Worst Film of 2008!

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Guns, gore, slo mo.

Heh. I'm easy. Sometimes. I liked the Mummy when I saw it....now I think its kinda crappy. Oh well.
hm.... I've actually just watched it.
The worst movie I have seen this year.... " Mum and Dad. "

What a load of crap. It started where it could be decent. In fact the first 20 minutes were the best and one of the scenes there was a woman scrubbing crap out of a toilet so I guess that sums up how bad it was. Its a horror where a polish cleaner ( not a hitman :lol ) goes to her fellow workers house and her whole family are nutjobs who rape , murder and torture their victims. The main people who do this are the mum and dad. A big fat bloke and a skinny oldish woman.
It was alrgiht at first but towards the end it got unberable , no backgound music in the movie for 20 minutes and just talking can get really boring. The thing that ade me laugh was when they hung people from the wall for christmas decorations.
Now this could be considered scary but trust me this was ridiculous.

At one part they were really scared they were going to be found out but then when its christmas they open the curtains , cook the turkey and hang the dying or dead kids on the wall ......

Anyway , if you want a laugh watch it , if you want a horror.... don't.
This is getting 5 star reviews on play.com and empire gave it 4. I really really do not understand why this is getting this kind of feedback.

I don't understand how M. Night Shamalamadingdong still gets backing for any movie he makes now. He's only made a couple of good ones.
worst i saw, indiana and crystal skull :monkey4. what a piece of garbage waste of dog crap! I have seen TV series and made for TV movies that are better.

Runner up is HB2, the movie was just all over the place to the point of unwatchable.

Didn't see happening but I have not watch any m night's movie after the sign. A pretty lame movie too.
Worst of the worst:
Speed Racer
Harold & Kumar

Waste of time:
Diary of the Dead
Street Kings
Mummy 3
Clone Wars

Most disappointing film:
Indy - after all these years, Harrison Ford deserved a much better script
However my girl liked it. :sick But then again she likes liver.

with these ?

I liked Yes Man - it's the first time that Zooey Deschanel didn't drive me up the wall. It wasn't hilarious, but was a refreshing change from the Apatow comedy school (which I also like, but seemingly has taken over film comedy).