Those who disliked TLJ, are you still buying toys from it?

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Personally I'm glad I didn't stop at just the first disappointing viewing, because I enjoyed it a whole lot more the second time, and was surprised how much better the story seemed to flow.

Somehow I get the impression the majority of fans hating the movie have only seen it the one time, and are basing all their criticisms on just that first impression, which seems like a shame.

I think it's nuts throwing more money at something I didn't like, hoping to like it more with a second viewing. And I'm certain I won't like TLJ more if I saw it again.
I think the next time I see it, it'll be free on cable.
Toys,....usually imply something is fun to be played with or simulated.
Not very many fun or truly stimulating moments in the Last Jedi (unless you are a porg fan).

No, I won't be buying anything from the Last Jedi and am thankful I have nothing from the Force Awakens after this trilogy has crashed into the mountain and destroyed all hopes of being creatively profound and compelling.
I really liked the movie, i am a hardcore fan and this was the first movie star wars movie that really had me think and see where's Rian going with this? The movie is based on failing and it's ok to fail and how you can redeem yourself from failure. I'm sure many can relate and say this movie is a complete fail, but in reality, it's more than what expected. It teaches us failure in many ways:
-The resistance failed to keep it's bombers through the bombing run.
-Hux failed Snoke in having a dreadnaught destoyed
-Kylo fails in blowing up Leia's ship
-Kylo failing Snoke in having Rey beat him
-Luke failing Ben
-Finn's Canto mission failing
-Holdo failing Poe in his eyes
-Rey failing her mission to get Luke
-Luke failing in his eyes as a mentor
-Resistance failing to successfully go to Crait having ships blow up
-Luke failing us (the audience) as being this jedi master and taking on the FO like he said he wouldn't do when talking to Rey. In the end, he did just that.
-list goes on...

It's more of Rian taking on us a story of our hero's being praised for decades when in the end, they too can fall/fail. In the end, Luke does the very thing he told Rey he wouldn't do. Go up against the FO, however it was done from a certain point of view. This movie is not the black and white story we got from previous SW movies. Was successful in all its endeavors? No, but it made me think where this new trilogy is going and it's much deeper than what i've gathered from previous movies. I needed to think more and see what the overall message was and that was rise and fall. Lessons must be taught in a away we don't think they should be taught. Similar to Yoda saying to Luke that it's ok to fail. We cannot expect our older hero's to be saviors anymore, the baton has been passed and these new heros as i'm mentioned before are the new era. Whether you choose to accept that is on you and how you think the journey of our childhood heros were justified. Everyone has their own take on Luke should've been handled but you cannot please every SW fan. While Johnson's vision is questionable and controversial, in the end Luke saves the day. Rey is leading a new era of Jedi and Kylo leads the FO. Great set up for ep 9. One thing i will say is i feel sorry for JJ, he's got a lot to cover and explain and needs to restore people's faith in SW again. Poor guy, i will say it first hand, he will FAIL to many and will SUCCEED to many too.

I've seen it 4 times and will absolutely by the movie and some figures...
I really liked the movie, i am a hardcore fan and this was the first movie star wars movie that really had me think and see where's Rian going with this? The movie is based on failing and it's ok to fail and how you can redeem yourself from failure. I'm sure many can relate and say this movie is a complete fail, but in reality, it's more than what expected. It teaches us failure in many ways:
-The resistance failed to keep it's bombers through the bombing run.
-Hux failed Snoke in having a dreadnaught destoyed
-Kylo fails in blowing up Leia's ship
-Kylo failing Snoke in having Rey beat him
-Luke failing Ben
-Finn's Canto mission failing
-Holdo failing Poe in his eyes
-Rey failing her mission to get Luke
-Luke failing in his eyes as a mentor
-Resistance failing to successfully go to Crait having ships blow up
-Luke failing us (the audience) as being this jedi master and taking on the FO like he said he wouldn't do when talking to Rey. In the end, he did just that.
-list goes on...

