Who was your favorite movie Avenger?

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Who was your favorite movie Avenger?

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Dude, that's one of the best GIF's I've ever seen! :rock :rock :rock
I may have to use it sometimes! :D
One thing I like about this film is that the main 4 all really shine and there isn't really a clear "winner" (at least for me). Sure, RDJ has the charisma and gets a lot of the best lines... and Hulk has some of the coolest moments in comic book movie history, but they're all great. Even Ruffalo as Banner is awesome. And each of these guys completely and utterly embodies his character.

I went with Cap, because he's always been one of my 2 or 3 favorite comic book characters and because he's an idealist's hero. But it's really a 4-way tie between Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor.

Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury and Coulson came off pretty good, too. But they're all easily 2nd tier in comparison to the main 4.

And Hiddleston knocks it right out of the park.

This moving is brimming with spot-on performances and characterizations.
One thing I like about this film is that the main 4 all really shine and there isn't really a clear "winner" (at least for me).

Yep, and that's just awesome. No one is "forced" to pick someone other than their favorite because of a lack of respect or attention paid to their character (at least as far as the big four are concerned.)

With the first couple of X-Men movies you pretty much had to choose Wolverine regardless of who you liked best. Not so with Avengers. They really all do shine in their own respective ways.

At first I was tempted to roll my eyes at the fact that Iron Man got to "blow up the Death Star" especially knowing that RDJ originally wanted the movie to center on him but when you think about it he was the one who really needed to step and be the hero for this movie. Cap saved half the East Coast and helped end WWII, Thor saved the entire Frost Giant planet from being destroyed, but after two movies Iron Man really didn't do anything that "heroic" on an epic level.

I loved that after their talk about sacrifice that Stark stepped up to the plate at the end. Cap is a hero who inspires and creates other heroes. :yess: :clap
I voted Hawkeye, Black widow was cool too.Purely because thier ability is just based on skill and no super powers,brings a bit of balance to the film.
No one is "forced" to pick someone other than their favorite because of a lack of respect or attention paid to their character (at least as far as the big four are concerned.)

With the first couple of X-Men movies you pretty much had to choose Wolverine regardless of who you liked best. Not so with Avengers. They really all do shine in their own respective ways.
The part in bold is an important condition, because if you are a fan of 616 Hawkeye, then you might not have been a big fan of him in this film. He did get lots of screen time and opportunity to shine as a character though. He was just an Ultimates character through and through.

I loved that after their talk about sacrifice that Stark stepped up to the plate at the end. Cap is a hero who inspires and creates other heroes. :yess: :clap
LOL Word.
The Joker, followed by Batman....oh wait....:lol Iron Man for me. Thought the Hulk was good but way overhyped, especially for the amount of screen time he had.

I was actually loving every scene he was in. The Avengers though Iron Man (no surprise) followed really closely by Hulk. I'd say Thor and Cap about tied after and then Black Widow (mainly because of ScarJo). I wasn't overly impressed or endeared to Hawkeye at all actually.
I voted Cap simply due to the fact that although it was the best representation of the Hulk on screen so far it was quite limited (ie essentially two fights-- however glorious) and when Cap gives the directions to the cop the audience went nuts after Cap shows the cop exactly why he "should listen" to him...

I wish Cap had more to do with the final moments (but I understand that they wanted him at the ground level along with Thor and Hulk for Iron-Man's "grounding") and I would have preferred if he had been the one to use Loki's staff as BW did. I also would have liked Thor to say something along the lines of "I won't follow a mortal into battle-- but I'd follow this man into hell --type thingie" reminiscent of how Thor acted in the comics to Cap's "death".
Although he was not my favorite simply because, as a happily hetero male, I will take a good-looking woman over any male superhero, any day, I thought Hawkeye was done very, very well in the movie.

There is at least one post stating that he has no powers, but it was mentioned at least twice in the movie that he has super human vision. That is what made him such an incredible shot with the bow and the best choice to place as a forward observer. I thought they used him perfectly for his power.
What's with all the gushing for Loki? Don't get me wrong, he was brilliant. But I thought he was fantastic in Thor as well. Was it all the crying that turned people off? :lol
What's with all the gushing for Loki? Don't get me wrong, he was brilliant. But I thought he was fantastic in Thor as well. Was it all the crying that turned people off? :lol

I gushed over Loki in Thor. I adored him from the first minute I saw in him onscreen in Thor. With Avengers, I continue to gush over him. He's my favorite character.

Of the actual six Avengers.....damn. Asking me to pick a favorite in a Joss Whedon movie........UGH! I ended up loving even characters I didn't think I would. I didn't think I would love Captain America or Black Widow as much as I did. I really thought it would be between Thor, Ironman and Hawkeye (whom I most wanted to see more of so much after Thor - Hawkeye is pure awesome).

If Loki had been in this poll, he would've gotten my vote. As it is, I'm not able to pick a favorite yet out of the others.
Thor is my favorite Marvel character so I pretty much have to go with him, and Tom Hiddleston is great as Loki.

Outside of the Thor characters it's hard to go against RDJ as Tony Stark.