Why Hot Toys taking so long to sell out?

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Its a supply/demand thing. HT is producing more figures for each release ... and they're also producing more releases. There was a time when there were a few major releases a year, and everybody was waiting on the same thing.

These days, you have to choose between Batman Begins Wayne, Batman 89, Joker 89, Iron Man, Superman, Jack Sparrow, Captain America, Indiana Jones, etc., etc., etc. all within a few months. They're cannibalizing their own market a bit -- competing against themselves ... forcing collectors to choose between one HT figure and another HT figure rather than chooing between a HT figure and a SS figure.

Its a supply/demand thing. HT is producing more figures for each release ... and they're also producing more releases. There was a time when there were a few major releases a year, and everybody was waiting on the same thing.

These days, you have to choose between Batman Begins Wayne, Batman 89, Joker 89, Iron Man, Superman, Jack Sparrow, Captain America, Indiana Jones, etc., etc., etc. all within a few months. They're cannibalizing their own market a bit -- competing against themselves ... forcing collectors to choose between one HT figure and another HT figure rather than chooing between a HT figure and a SS figure.


I rarely see older Hot Toys figures sold under retail. A quick search on Ebay shows high prices on figures like Rocky and Rambo. And those have more of the old school sculpts. What is a good example of a figure that is sold under retail value? And where are you seeing that?

They are everywhere. Only some of the old figures retained their value because they were limited/rare & never re-made, so it holds some desirability to the ht collectors. Look at classic predator, once the new one came out, the old one couldnt even be unloaded at retail. And some of the newer releases like iron man v, tracker pred, falconer pred, etc.. all selling at a discount. Even the batman is now losing their value as hot toys has turned their attention to this figure with new iterations over and over just like they did to ironman/predator until this character loses all collectibility factor.

It's a classic case of looking under your feet and not the forest. They will gain higher profit short term but continue to destroy their brand in the long run as a highend collectible maker and eventually lose more. What they should have done is limit each release to 1000-2000 like sideshow, and let it sellout to keep the fans hooked, dont re-release the same figure ever - it destroys trust (release newer version with sigificant improvement is ok), and most of all STOP making the **** predator 100 times.

I have started to collect squadt figures, even though they are plastic figures like ht, those guys got the model correct, and I love it when i manage to get them.

I'm pretty new to this forum and to Hot Toys collecting, but I've been told that in the past, Hot Toys would sell out rather fast. In fact, it wouldn't be unheard of for Hot Toys figures to sell out during preorder stage. Now, even highly regarded figures appear to be staying in stock longer. Is this because of higher prices these days? Perhaps a down economy? Or is it related to Hot Toys manufacturing more figures such that supply exceeds demand?

You hit it on the head in all three statements!!!!!!!!!!!:yess:
What they should have done is limit each release to 1000-2000 like sideshow, and let it sellout to keep the fans hooked, dont re-release the same figure ever - it destroys trust (release newer version with sigificant improvement is ok)

Well theres exceptions to that. Such as the Tumbler - owners of the original like me breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out to be a straight rerelease. Releasing it with improvements when the old one really isn't that old would have felt like a punch in the stomach to those who supported HT by buying it in the first place.
I know it's not a HT, but I was looking at SSC's CA - James 'Bucky' Barnes Premium Format Figure still in stock. I think it's 1/4 scale? It looks like a very nice statue/figure. I'm surprised it hasn't sold out yet considering pre-orders commenced on Sept. of 2010! The edition size isn't that big at 1,000. Does anyone know something about this PF figure that I should know about? Is there a problem with it, maybe? Why would it not be sold out? :dunno
I know it's not a HT, but I was looking at SSC's CA - James 'Bucky' Barnes Premium Format Figure still in stock. I think it's 1/4 scale? It looks like a very nice statue/figure. I'm surprised it hasn't sold out yet considering pre-orders commenced on Sept. of 2010! The edition size isn't that big at 1,000. Does anyone know something about this PF figure that I should know about? Is there a problem with it, maybe? Why would it not be sold out? :dunno

it's a great statue, and I own one, but it's not steve rogers
I know it's not a HT, but I was looking at SSC's CA - James 'Bucky' Barnes Premium Format Figure still in stock. I think it's 1/4 scale? It looks like a very nice statue/figure. I'm surprised it hasn't sold out yet considering pre-orders commenced on Sept. of 2010! The edition size isn't that big at 1,000. Does anyone know something about this PF figure that I should know about? Is there a problem with it, maybe? Why would it not be sold out? :dunno

who on earth will purchase this ghey looking capt, when there is the much better movie version coming out & the original grail.
Well theres exceptions to that. Such as the Tumbler - owners of the original like me breathed a sigh of relief when it turned out to be a straight rerelease. Releasing it with improvements when the old one really isn't that old would have felt like a punch in the stomach to those who supported HT by buying it in the first place.

