Triad's licensed HOUSE MD

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Re: Triad's House Figure.....


Now your turn, what the hell is a "Serang"!?
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

I'll probably buy this for the clothes, cane, pill bottle and shoes. See what works, what doesn't. I like the sheen of the dress shirt. Sculpt will be tossed though for sure.

My thoughts exactly.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

It sucks to peruse through these threads looking for info on the characters and find that most of the thread contains everyone mocking each other. Let's be constructive. Spend some time writing Triad to convince them of the flaws in the sculpt. Maybe they'll listen and make the changes we'd all like.

Let's keep these small companies thriving, not shutting down. Remember 21st Century and BBI? I sure miss them for their unique approach to the hobby and Triad is no different.

I'd have to agree with that. I would also agree that the portrait doesn't look much like Laurie as House, and I would blame a lot of that on the expression - House doesn't smile all that much. But it's obviously a competent sculpt - it doesn't look amateurish at all, just nothing like House.

The Foreman is excellent though - hopefully Chase, Cutty and the girl doctor will look as good. I never would have thought they'd go beyond House with this line, but I'm looking forward to a great Cutty - the Triad bodies are a good match for her.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

IKE-CON must work for Triad Toys or something. He gets all pissy and defensive whenever someone discusses that company and how much they fail. He's a Triad, undercover poster sent to forums to deflect any negative criticism and instructed to praise stuff even when it's crap. I'm 0.9% sure. :lol

Actually I clearly said the House sculpt was bad as well.
So that blows that 0.9% theory down to .00000916% :lol:lol:lol

It's a shame that you make 10 things and the 2 things out of those 10 that are disliked,
are the only thing people seem to notice or comment on. Alas, that is the society we live in.

Also, I don't mind seeing negative things said about any product. I just don't like when people
do it in a childish manner, just for the sake of doing it. How are companies suppose to improve if people don't
give specifics and/or suggestions on how to do that?

I'd have to say, all pissy-ness aside, that I do like the shoes, cain, outfit & pill bottle.
Though we could certainly use some better, upclose pictures of everything. The Toysfair pictures are not so great,
I like to see more detail for sure.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

I didn't like it either.

I have a few Otakus and really loved Triad works. I was a little disappointed with my Taki and my Samurai Champloos, but not with the figures per se. The figures were loose in their packages and their shipping box didn't have anything protecting them. I will need to glue my Taki armor and not sure if the damage on Jin's nose will be easy to fix (and I never fix a figure. All my figures are exposed as they came out of the box, still thinking if I will keep them).

I was already pending to buy only blister packaged figures from Triad. And that house was my decisive figure.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

Well you never know, A LOT of things could change between now and when these figures are actually released. Hell the entire time the new DX Batman was being shown at multiple shows it was actually the v.1 Batman with DX Heads, capes, belts, accessories. So a lot of stuff in these pics could be filler just to show SOMETHING.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

The more I look at the clothes the more I like it. The jeans and head are crap, but it's definitely a starting point.
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

the likeness is off, but wouldn't look nearly as "off" if he wasn't smiling. normally i'm critical of a generic placid look, but House has smiled like 3 times in the whole series lol
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

Yeah, their House pretty much sucks. Foreman is acceptable though Wilson would have made a much better choice. At least Foreman is the one member of the original team that stayed the whole time, so he was still a good choice. I'll get himf for sure. A HUGE maybe on House. Maybe if he was very cheap.

But I mean that sculpt is pretty bad. They've been working on him for who knows how long and they couldn't do better than that? And why is he wearing a wedding ring? Usually things like that are missed, not incorrectly added! :confused:
Re: Triad's House Figure.....

Man I really wanted to like House...I still have hope that we are not seeing a final product...Hmmm....I like the Lone Wolf and Cub though....