not bouncing about as a cgi monkey. I don't mind the cg character but we really didn't need to see him fighting.

I disagree. It would have been more impressive had he just stepped back and used the force to control the lightsaber. We needed to see him fight. It's just the fight sequence is so out of character.

That said to be honest I still enjoy those parts.