The WWE Thread

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Funny how the life has drained out of this thread since the WWE grossly mishandled the Punk angle. Not funny "haha" funny, either. Funny "stupid" funny. Because McMahon is stupid.
No doubt.... I had to dig just to find this thread. Though it should be noted, we all assumed Punk was being brought down to Mid-Card level since he wasn't in the title match but his bout with HHH was the last of the night during the last PPV.

If the WWE is wise they'll realize that Punk has the intangibles needed to be the main wrestler in the company.
On a side note, apparently Stacy Keibler did a nude photo shoot for some book being done by Sean Combs called 'CULO'.... I've seen one pic, and let me tell you, Stacy has a MAGNIFICENT culo. :lecture
I was trying to watch Raw on Monday, and told my wife how amazing it is that WWE could get me so psyched up and interested in wrestling again, only to turn around and make me care as little as I ever have within the span of a couple of months. They f'd up the Punk storyline real good IMO. The title means less than nothing. HHH bores me to tears. Punk doesn't do anything for me anymore. No one on Raw is really worth tuning in to watch. It's all just flat and meh to me now. I'll just resort to watching Smackdown for the weekly Bryan Danielson match, I guess.

I've been watching wrestling since the 80's but then stopped watching about 6 years ago because it just wasn't the same anymore. But I must admit this CM Punk angle got me intrigued and I even started watching again. But unfortunately the excitement faded away like break dancing and was back to being mediocre and boring.

On a side note, apparently Stacy Keibler did a nude photo shoot for some book being done by Sean Combs called 'CULO'.... I've seen one pic, and let me tell you, Stacy has a MAGNIFICENT culo. :lecture

Yeah I saw that. Don't get me wrong I love nice culos or nalgas, but I just found it hilarious they would name a book "culo". My Latino friends will get a big kick out of it. :lol
Just saw Hell in a Cell and it was a good PPV.
I just would´ve wished for the Sin Cara VS. Sin Cara Match to be even MORE fast paced.
It was good and I really liked the second´s attire.
Rest of the matches were more meh then yeh, but Mark Henry vs Randy Orton was good and the Triple Threat also and the ending was fun.
I´m curious how this all will play out.
I have to throw this out, is that the real Laureinitis that we're seeing on camera, or is that an actor/wrestler, I really think Vince, that's right Vince (He's still in charge, HHH is just a work) is trying to develop a work where this Laurenitis guy is probably going to take over the WWE, otherwise why show him on camera at all.

I think this is a mistake, that's becoming too predictable, it would be better if Nash will form a new NWO with truth and Miz, maybe include Rhodes and Christan. Which still might be the case. It's becoming way to obvious that this Laurenitis guy is becoming to involved lately. :slap
I was pretty indifferent about HiaC......oh well.

How is WWE gonna survive w/o Taker or HHH......Sheamus is about the only one I think could rise , hes got that evil charisma thing going on. I wish they'd develop the characters more , too much cookie cutter characters.

Easier said than done to find a new HUGE star though........I think Cena will quit in a few yrs , people will be very fed up by him by then......even todays kids will not care I reckon.
I don't see Cena going anywhere soon (unless a freak injury occurs). The guy is the face of the company and a workhorse. It's unfortunate that he takes a brunt of hatred from the internet community. If you know the guy, he is extremely nice and well spoken.

I'm a big fan of alot of guys on the current roster...but I agree with another post, their product can seem a little too cookie cutter sometimes. WWE needs to find the right edge to blend in with their PG mindset...
Not saying that he is going to be much but about how long does it take to incorporate the tough enough winner into the shows?
Not saying that he is going to be much but about how long does it take to incorporate the tough enough winner into the shows?

He recently got suspended under WWE wellness policy.

I don't want to see him on my TV anyways. Seeing that crybaby win Tough Enough was a joke and I can't take him seriously as an active competitor. I don't know what they see in him. He was horrible on that show and he floundered in FCW (WWE's developmental system) for too long even before Tough Enough began.
He recently got suspended under WWE wellness policy.

I don't want to see him on my TV anyways. Seeing that crybaby win Tough Enough was a joke and I can't take him seriously as an active competitor. I don't know what they see in him. He was horrible on that show and he floundered in FCW (WWE's developmental system) for too long even before Tough Enough began.

Amen to that. I couldn't stand that big baby either. He's clumsy and no mic skills. Also he's suppose to be some 6ft 5 monster, but then how are fans going to take him seriously when Vince McMahon a man in his 60's knocks him on his ass with one slap. :slap
I don't know if WWE told him to take that bump or if he just did it himself. Either way I thought it was unnecessary.
That little guy missing the teeth really should have won. Both of the final two were losers IMO.

I didn't like Jeremiah Riggs. I don't think he was there for the right reasons. I think it was just another show to put his stamp on (he was a participant on VH1's Daisy of Love) and become famous.

I was pulling for Luke Robinson since the first episode. The problem I had with Luke wasn't his cockiness. It was his gimmick. The real problem was that he had the same cookie cutter looks and demeanor of guys like the Miz & Alex Riley. I don't think the WWE needed to add another guy like Luke to the roster...but he was the most talented. I was hoping they'd at least give him a developmental deal.

I agree. Andy Leavine was a loser. He pissed off McMahon & others for not selling a Stone Cold stunner during a live RAW promo. I couldn't get behind the guy at all since Episode 1 of Tough Enough. Couldn't find any redeeming qualities about him other than his height. I can't take a crybaby seriously in the macho world of wrestling. Don't know if Tough Enough was all part of a master plan to try pushing one of their own developmental wrestlers since he was assigned to FCW previously as Kevin Hackman.
The whole tough enough season was lame, the last season had zero talent, atleast nobody who could be a mid carder in the WWE.
LOL at Sheamus meeting that red haired science guy Muppet , asking him to show up at the family reunion......
Thought you WWF (E) freaks would be interested in seeing the best Bret sculpt there is, was and ever will be:

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Here's Arsyn's thread for more:
Definitely has some Bret characteristics, but something's off about him. Nose is a bit big, and face seems too chunky to me.


I'm actually getting a bit of a modern day Mickey Rourke vibe from that sculpt.