TheGent's Original Trilogy Troops Revisited

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Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Ahh I see what you mean about the shoulder bells now. they look fine... I think mine look odd because the cowl is not flared out enough.. its to straight like the commanders at the moment.

Yours is looking great. The gloss really works.
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Looking great! Where did you get the elastic straps for the armor? I need to get my Hoth Snow Scout going. I just got a Tommy Scout helmet and I moded the hasbro boots a bit.

Oh and how did you go about painting the jump suit? I assume you use flat, but was it a cloth paint?

Thank you! As your name suggests we're mentally on the same side ... :1-1:
Those elastic straps - to be honest there from a collection box of sewing appliances ... like this:

Painting the jumpsuit I used the Hasbro body with open arms and legs akimbo to stand tall and just went over with several very thin layers of regular glossy white spraycan paint, no primer or key lacquer at all. I felt I couldn't do worse than Hasbro so it was kind a 'Aaw, what the heck!' - and it worked out it looks like linen fabric and is also kind a stiff so I can sculpt it to several poses.

Ahh I see what you mean about the shoulder bells now. they look fine... I think mine look odd because the cowl is not flared out enough.. its to straight like the commanders at the moment.

Yours is looking great. The gloss really works.


I thought the harder cowl of yours was already intended for a captain's or commander's look? Right now I somehow plan to start for the commander's mask from a white plastic soup spoon.

Anyway, yours also does look really great with those tiny strap clips. As for the shoulder bells: I started by just holding them on with straps not attached. Then I used two component glue and pointed those straps at the height of the former holes, but the 'bow' heading downwards (like they were when holding them on). And I really made them very tight, but not too tight to not have them slip down onto bizeps height.

Yours odd? No. As I really didn't change too much, I'd really say the colour makes the difference on mine.
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

This is the flexible front hard plastic part of a peaked cap or let's say a former cheap baseball cap. To be continued ...
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Here's the actual status of my Biker Scout Trooper:



No backshots, as no male body looks great from the back. :lecture

Done so Far:
* ACI Body Set, black cargo pants, top, gloves and balaclava
* Hasbro armour parts (cut up & linked back again chest armour, tightened elastic stripes) and weapon
* Mark's great shoulder bells - most significant change without a doubt!
* Tomy Helmet with homemade metal link - can't believe someone thinks the Hasbro is the right size and looks good.

To Do / Not satisfied with:
* Although cut away a lot, the chest armour still seems to fly on his shoulders, no solution found until today.
* No vivisect cummerbund or similar quality
* Looking for small black connectors for the belt
* The gun holder attached to the boot

Done wrong:
Deep black clothes gives blueish colour to fingers that give blueish colour to Hasbro plastic cream white armour and fake white leather which looks :gah:
NOT removable with any chemical liquid, so beware if you didn't know. Learned from that. Sadly. :(
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Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Thats very nice as he is Gent. Though with the tweeks you got planned that should really push him over the edge.

I`m working on 3 of these (all Marks cast work) with 2 Tomy Helmets and one cast Hasbro one (till I get a third TOMY as they do look miles better). Need to sort out 2 more Black Turtleneck tops.

Now I`ve seen photos of vivisect`s cummerbund and they are aces but looks like I`m going to have a crack at my own with braces maybe?

As for the holster I saw Mark has actually attached directly to the boot on his update photo. No idea how but God it looks fantastic.
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Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Here's the actual status of my Biker Scout Trooper:



No backshots, as no male body looks great from the back. :lecture

Done so Far:
* ACI Body Set, black cargo pants, top, gloves and balaclava
* Hasbro armour parts (cut up & linked back again chest armour, tightened elastic stripes) and weapon
* Mark's great shoulder bells - most significant change without a doubt!
* Tomy Helmet with homemade metal link - can't believe someone thinks the Hasbro is the right size and looks good.

To Do / Not satisfied with:
* Although cut away a lot, the chest armour still seems to fly on his shoulders, no solution found until today.
* No vivisect cummerbund or similar quality
* Looking for small black connectors for the belt
* The gun holder attached to the boot

Done wrong:
Deep black clothes gives blueish colour to fingers that give blueish colour to Hasbro plastic cream white armour and fake white leather which looks :gah:
NOT removable with any chemical liquid, so beware if you didn't know. Learned from that. Sadly. :(

That looks awesome! :clap:clap
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

@big guy:
Thank you for the nice comment! An expensive Tomy is on the bay this very moment, it's from Aussieland, a reliable seller as I bought mine there, too ...
Have a sewer connection going, will try to get him to do some cummerbunds and pouches in advance ...
Thanx for the close-up, Mark. That really makes me go for it! Umm, what boots you were using again?
Thank you, really appreciate that!
This really keeps me rookie going, seeing that you high-rank heroes like my little stuff and encourage me to continue.
Will post some other finished troopers soon ...
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Thank`s Gent for the ebay TOMY Helm tip (seen it and yes a bit rich, though you never know lol).

Ohhh so this sewer going to be doing MORE cummerbunds than you require?? ;)
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Yep, as I only have one Scout Trooper so far, there might be some for sale ... Would've been great if someone who had the luck of owning those fine vivisect custom ones could post some measurements ...
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

whoa that scout looks great..................but yea the only thing i see that could possibly be tweaked is the cummerbunds. great job.:clap
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

About the cummerbund: I contacted my sewing-connection, price would depend on the working hours, of course. According to this site, pouches are in cotton-white, not plain white. I'd prefer plain white just like the rest, what about you guys? Light white or movie original?

If I name a price (and show pictures of the first one), how many of you would be interested in having a sewed cummerbund?
Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Thank you for your comment! Will do that sidebyside this afternoon ...
My custom biker scout trooper tool belt


Reference Picture is this from 501st:

and, of course, Bobamikes great rework of the belt, although looking at the 501st,
I'll drop the idea of a full circle elastic strap belt.

The Original Hasbro YummyGummy All In One Belt, you can see it on the pics of my scout.
No need to honour that again with a pic. :pfft:

Additional material:
1. Old granddaddys underwear elastic strap (bought a new package, of course!)
2. Knuckles and plugs fom this drop leg pouch and this belt (biggest AND cheapest)
from that fine chum over at


Now here's the story:
The good thing is, the gummy Hasbro material is fexible when worked over with a sharp nail scissor.
But first I cut off the lower small belts with a carpet knife and keeped them for length reference and
something mysterious I didn't knew then but you'll read it later ...

Then I slaughtered belt and pouches to seperate the knuckles. I cut down two-thirds of the width of the
elastic strap for the smaller belts'n'knuckles and to make it easily get through the narrow holes,
I learned from my sneaker laces taped them flat with clear Tesa straps. Once they were through,
I glued the two parts together (No, I didn't want to sew them like I did with those armour straps,
that'll be work for someone who slaughtered mum & dad). I then cut down what was too long.

To connect the straps to the plastic puches and side of the belt, I used a very sharp nail scissor,
made a hole into the plastic and sort of 'stitched through' the whole elastic strap.
Did that also on the back.

Did the same way with the big belt knuckle, but used the whole width of the elastic strap.

Remember that mysterious retard of the ugly Hasbro plastic belts?
I used the small plastic Hasbro belts to fill in the gaps of those bigger plastic pouches,
don't know why Hasbro cut holes in them at all.

Here are the Pics (Belt parts solo, belt inside look, belt on black jumpsuit model front / portrait, back and on the Scout)

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Re: TheGent's Start on Custom OT Troops

Although I LOOOOOOVE how Chakaman did his Snowtrooper boots with rubber gloves'n'stuff,
I really wanted to go for fabric linen material just like those in the movies.

Inspired by this 1/1 custom pair of Snowtrooper Boots

which, just like in the movies, have the Canadian Mukluks as base, I started on my 1/6ers ...

I slaughtered this white disco suit

which I found at, to be precise I cut those trousers apart right in the grind area (ouch!)
and glued them after some fabric folding on the top and bottom in order to make it look
sewed to the sole of these US Navy Seal Boots ...

... which I bought from

After glueing they looked like this (front view) ...

I then attached a fabric triangle at the back
(shoes'n'boots often have those) to make it look more industrial or military ...

After that I glued those (grandaddys undertrouser) elastic strips I often use around the sole and
then I torned those upper sewings apart to make it look more like the 1/1ers ...

Finally I attached those three elastics strips
around the leg and here they are at last ...

... and back view from the nasty view angle ...