It's more of Rian taking on us a story of our hero's being praised for decades when in the end, they too can fall/fail. In the end, Luke does the very thing he told Rey he wouldn't do. Go up against the FO, however it was done from a certain point of view. This movie is not the black and white story we got from previous SW movies. Was successful in all its endeavors? No, but it made me think where this new trilogy is going and it's much deeper than what i've gathered from previous movies. I needed to think more and see what the overall message was and that was rise and fall. Lessons must be taught in a away we don't think they should be taught. Similar to Yoda saying to Luke that it's ok to fail. We cannot expect our older hero's to be saviors anymore, the baton has been passed and these new heros as i'm mentioned before are the new era. Whether you choose to accept that is on you and how you think the journey of our childhood heros were justified. Everyone has their own take on Luke should've been handled but you cannot please every SW fan. While Johnson's vision is questionable and controversial, in the end Luke saves the day. Rey is leading a new era of Jedi and Kylo leads the FO. Great set up for ep 9. One thing i will say is i feel sorry for JJ, he's got a lot to cover and explain and needs to restore people's faith in SW again. Poor guy, i will say it first hand, he will FAIL to many and will SUCCEED to many too.

I've seen it 4 times and will absolutely by the movie and some figures...

Lol, and the other 10 people can "by the movie".

Always easy to tell who was born after the 90's from the perceptions of this movie.
I think his TLJ bash thread that he initially started in this section that subsequently got moved to The Sandbox where he personally attacked anyone who didn't loathe the film as he did, got removed. So he's apparently trying to revive it in this thread by doing the same thing.

I thought by this point, TLJ was so....yesterday. Especially if you didn't like it. Didn't know people were still letting their hate for it consume them a month and a half later.
Personally I'm glad I didn't stop at just the first disappointing viewing, because I enjoyed it a whole lot more the second time, and was surprised how much better the story seemed to flow.

Somehow I get the impression the majority of fans hating the movie have only seen it the one time, and are basing all their criticisms on just that first impression, which seems like a shame.

I saw it twice, once opening night and once with my nephew. Honestly it was more boring the second time and my reasons for dislike became even more glaring. :dunno

To answer the question of this thread I'll buy hermit Luke only because it pairs well with Mythos Obi Wan. And he comes with a porg, surprisingly one of the only things I actually liked about TLJ. Nothing else for me.
Agreed, what can ya say? Haters gonna hate...

Personally I didn't like it. It overall felt more like a sequel to Spaceballs to me than Star Wars. However, that being said, I liked the Ahch-To scenes and I liked Luke's character arc and story very much, so I'm just getting Luke and Jedi Rey from this film. In addition to being the only figures I get from this film, they will probably also be my last ST figures.

That also being said, I'm not going to sit here and still expound on why I didn't like it and go on a harangue like some people as if their lives are now over, there's no point. Like I mentioned, TLJ was yesterday; no point sitting there stewing about it. You either liked it, or you didn't. I think both sides have kind of moved on now at this point.
Lol, and the other 10 people can "by the movie".

Always easy to tell who was born after the 90's from the perceptions of this movie.

I was born 8 years before ANH and 8 liked TLJ...

Preconceived notions....

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I think his TLJ bash thread that he initially started in this section that subsequently got moved to The Sandbox where he personally attacked anyone who didn't loathe the film as he did, got removed. So he's apparently trying to revive it in this thread by doing the same thing.

I thought by this point, TLJ was so....yesterday. Especially if you didn't like it. Didn't know people were still letting their hate for it consume them a month and a half later.

You should wander into the movie thread for TLJ when it opens back up.
I think his TLJ bash thread that he initially started in this section that subsequently got moved to The Sandbox where he personally attacked anyone who didn't loathe the film as he did, got removed. So he's apparently trying to revive it in this thread by doing the same thing.

I thought by this point, TLJ was so....yesterday. Especially if you didn't like it. Didn't know people were still letting their hate for it consume them a month and a half later.

Silver Star? What did I ever do to you man?

I did not attack anyone man and you keep saying that garbage. I may have RETORTED to a couple of aggressive posters that made condescending and smarmy comments but that is it.

I can agree that the Last Jedi is "yesterday". It will suk forever though.
I was born 8 years before ANH and 8 liked TLJ...

Preconceived notions....

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Fair enough and you are correct on your point.

