Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

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This movie sucked balls......it was visually spectacular....but there was no story and there was no life in any of the characters. Thumbs down.
Quite the opposite, in my view. He wasn't nearly over the top enough in most instances. If a role ever called for it, it is the Mad Hatter.

Very true... wasn't nearly mad or interesting enough.

And Bamboota... love the sig! Boosh kicks all kinds of ass :banana:banana
And Bamboota... love the sig! Boosh kicks all kinds of ass :banana:banana

Thank You Sir!:peace
Still need to see this movie. I guess I'm in the minority since I liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (although Depps Wonka was a little too over the top). I've got a feeling that I'll like Alice in Wonderland, but i'm fearful that Depp will overact in this one. I've been hearing that his character really didn;t need to be in the movie as much as he was...

I too liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

My wife put it best when she said: 'I have no expectations when I see a movie... maybe that's why I like most movies.'

Some of the people on this site (not just this thread) sound like professional movie critics. Very negative and jaded. Just go to the movies and have a good time people. Let the director take you on a journey and don't over analyze it.

As to Johnny's acting; the only question I had was why did he keep changing his accent? I have a feeling I missed a plot point here. :confused:

This movie sucked balls......it was visually spectacular....but there was no story and there was no life in any of the characters. Thumbs down.

I love ya Bam, but when it comes to no story the books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking glass just about take the cake. I love them, but the are intentionally nonsense. The script that Tim Burton was working on had a very coherent plot, with a beginning a middle and an end. I think it was a great story with a simple but pointed moral. Girls/women are people. People that can have a powerful effect on the events of the world. People that are intelligent and independent.

And more in general it was about the power anyone can have when they believe in themselves. That's why I was so moved (yes I had tears in my eyes) at the ending when she lists the 6 impossible things.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I thought that rocked really hard. :rock

Is I said earlier in this thread, the only thing I didn't like was the quality of the CGI here and there. The incredible motion capture of Avatar has spoiled me. :(
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I saw this on Saturday and thought it was excellent. I wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised by it.

As Maglor said, doesn't anybody go to the ****in' movies just to enjoy themselves anymore?

This movie sucked balls..... .it was visually spectacular....but there was no story and there was no life in any of the characters. Thumbs down.
You watch and like utter garbage like Tim and Eric and Mighty Boosh and have the nerve to say this sucks balls? Wow. :lol
Sorry, but I find it hard to enjoy myself if a movie sucks. I can watch and enjoy cheesy movies, badly acted movies, stupid action movies, bat-____ crazy movies, and everything in-between that isn't traditionally "good," but that might have something enjoyable about them. But there was nothing to really enjoy about this one. It wasn't fun, it wasn't clever, it wasn't really anything. Do you want me to go watch Epic Movie or Scary Movie 4 and somehow leave my brains and good sense at the door and enjoy it? Sorry, but I can't do that.

People made the same argument about Transformers, but I just can't enjoy a movie that isn't enjoyable on any level. I wish I could!
don't over analize it.

Impossible. Look, if you love film, and treat it as a hobby, you dont go to the movies JUSt for a good time. Oh sure, sometimes you do...but most of us have studied film, and anyalized it, got the meaning, the undertones, and found something new in a movie, other then "OMGZ DER BE SUM EXPLOSUNS."

If you study film, you will NEVER go back to just watching a movie purly just for the sake of ____s and giggles.
Thing is, I personally didn't go into the movie expecting too much or looking for anything beyond an enjoyable experience. I wasn't expecting Citizen Kane here. But I still didn't enjoy it, and when I post my thoughts about the movie, I'm trying to describe the reasons why I think this was the case.
Lack of character, predicable story, doesnt change anything major, so it's just the same old same old. Also crappy effects. I mean lord...
Impossible. Look, if you love film, and treat it as a hobby, you dont go to the movies JUSt for a good time. Oh sure, sometimes you do...but most of us have studied film, and anyalized it, got the meaning, the undertones, and found something new in a movie, other then "OMGZ DER BE SUM EXPLOSUNS."

If you study film, you will NEVER go back to just watching a movie purly just for the sake of ____s and giggles.

What an extraordinarily pompous post.

Did you read what I wrote above? Here it is again:

The script that Tim Burton was working on had a very coherent plot, with a beginning a middle and an end. I think it was a great story with a simple but pointed moral. Girls/women are people. People that can have a powerful effect on the events of the world. People that are intelligent and independent.

And more in general it was about the power anyone can have when they believe in themselves. That's why I was so moved (yes I had tears in my eyes) at the ending when she lists the 6 impossible things.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I thought that rocked really hard. :rock

As you can see, I have analyzed it. I just haven't over analyzed it to the point of talking myself into believing that it sucked. I hate that. The burden of "proof" lies on you to try to explain to me what sucked so much. The fact is you can't because it's a personal thing. I liked it because of the way it made me feel.

You didn't feel it? I couldn't give a flying F%$#!!! Why be pompous or over dramatic about this stuff?

I love movies. I consider watching films to be one of my hobbies. It's no coincidence that nearly every single action figure I have is from a movie!

And "big budget" films only make a small part of my movie collection. I love small "art-house" movies, horror movies, off-beat comedy movies, etc.

I try to keep an open mind about movies. I find I enjoy life more if I try to see the good in everything. Does that mean that I think every movie is great. Of course not, but I usually dislike a movie because I morally object to it's message. Some movies I enjoy have virtually no discernible plot (have you ever watched a David Lynch movie?) but they are still great art.

I view film as art. And I think that a lot of the people involved in the film making process truly are artists (despite being part of a big business). I try to find what is of value in any piece of film art. Perhaps there is a good performance there, maybe the imagery is particularly impressive. Does the story have something to say? In the case of AIW, all of these are present IMO.

