What Figure in you collection is on the chopping block?

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I'm at the point where it's the hassle of selling that separates being happy to keep or part with it. It is an iconic figure of an iconic character of an iconic actor... but some iconic cash in the wallet would be nice too.

I totally get that.

Space is finite, and unfortunately that means that I have to make some tough choices to keep getting new things. The Godfather was one of those.
1) Custom Wolverine
2) Custom John McClane (although I put A LOT of work into this, so it would pain me to part with him)
3) NEW Sideshow Freddy Krueger (who I have on PO but may look to move straight on!)
Over the last 2 years Ive gotten rid of Hot toys -

Thor (v1)
The Wolverine
A Power Pose Iron Man
Amazing Spider-Man
Iron Man Mark 3 Battle Damaged version
Tony Stark Work Shop version (from IM1)
Iron Man Mark 1 (v2)

Some I didn't want anymore some sold to fund incoming figures...but mostly to do with space. I think its pointless in having figures boxed up sitting in storage.
I tried to sell or trade figures, but everytime i ended up having remorse and bought them back a few months later. So now i know it's a waste of time for me lol.
The few remaining OT Star Wars figures I have. I started collecting early last year and I just hate seeing a half completed cast on the shelf and knowing I'll need to spend a fortune for it to feel complete. I've already sold five other figures, so after these SW figures are gone I'll be down to the my T-800s, MMS238 and DX13, and the DX11 Joker. I think I'll stick to the occasional one off figure that won't look out of place alone. It's too expensive for me otherwise!
A New Hope Han Solo. Ever since I picked up the Force Awakens Solo (like Evilface said about Vader), it made the New Hope version obsolete for me.
I’m seriously running out of space so I’ve had to make some hard choices.

I recently got rid of my Sideshow ANH Vader and Han and Luke Stormies. Sideshow Anakin is next—I just haven’t had a chance to take pictures so I can put him up on eBay.

I’m considering getting rid of my HT X3 Wolverine and HT Mark 2 Iron Man (1st release) but those don’t sell.

I’m also considering getting rid of my Go Hero Buck Rogers, but I’m afraid to sell him because that glass bubble helmet is more than likely going to break when it’s shipped, and I don’t want to deal with the headache.
For me it's not individual figures but entire lines.

I've got a mix of different franchises (Star Wars, TDK, LOTR, Alien(s), etc...) along with military themed figures and with space at a premium, I've been tempted to focus on just a few lines and let the others go.

It's not easy, as I've been very picky in my figure acquisitions. No easy choices to let go of.
Best thing is to always make sure you are purchasing what you want. Not be driven by hype. Order the entire line of Avengers? Then Avengers 2? Civil War? Yea, you are now out of space and have multiples of dawls you didn't really want.
A New Hope Han Solo. Ever since I picked up the Force Awakens Solo (like Evilface said about Vader), it made the New Hope version obsolete for me.

This doesn't make sense to me. Those are two completely different figures to me. It's not a improved version of an ANH Solo.
Best thing is to always make sure you are purchasing what you want. Not be driven by hype. Order the entire line of Avengers? Then Avengers 2? Civil War? Yea, you are now out of space and have multiples of dawls you didn't really want.

I'm sure this has been said a 1,000 times before and will be said a 1,000 times after, but that is what caught me. I got caught up in the "wanting everything" of a certain line. Then, as time wore on, and that honeymoon feeling wore off from buying, I was like "wth was I thinking" :lol. I was lucky enough that it didn't get too out of hand. But to your post, it is sooo easy to get caught up like that.
This doesn't make sense to me. Those are two completely different figures to me. It's not a improved version of an ANH Solo.

I don't have a ton of space to display, so I try to only have a definitive figure for me to display of a certain character (if that makes sense). Not that I don't like the New Hope Han, it's just for me, now, I prefer the Force Awakens to be out displayed currently.
I don't have a ton of space to display, so I try to only have a definitive figure for me to display of a certain character (if that makes sense). Not that I don't like the New Hope Han, it's just for me, now, I prefer the Force Awakens to be out displayed currently.

Yeah it makes sense. I just think of old han as so far removed from OT han that it seems like a completely different thing.

Not like choosing bespin han > anh han or esb vader > anh vader.

And i do agree that TFA solo is the better figure.

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I tend to buy figures from specific lines (Nolan Batman, Terminator, Star Wars being my big ones) that I don't have a whole lot I'd necessarily want to get rid of. The main figures I'd think of doing away with are probably my three Man of Steel figures. I'd sell those pretty easily and maybe try to get the new Superman from Batman V Superman to go with my Batman and upcoming Wonder Woman. Not that Jor-El and Zod are bad figures but just not ones I feel I need. Not a figure but I'd also be willing to part with my unofficial armory from The Dark Knight which I bought before the Hot Toys version came out.
Nothing I'm actively getting rid of, I only ever buy what I really want, always have (something that is even more important somewhere like Australia, where the aftermarket is so thin, and selling most things means taking a considerable loss), however I suspect my iminime Daryl Dixon will be joining Enterbay Jack Bauer in storage soon. My plans to kitbash custom Rick and Carol figures has fallen on the backburner for now (got the sculpts, still need to get the heads painted), with other priorities taking over, so his figure, just like Jack was, is a bit odd man out on the shelf, standing there all by his lonesome. Need to put him away until I get those other two done, but no idea when that will be now at this point.

What I really need to do is get rid of some of my statues, but when you like everything you own, and when you know you'll take a loss on pretty much anything you sell, it's a bit hard to get motivated into parting with anything.
My basic rule of thumb is that I can only have One of any given character. If a better version comes out (or one I like more) I have to kill the one I have. For example, I have the HT Keaton Batman. I will not likely own any other Batman figures as that is my definite version. A) it keeps my collection 'controlled' and B) it allows me to have a more diverse collection as well. Plus it is much easier on the wallet this way too...most of the time.
I went through a period of time where I just about preordered every Hot Toys that was up for preorder in the Marvel line. So it'd probably be two of the three Scarlet Witches that go first.

HT AoU Quicksilver...first HT figure that was met with a "meh" after opening.

Well if you do, I might be interested depending on the price. My Ultron needs something to sit on. :rotfl

I just can't justify paying full retail for a "chair".