May I ask though? Did you not find the film creatively devoid of the magic you experienced before? Were the AT AT Walkers at the end a new concept to you?
Silver Star? What did I ever do to you man?

I did not attack anyone man and you keep saying that garbage. I may have RETORTED to a couple of aggressive posters that made condescending and smarmy comments but that is it.

I can agree that the Last Jedi is "yesterday". It will suk forever though.

Did you not find the film creatively devoid of the magic you experienced before? Were the AT AT Walkers at the end a new concept to you?

I don't think anybody cares about TLJ anymore at this point. Except you and apparently the people in the movie section, as TonTon pointed out. What's been said about the film by most people here, I presume has already been said and they've already expressed their sentiments. There's no need to keep expounding on it over and over again.
I saw it twice, once opening night and once with my nephew. Honestly it was more boring the second time and my reasons for dislike became even more glaring. :dunno

To answer the question of this thread I'll buy hermit Luke only because it pairs well with Mythos Obi Wan. And he comes with a porg, surprisingly one of the only things I actually liked about TLJ. Nothing else for me.

Yeah I suppose it depends on what aspects of the movie you have a problem with. I loved all the Luke/Rey/Kylo stuff from the start, and it was only the Resistance scenes and general pacing that didn't work for me. And those things seemed to smooth out quite a bit on a second and third viewing.

But if the core of the movie involving Luke doesn't work for you, then I don't suppose that's ever going to change.

I'm just grateful that I really love seeing a cranky old Luke. :D
I'd be cranky too if they mangled my character so bad. He did have some great lines, and I can enjoy some aspects of the film... but as Mark Hamill said, it wasn't his Luke. I'm not planning on buying any of the figures from this film, with the possible exception of BB-8 - he's the Elmo of the Star Wars universe and you just have to love him no matter how bad the movies are!
Yeah I suppose it depends on what aspects of the movie you have a problem with. I loved all the Luke/Rey/Kylo stuff from the start, and it was only the Resistance scenes and general pacing that didn't work for me. And those things seemed to smooth out quite a bit on a second and third viewing.

But if the core of the movie involving Luke doesn't work for you, then I don't suppose that's ever going to change.

I'm just grateful that I really love seeing a cranky old Luke. :D

Pretty much yeah. I have a laundry list of stuff I dislike but Luke was certainly one of my main issues.

I'd compare TLJ to oysters. Why? Because when I was a kid I hated them. A few years back I tried them again, still hated them. I don't think I'll need to revisit oysters again:)
Fair enough and you are correct on your point.

May I ask though? Did you not find the film creatively devoid of the magic you experienced before? Were the AT AT Walkers at the end a new concept to you?

Hrm.....the magic is gone because I am over 12 years old.....

I understand what you are saying thou, for the most part the ST designs have been pretty lack luster.

On that note , the PT designs were really inspired....but the dialogue and cinematography were horrid.

I honestly have not felt that magik for a while in the level of OT. TFA was a great experience since I was able to see it with my youngish Kids.

Movie magic is hard to come by at this age....

The only place that makes me feel like a kid again is Walt Disney World.....

Maybe that why I didn’t mind TLJ so much? The magic feeling was pretty much killed by PT.

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Hrm.....the magic is gone because I am over 12 years old.....

Right? :lol :exactly:

I don't think I felt any "magic" with any film past that age. I simply either enjoy/like the film, or I don't. Even if I saw the OT for the first time today, I doubt I'd characterize it as being "magical".

I believe the accurate term now to describe any film you liked as child would be nostalgic, not magic.
I'd be cranky too if they mangled my character so bad. He did have some great lines, and I can enjoy some aspects of the film... but as Mark Hamill said, it wasn't his Luke. I'm not planning on buying any of the figures from this film, with the possible exception of BB-8 - he's the Elmo of the Star Wars universe and you just have to love him no matter how bad the movies are!

If this was 15-20 years ago, with a Luke still in his 40s or 50s, I would totally agree with the portrayal feeling off. But with so much time having passed since ROTJ and with him now a much older man, it all feels much more natural to me.

I wish more fans felt the same way and could appreciate the way this movie explores and deepens the character, but oh well. It is what it is. Time to move on now and focus on Solo I guess. :)