The scariest thing in any movie ever ....

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I love Horror movies but I can honestly say I don't find them scary in any way!
When I was a kid I remember hiding under the sheets a few times watching Horrors.....But as an adult I think there are far more things in real life to worrie about.
The only time I recall jumping during a movie is the ending of Signs when the aliens reflection shows in the TV.

Blair Witch still has one of the best shock endings.

Really? I thought it was lame. The tension was overhyped by her running around the house screaming for ten minutes before finally jamming to the basement to find him standing in the corner. At that point it was predictable. :( If they'd cut that in half and had her whispering and to the basement first to find him, it would've been 100x more effective.
Phantasm. The whole movie is terrifying, probably the most i've ever seen. And if you watch it as a kid like me, magnify the impression by 10.
It takes a lot to creep me out, but that scene in ZODIAC when Jake Gyllenhall is in the basement with Roger Rabbit gave me chills. I mean, I KNEW nothing could possibly happen to Jake... he had to survive to write his book... but something about it just made me want to yell "ARE YOU INSANE?? DON'T GO INTO THAT BASEMENT WITH HIM!"

As far as a childhood memory of being scared, when I was in second grade, I stayed up late to watch NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD at 1AM. I got about as far as Barbara running towards the house before I turned it off.

And the last thing to actually make me jump in my seat? When Dr. Artz blew up at the end of the first season of LOST. The producers had been telling everyone that Artz was going to be a major character in season two, joining the main cast, etc... so when he picked up the dynamite, I never for a second thought anything was going to happen to him. Then POW!

- J
One thing that seriously freaked me out as a kid was an episode of the Friday the 13th TV show (I think) where some doll came to life and was telling a little boy or girl to do certain things. Chucky didn't freak me out because he was almost human with his facial expressions, etc. But the doll in this TV show looked completely normal, but doing freaky things somehow scared me.

This reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode called Talking Tina. The little girls doll would talk to her and the family didnt beleive her. Until people started getting hurt around the house. You'd pull little draw string and she'd say "Im talking Tina and I love you" or something to that effect. Then when the father pulled the string after he had tried to destroy her she says something like "Im talking Tina and Im going to kill you"

Freaking fantastic episode.
Rosie O' Donnell. Exit to Eden. Couldn't sleep for weeks.

When I was maybe 12 I crept downstairs to watch The Exorcist and while sitting on the steps I watched it and it scared the crap out of me. My parents knew I would be scared, that's why I wasn't supposed to watch it. I did not sleep the whole summer, I am not joking. I would wait until morning when Mom got up before going to sleep. I honestly think it traumatized me for a long time.
I got a similar story when I was young like 6 alien was on tv and my Mom was watching it, she didn't want me to see it but I bugged her untill she let me. 2 scenes tore me up the scene where Parker gets killed and how the Alien was in the wires and stuff like in the one SS statue. I couldn't get to sleep that night bc I kept imagining my clothes in my closet being the wires and stuff the alien was in :lol
The only movie that ever scared me is "The Blair Witch Project". One particular shot (and the sequence a bit before it and after) in the film caused me to really get scared...


Yeah, it's just a guy standing in the corner but when put in the context of the film I found it really freaky.

Haven't had a horror movie before or since scare me like that one did.

Totally agree !!
My first time through this thread, and there are a lot of great memories in here.

The one I didn't see mentioned is 'Evil Dead'. When I watched that movie for the first time at 10 or 11, it scared the bejeeesus out of me. I think the worst thing was when that chick pops up with that damn pencil, right after naming off all of the playing cards. SCARED THE SHEEEEEET OUT OF ME! I don't think a lot of people had the opportunity to actually see this when they were children, since it was a low budget movie and really only came into its own later as the sequels became more parody than horror. Luckily, or unluckily some might say, my sister's husband owned a video store, and on a fluke, brought it home.

Another one was 'Trilogy of Terror' that a couple of people mentioned above. I hadn't remembered the name of it til I saw it on this board. I had nightmares of that damn doll chasing me around the house. I especially didn't like to go to the can after that... kept seeing that damn butcher knife come under the door.
Yes, that last scene in The Blair Witch Project was outstanding. The buildup to that scene was amazing. I had nightmares for 2 days after seeing it.
Blair Witch had quite a few good parts. Finding the body parts after the first guy vanished. When they run from the tent in the middle of the night and she screams, "WHAT THE ^^^^ IS THAT!!??!!" The rocks and sticks. Even just the stories of the rescue crews going out and never coming back.

And then the ending. I don't know if people who didn't grow up around the northeastern woods (western/southern wilderness is not the same; Pennsylvania, New York, New England, Canada have something about their forests) can fully appreciate the fear that a movie like that speaks to.

Ring messed me up too. My friend and I had watched The COunt of Monte Cristo first. We were pretty high and when we got to Ring, it had our full attention. Through the movie we were putting every last scrap of detail together. When she finds the girl, it was a major anti-climax, but the second that little kid's nose started bleeding, all the way to the end, it was pure escalating terror.

He made me take the movie home with me, and I dropped it off at the video store at 3:30 in the morning. I slept with the lights on for two nights. Visions of a big green smile laser imprinted on the inside of my skull. It was ridiculous.

Not a lot got me as a kid though. I saw Exorcist when I was 12 and it didn't hit me at all. Saw the beginning of Friday the 13th Part 2 when I was about 6. It was by accident, in the middle of the night, staying up with an older cousin. Half asleep, flipping around the channels, we found a girl in a canoe in a super peaceful scene. And then...

Poltergeist did scare the hell out of me at 8 years old. Watched it during the day, and when it was time for bed, I got hysterical. My dad had to slap me to snap me out of it.

After that, the only things that would keep me up at night were zombie movies.
Thanks for sharing 76, you've had some awesome experiences. I suppose being high and watching the Ring is a no no at any age :lol Well I wasn't high but got stiffed from the unexpected sound/image effect :lol Messed me up good. :D

No film to this date has had a bigger effect than the Exorcist. 1973 too, wtf Friedkin? Torturing his actresses and all :lol