That's the problem with plastic figures in general. For sideshow statues, they can release different versions of the same character with very little effect of overlapping & value destruction of the old one.

But with plastic figures, as soon as you release a new better one, most people dont want the old one anymore and it becomes quite worthless as time goes by. With knowledge of this fact, most collectors like you just said, are hoping HT dont release a newer version (even if it's a much better version) of the same character, as to not invalidate their own collection. And are glad ht are instead re-releasing a soldout limited edition figure..think about how sad that is.

As i said before, this is no way to collect, and not sustainable long term as a highend collectible hobby. Buying them as toys to play with are fine...
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But with plastic figures, as soon as you release a new one, most people dont want the old one anymore and it becomes quite worthless as time goes by. Without knowledge of this fact, most collectibles like you just said are hoping HT dont release a newer version (even if it's a much better version) of the same character, as to not invalidate their own collection.

Yeah. It seems to me that it comes down to the fact that people aren't buying a 'Hot Toys figure,' they're buying a representation of a character they like (Predator, say). When a better version comes along, it doesn't have to actually be HT for it to de-value the HT version (which is something that doesn't seem to occur to a lot of people here), it just has to be a superior version of the character, that's absolutely all it comes down to. Enterbay could make a new Predator, Blitzway, anyone. It doesn't matter who makes it, all that matters is that it's superior, the effect is the same.

If people were out there buying a figure in large part because it was 'Hot Toys,' because they collect 'Hot Toys' in the same way people collect MEGO, then a new version of Predator or whatever wouldn't have the same drastic de-valuing effect. There would be an interest in originals, the first version, the simple sculpt, its part in history, etc, etc.

The great problem, it seems to me, is some people try to act like they are collecting 'Hot Toys' because it's 'Hot Toys.' They talk about them as 'collectibles,' and like they appreciate them on some level more than just 'this is the best looking 1/6 Predator out there,' but that's absolutely a lie for the vast majority out there. 99% of people have no legitimate interest in HT as an actual 'collectible,' they just like to say they do. If they had honest interest in 'HT' as a collectible, then given the opportunity today they might honestly consider buying one of the first RoboCop figures over the new RoboCop figure HT is making. But no, 99.9% of HT buyers have no interest in that. They're only interested in it as a 'collectible' when they already own the old version and want to complain about a new version "de-valuing" it as a 'collectible.' What they're really talking about then though, is that they want the better-looking version, their irritation is that something better is out there and that it inconveniences them to have to update. That this persons wants to update though, that is actually the main problem to Hot Toys being a lasting 'collectible'. The fault isn't with Hot Toys, the fault is with people buying who somehow think they can buy something that is not only a 'collectible 1/6 figure' but is also the best looking version of the character available until the end of time.

With extremely few exceptions, the person with a shelf full of Hot Toys figure is purely motivated by what is the best looking version available, that's what they'll go for every time, that's all that motivates them. And that alone, or in large part, is what causes trouble for HT figures as lasting 'collectibles,' I'd say.

That's a long and rambling post, probably nonsensical in good part, I didn't mean to write so much, but that's basically my view on things, that's my thinking.
I wonder if HT's can even be considered a true collectible these days with such mass production.

Yeah, it's really strange that Hot Toys figures that were released last year are still on sale at Sideshow :monkey1.

As a collector, I think I'm done with Hot Toys. I do have the two Batman 89 figures on pre-order, but those might be the very last Hot Toys figures that I'll ever purchase. The last time I collected mass-produced figures was in high school, when I used to buy Transformers from Wal-Mart and Target. I have zero interest in doing something like that again, let alone, with more expensive figures.
The market is flooded with licenses, and differant manufactures, Enterbay VS Hot Toys, they can't even keep up with themselves and the licenses they aquire, and yet there is no competitive pricing anywhere.

The prices for them just continue to skyrocket one release after another with little indication of quality increase. Just the 7 man Avenger team from one single movie will now cost you at least $2100. Probably much more with Hulk's size factored in. Even HT and EB now realise this has gone as far as you can with these prices and are moving on to 1/4 scale.

My guess is we'll see some $5-600 PF figures, which will raise to around $800 by next year as they learn more about that scale and by that time most people will have been priced out of the hobby and smaller scale, possibly even 7 inch figures will make a comeback. They've already started with Neca upping their game.
SS, Medicom are charging elite level prices nowadays, IMO they are still far away in terms of overall presentation. The only "competition" is EB and they are too small to really "make waves."

Why should HT worry about delays, sales etc they have no one pressuring them to do better. That said, I am more curious about the delays in releases and announcements then not selling out. Not selling out is rather self explanatory.
who on earth will purchase this ghey looking capt, when there is the much better movie version coming out & the original grail.

If by "orig. grail" you mean the one below that costs over $1.3K, that there would be the reason—I would never buy any statue/PF figure that's over about $400. The new movie PF might be a consideration for me. But I still don't understand why the grey Bucky hadn't sold out a year ago... before the movie. I think it looks awesome; great pose, too.
Look at classic predator, once the new one came out, the old one couldnt even be unloaded at retail. And some of the newer releases like iron man v, tracker pred, falconer pred, etc.. all selling at a discount. Even the batman is now losing their value as hot toys has turned their attention to this figure with new iterations over and over just like they did to ironman/predator until this character loses all collectibility factor.

:exactly: :exactly:

They will gain higher profit short term but continue to destroy their brand in the long run as a highend collectible maker and eventually lose more, dont re-release the same figure ever - it destroys trust (release newer version with sigificant improvement is you musy), and most of all STOP making the **** characters 100 times.


They are undermining their own collectibility and purpose of their brand to gain a fast profit at the expense of long term customer loyalty and patronage.

I have started to collect squadt figures, even though they are plastic figures like ht, those guys got the model correct, and I love it when i manage to get them.

I've started on ThreeA

That's the problem with plastic figures in general. For sideshow statues, they can release different versions of the same character with very little effect of overlapping & value destruction of the old one...

True, too many upgrade their figures with new versions and remakes, upgrading is something you do with technology not collectibles IMHO it's ruining the hobby & brand.

As a collector, I think I'm done with Hot Toys. I do have the two Batman 89 figures on pre-order, but those might be the very last Hot Toys figures that I'll ever purchase.

My order list continues to drop or stay the same, Hot Toys just aren't offering enough variety for me, i've got most of the characters they are doing from previous versions of the figures and want new characters from new projects, which they continue to delay producing. :dunno
I don't understand why people look at these figures as an investment. The most someone will make off of these toys is $400. In the end can that pay for your mortgage? Can it feed your family for an entire year? No, that's what jobs are for. These are high end collectibles, for YOUR hot toys COLLECTION....not high end sell it off years later to make a few extra bucks.

If you own a figure where ht made or is making a 2.0 of, why should it devalue the original? If you were a true fan of the character and ht, you'd proudly keep it in your collection. I've seen many pics where collectors have kept every iteration of a certain character and have not complained once. Why didn't they complain? Because they have a passion for the hobby and it's their fav character.

I honestly dont think HT are hurt or are hurting the collectible industry at all. In fact, Whoever is claiming that, where are your facts? Can you show us charts? Just because you can still obtain a toy, that suggests that the industry and the company are hurt?

The way I see it, They're allowing their brand to reach further out and want those that had hard times getting that figure can now get one without resorting to scalpers. Who hasn't been there before? Wanting to buy a figure, only to be late to the party, resorting to spending hundreds more through eBay, all the while cursing that seller and those that got it for market value. Don't tell me you didn't think, if only ht made more of that figure...

Like someone said earlier, some if not most want that perfect representation on their shelf. But when the movie studios make a sequel featuring that character in the same outfit (like jack sparrow) what then? Should HT NOT make that version of the character just to please you?? What about the hundreds that actually want it??

Example: I have 2 dx01 and 2 dx02. Rumblings of 2.0, and TDKR 1/6 and 1/4 right around the corner. I can't wait to get my hands on them. Am I going to sell the previous versions? No. Why? Because they're still amazing figures and are amazing representations of those characters.

I really hope those that are complaining that HT is TOO available are only a select few. Selling amazing product to more people is always a good thing. There are dangers to growing too big, but as long as it doesn't get out of hand, I'll continue to buy from them. However if something irritates me, I'll stop. Simple as that.

You worry about clutter? Get a bigger room. You worry about spending too much money? Get out of the hobby. Selling these figs isn't going to help you get that dream car or MTV crib. A job will do that. Love owning fine craftsmanship? Same here fella.