Does this movie change my life? Well not in any major way, but it certainly promotes positive thinking. And I can't object to that.

Alright, I really hope I got that out of my system... :peace
I liked this movie. It was better than the last over-hyped and mis-marketed crapfest I wasted my money on.

someone said "predictable." IT'S ALICE IN FARKING WONDERLAND!!! Of course it's predictable. but at least Burton put enough of a spin on it, and a somewhat dark spin, that it didn't feel like you'd seen it before in this format.

I just don't get it, people who can't appreciate a visual feast like this, or Avatar, yet put the artsy fartsy indi stuff on a pedestal. Bunch of movie snobs if you ask me. Why can't both be good?


This is what I'm talking about...

Impossible. Look, if you love film, and treat it as a hobby, you dont go to the movies JUSt for a good time. Oh sure, sometimes you do...but most of us have studied film, and anyalized it, got the meaning, the undertones, and found something new in a movie, other then "OMGZ DER BE SUM EXPLOSUNS."

If you study film, you will NEVER go back to just watching a movie purly just for the sake of ____s and giggles.

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I liked it. I've seen it twice now, only because my niece wanted to see if for her birthday and I took her. And looks like I'll be seeing it for a third at the El Capitan with the sets and costumes; it's where a good friend of mine wants to go for her birthday.

No problem.

Actually liked and appreciated it more the second time. I think the first time, I kept wondering where the orig story was. But the second time I just relaxed and enjoyed it for what it is.
My 2 complaints are also the lame dance but also my picky opinion of the horsie animation. The frogs freakin' rocked and I would actually love a 1:1 stat of one of those frogs in the butler coats to have on my floor. Everything else was animated very well, too. But the horses? Meh, not so much. Very flat and wooden and very sad for me. :(

Not my fave Burton flick but definitely nowhere near the bottom where POTA sinks...
I'll be seeing this again without a doubt! To all those who loved it and feel they have to defend it, don't bother, let's just keep Wonderland for ourselves.

To all those who hated it, I respect your right to an opinion, hopefully there's an enjoyable movie just around the corner for you.

Impossible. Look, if you love film, and treat it as a hobby, you dont go to the movies JUSt for a good time. Oh sure, sometimes you do...but most of us have studied film, and anyalized it, got the meaning, the undertones, and found something new in a movie, other then "OMGZ DER BE SUM EXPLOSUNS."

If you study film, you will NEVER go back to just watching a movie purly just for the sake of ____s and giggles.

You study film? :lol

And this movie did blow.
someone said "predictable." IT'S ALICE IN FARKING WONDERLAND!!! Of course it's predictable. but at least Burton put enough of a spin on it, and a somewhat dark spin, that it didn't feel like you'd seen it before in this format.

I just don't get it, people who can't appreciate a visual feast like this, or Avatar, yet put the artsy fartsy indi stuff on a pedestal. Bunch of movie snobs if you ask me. Why can't both be good?
The story is supposed to exist in this dream-world where logic and good sense goes out the window. Making that into a straight-forward quest, where characters act reasonably and predictably instead of unexpectedly, takes a lot away from that. I don't base my expectations of the story on the old Disney cartoon, however, and it may be that some of you are. I don't even remember how that one played out. Maybe it is very traditional and straight-forward. But the books (as I remember them) were insane. The nature of the story would seem to fit into Tim Burton's style of inserting characters into a twisted, dark, and unpredictable dream-world. But instead, it is predictable and tame, apparently catering to small children.

As for why a "visual feast" can't be good, it can if that floats your boat. But I don't think I've ever gone to see a movie just to see fancy computer graphics. Of course, people can get off on that if they want to, but I personally get no enjoyment out of it. Nor do I get enjoyment out of boring-ass indie films about relationships. I like films that are enjoyable to me personally for whatever reason. If you say that Gigli is your favorite film of all time and people shouldn't read too much into it and expect much, etc., then fine. But I don't know why you would expect everyone else to agree with you.

What an extraordinarily pompous post.

Did you read what I wrote above? Here it is again:

As you can see, I have analyzed it. I just haven't over analyzed it to the point of talking myself into believing that it sucked. I hate that. The burden of "proof" lies on you to try to explain to me what sucked so much. The fact is you can't because it's a personal thing. I liked it because of the way it made me feel.

You didn't feel it? I couldn't give a flying F%$#!!! Why be pompous or over dramatic about this stuff?

I love movies. I consider watching films to be one of my hobbies. It's no coincidence that nearly every single action figure I have is from a movie!

And "big budget" films only make a small part of my movie collection. I love small "art-house" movies, horror movies, off-beat comedy movies, etc.

I try to keep an open mind about movies. I find I enjoy life more if I try to see the good in everything. Does that mean that I think every movie is great. Of course not, but I usually dislike a movie because I morally object to it's message. Some movies I enjoy have virtually no discernible plot (have you ever watched a David Lynch movie?) but they are still great art.

I view film as art. And I think that a lot of the people involved in the film making process truly are artists (despite being part of a big business). I try to find what is of value in any piece of film art. Perhaps there is a good performance there, maybe the imagery is particularly impressive. Does the story have something to say? In the case of AIW, all of these are present IMO.

Does this movie change my life? Well not in any major way, but it certainly promotes positive thinking. And I can't object to that.

Alright, I really hope I got that out of my system... :peace

Chill. :monkey4

I'm just saying, when you analyze movies, it's hard to "not" analyze. It's not pompus, it's just true.
I'm really not a movie snob... I mostly gauge movies based on how much they engage me in the story. This movie failed to do that, I wanted it to be good, but just didn't work for me.

But on the other hand I though Avatar kicked all kinds of ass, and many people bash that one. So, whaddyagonnado :huh