Xbox One System Discussion

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I think the whole No DRM 4 PS4 was a great start. But gamers can't let it end there, and we cannot back down. We have to hold our ground if we want this to change. We have to keep the pressure on Sony to not even think about this. And be prepared to back it up with our wallets. If Sony says the PS4 is like Josh said a PS3 w/ better graphics, then that is great. If gamers back that console in droves, Sony will have no reason to want to do anything else. And even the hardball developers would have to back down. We already know the big gun AAA games can't survive being an exclusive. As great as Halo or Uncharted is, neither has sold whatg Madden sells or COD sells. We hold all the cards ijn this situation. We need to act like it.
I don't know man, US sales are around 1/4 of the worldwide sales aren't they?

Anyway, in case you haven't seen this, Angry Joe's really entertaining.
Yeah sorry, I worded that badly, I meant that MS only cares about the people around the world who play Halo and CoD 24 hours a day, and I believe both those games have the most players in the U.S. It's clear they aren't concerned with anyone else, as the mandatory connection proves, and we all know for a fact many people won't be able to connect every day. I'm with you all in thinking no game system should lock a person out for any amount of time, simply because they can't access the internet, it's ludicrous.
Yeah sorry, I worded that badly, I meant that MS only cares about the people around the world who play Halo and CoD 24 hours a day, and I believe both those games have the most players in the U.S. It's clear they aren't concerned with anyone else, as the mandatory connection proves, and I know for a fact many people won't be able to connect everyday. I'm with you all in thinking no game system should lock a person out for any amount of time, simply because they can't access the internet, it's ludicrous.


Yeah it's really sad and alienating.

They have no right of keeping us tied down like that.

Can I play my friend's games on my console?

NO, not unless you're signed in as them. Otherwise you will have to buy that game yourself. Even if your friend leaves the disc with you, you can't play it unless you buy it.

The clearest stance on this comes from Eurogamer's interview with Harrison: "I can come to your house and I can put the disc into your machine and I can sign in as me and we can play the game. The bits are on your hard drive. At the end of the play session, when I take my disc home - or even if I leave it with you - if you want to continue to play that game [on your profile] then you have to pay for it.

The bits are already on your hard drive, so it's just a question of going to our [online] store and buying the game, and then it's instantly available to play. The bits that are on the disc, I can give to anybody else, but if we both want to play it at the same time, we both have to own it. That's no different to how discs operate today."

Microsoft's Major Nelson (Larry Hyrb) put it this way: "Should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile." But then if you go home and leave the disc with your friend, they will have to pay for that game if they want to play it on their own profile.
Way too many restrictions for the XBone. I don't have Internet at home and I'm not going to buy one just to play games. I don't like the whole DRM thing. Will likely never buy.

Can I play my friend's games on my console?

NO, not unless you're signed in as them. Otherwise you will have to buy that game yourself. Even if your friend leaves the disc with you, you can't play it unless you buy it.

The clearest stance on this comes from Eurogamer's interview with Harrison: "I can come to your house and I can put the disc into your machine and I can sign in as me and we can play the game. The bits are on your hard drive. At the end of the play session, when I take my disc home - or even if I leave it with you - if you want to continue to play that game [on your profile] then you have to pay for it.

The bits are already on your hard drive, so it's just a question of going to our [online] store and buying the game, and then it's instantly available to play. The bits that are on the disc, I can give to anybody else, but if we both want to play it at the same time, we both have to own it. That's no different to how discs operate today."

Microsoft's Major Nelson (Larry Hyrb) put it this way: "Should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile." But then if you go home and leave the disc with your friend, they will have to pay for that game if they want to play it on their own profile.

Someone told me about that, I can't believe it, and they wanna force us to be connected always this is the biggest bulls**t ever

I'm going for PS4 I don't know much about it but its clearly the way to go. They took the controller with screen idea I had 2 years ago, I'll take that as a sign.

Too many rules, too many restrictions xbox one is the disgrace of the generation
I would be very surprised if the Xbox One will still leave these lock downs on used games and 24 hour internet check ups after horrible sales number while Sony laughs. More surprised if Microsoft still leaves those lock ups and internet check ups until PS5 shows up. :lol
just makes you think who did Microsoft hire or let Plan these awful ideas for their next gen console? and how did they let it pass as a final product.
just makes you think who did Microsoft hire or let Plan these awful ideas for their next gen console? and how did they let it pass as a final product.

Pretty sure they hired the same guys who does their Microsoft Licensing. I went through a boot camp for Microsoft software licensing last year and it blew my mind how much money they make for software upkeep via Enterprise Agreement and Software Assurance. I'm sure that the goal with XBOX One is the same. Why leave it up to chance when you can control the whole entire software infrastructure? Doing so eliminates piracy and aftermarket competitions. Hell, you can't even really borrow games from your buddies any longer...:duff
It's not really Microsoft who wanted this, it's the publishers EA, Ubisoft Activivision etc. In my opinion MS is playing ball so that they can get the big exclusives from them in the hops that they can win games over with the timed DLC or exclusive DLC or games, the problem with that is the 360 and PS3 kind of exploded in terms of numbers of games (Ghosts will make 9 Call Of Duty games on this gen) so people became more inclined to buy used or trade in and just when people started getting used to it they want to take it away and they've lost a lot of good will from the gaming community. If Sony are doing something similar then the exclusives may help, if they don't then all the exclusives in the world may not save them.
It's not really Microsoft who wanted this, it's the publishers EA, Ubisoft Activivision etc. In my opinion MS is playing ball so that they can get the big exclusives from them in the hops that they can win games over with the timed DLC or exclusive DLC or games, the problem with that is the 360 and PS3 kind of exploded in terms of numbers of games (Ghosts will make 9 Call Of Duty games on this gen) so people became more inclined to buy used or trade in and just when people started getting used to it they want to take it away and they've lost a lot of good will from the gaming community. If Sony are doing something similar then the exclusives may help, if they don't then all the exclusives in the world may not save them.

I don't know about that. Microsoft controls the platform and built the infrastructure. I don't recall publishers calling the shots. Then again, I'm not in the gaming industry so I do not know what actually happens behind the scene. I guess we'll see who's controlling what when PS4 reveals their licensing scheme. If it is indeed the publishers pulling the strings then I do not see how Sony can bypass the same licensing scheme that Microsoft is implementing.
I don't know about that. Microsoft controls the platform and built the infrastructure. I don't recall publishers calling the shots. Then again, I'm not in the gaming industry so I do not know what actually happens behind the scene. I guess we'll see who's controlling what when PS4 reveals their licensing scheme. If it is indeed the publishers pulling the strings then I do not see how Sony can bypass the same licensing scheme that Microsoft is implementing.

If you read the statements from the other day they say its up to the publishers if they are going to allow games to be re-sold, they are also working with their partners (Publishers) about lending and renting games. Also EA dropped the much hated Online Pass and then a week later at the Xbox event it announced they were partnering with Microsoft. MS also says that they don't require any fees for re-licensing a game but the publishers might. Sony may not have been willing to play ball and that's why right now were seeing a lot of deals in place with MS. Don't get me wrong, Microsoft built the damn machine they are the ones who chose this philosophy of anti consumerism to please the publishers, they are not innocent in this whole thing far from it.