The scariest thing in any movie ever ....

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Super Freak
Dec 16, 2007
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United Kingdom
Whats the scariest horror movie moment ever for you ??
I am honestly not sure but I think its between border lines with a movie called the entity about a poltergeist and Steven Kings Cats Eye.
For the entity I always hated the idea of a ghost that couldn't be seen but could attack and rape you. I don't wanna be raped by no ghost !:lol:lol..... or anyone else for that matter. :lol
As for the cats eye movie . This was three different stories that were all excellent but the last one included a little troll that fought a cat.
When I was a kid I saw this movie for the first time and I couldn't sleep a wink after seeing that troll for at least 3 years :lol:lol:lol.
Now it just looks like a rubber dwarf rat and if it was real I would step on it :rotfl
and nobody say , I'm not afraid of anything or I will find out where you live , sneak in your house and chase you in a scream outfit :lol:lol
Havent been "scared" by a movie since I was kid, but the scene in Poltergeist where the clown drags the kid under his bed scared the ++++ out of me. I had a clown that looked exactly like that in my room at the time. That scene pretty much affected me for life, clowns still give me the creeps.

I also remember being freaked out by Zelda in Pet Semetary. Something about her really creeped me out, and still does:lol

And of course the go to for any kid, Exorcist. My mom let me watch it when I was about 7 and that scared me good too.

Those are the only 3 movies that have ever really scared me, or at least scared so much so that I can remember it still today.
The exorcist scared me more than anything! That is still to this day the only movie that even makes my butthole pucker. Damn that girl was creepy. Nothing even comes close for me.
Asami saying Kiree, Kiree, Kiree in Takashi Miike's "Audition". Not for the weak of heart!
:lol That was a scene(clown) that got me too King and I hate clowns! I always thought The Shining was a super creepy movie....Event Horizon too!....and Session 9!
The first movie that truly scared me was Psycho. And the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the first movie to totally creep me out.

Audition is the most recent movie to make my skin crawl.
Saw the end of The Howling when I was 5 and still remember how freaked I was when the newscaster turns into a wolf on air, me not knowing it was a movie.

I can't recall being scared by a movie since. Jacob's Ladder and The Fly still creep me out though.
and Session 9!

This is the only movie that as an adult freaks me out. I can watch the movies that scared me as a kid no problem, but there is something about Session 9 that absolutely freaks me out. I cant explain it either. Its just works on so many different levels.
This is the only movie that as an adult freaks me out. I can watch the movies that scared me as a kid no problem, but there is something about Session 9 that absolutely freaks me out. I cant explain it either. Its just works on so many different levels.

Agreed. That movie is almost as underappreciated as the Darkness PF.:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
I'd have to say Cujo. I was a kid when I saw it and I had been chased by a pack of wild dogs on my bike before. When we moved into my neighborhood there were TONS of woods behind my house at the back of the "hood". There were dirt paths back there where we rode our bikes. One day a friend and I were back there and heard a faint howl.....then a second closer howl.....then a 3 even closer howl followed by a bunch of barking. Then at the bottom of the trail coming up the hill was a pack of wild dogs coming at us. We were lucky that the trail also went in the oppisite direction and lead back to the paved streets and houses. We rode our asses off for a good half a mile until they gave up and we got back to paved streets.

They never got THAT close to us, but probably within about 20 yards until we got up to speed on our bikes. Scary as hell.

So yeah, Cujo scared the ++++ out of me.
The exorcist scared me more than anything! That is still to this day the only movie that even makes my butthole pucker. Damn that girl was creepy. Nothing even comes close for me.

Yeah, I saw that as a kid (and Psycho) and they freaked me out. Recently is been movies that can be "real" that seem to not so much as scare me but make me a little jittery. Like when I saw Silence of the Lambs and thinking that Buffalo Bill could be my next door neighbor was a little weird. The fantacy/fake scarry stuff doesn't really bother me at all.
I also remember being freaked out by Zelda in Pet Semetary. Something about her really creeped me out, and still does:lol

I totaly agree with you about Zelda, she still gives me the creeps. I also had issues with the jogger as well. That move must have made an impression as a young kid on me.

The Ring made my skin crawl the first time I saw it too.
Havent been "scared" by a movie since I was kid, but the scene in Poltergeist where the clown drags the kid under his bed scared the ++++ out of me. I had a clown that looked exactly like that in my room at the time. That scene pretty much affected me for life, clowns still give me the creeps.
that is my story exactly. my parents had TMC when i was a kid and they pretty much didnt care what i watched. i think i watched every horror movie that was on starting when i was like 6 or so. well that clown scene warped me cuz i also had a clown that looked like that hanging in my room. i think i went to sleep terrified every night for a year or so. might be why im so ++++ed up now. thanks mom. thanks dad.:wave
The only movie that ever scared me is "The Blair Witch Project". One particular shot (and the sequence a bit before it and after) in the film caused me to really get scared...


Yeah, it's just a guy standing in the corner but when put in the context of the film I found it really freaky.

Haven't had a horror movie before or since scare me like that one did.
Man, Talk about Poltergeist.., my family had the SAME television as the one in the movie. nothing like the memories of all the shows we saw as a kid. I think if we we're six or so and saw all these movies we bi%^h about now they would rock!think back.:chew
exorcist is the all time scariest movie ever...Prince of Darkness from john Capenter scared the ++++ out of me when I was younger and watching it alone.....The last movie that scared me in recent years was ''The mothman prophecies'' it gives me chill every time I'm watching it alone....:eek: