The Official STAR WARS Character Spin-Off Movies Thread

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Unknown with a good resemblance to Ford will do just fine for me. That's prob the ONLY way that would work.
Unknown with a good resemblance to Ford will do just fine for me. That's prob the ONLY way that would work.

LOL. I was just going to post, "I just hope they don't do something stupid and pick someone just because they look like Ford."

Acting > Looks.
LOL. I was just going to post, "I just hope they don't do something stupid and pick someone just because they look like Ford."

Acting > Looks.

Well, yes of course the person would have to be able to act. That person would have to resemble and be able to act. I thought that was implied... :slap
Lulz. I wonder if this kid will send this in as an audition tape:

I hope they learn from the mistakes of the PT and ignore Han as a child. I don't care about Han's mommy. I'm sure he got in a few playground fights, I don't need to see them.

ANH was in part Luke's coming of age story. That's what we need for Han - how he went from Corellia to the Imperial Navy and finally an outlaw. He was heading down a dark road and then became a hero. That stuff is more interesting than seeing him pick his nose as a little boy.

No podracing.
I really hope that Latino Review is correct and that a Han movie isn't set in stone and they just don't do one. There are exactly two iconic things about Han Solo in and of himself.

1. Harrison Ford

2. The ANH shirt/vest outfit

They obviously can't get Ford to play a pre-ANH Han and it'd be dumb to indicate that we wore the same outfit 10 years prior.

He isn't a super-hero who got bit by a spider or drank serum or invented some "legendary" persona. He's just Han. He doesn't need an "origin." The most interesting points in his past would have been after he met Chewie and acquired the Falcon and went on smuggling adventures; outrunning Imperial ships, "getting into places a lot more heavily guarded" than the Endor bunker, etc.

He was just a smuggler prior to joining the Rebellion, the turning point for his character comes after he meets Luke and Leia. We don't need to see some "coming of age" moment in his past where he has an earlier turning point. Even his "time at the Imperial Academy" isn't mentioned in the OT, that's all EU backstory. When was that even first mentioned?
I agree that Ford is Solo, and I personally don't care too much about any prequels or sequels about that character unless Ford is in the role. Boba Fett I'm more open to, because the character wasn't really developed at all in the original films, and he's a guy in a suit with helmet, so you don't have to associate him with any specific actor (I guess PT fans would say he has to be that Django Fett actor, but I couldn't care less). Just make him a bad-*** bounty hunter doing bad-*** bounty hunter stuff, and it could be cool.
A set of clothes does not make Han Solo, Empire proved that. 30 years later I hope he owns more than one shirt and vest.
Boba Fett I'm more open to, because the character wasn't really developed at all in the original films, and he's a guy in a suit with helmet, so you don't have to associate him with any specific actor (I guess PT fans would say he has to be that Django Fett actor, but I couldn't care less). Just make him a bad-*** bounty hunter doing bad-*** bounty hunter stuff, and it could be cool.

Yep, and they absolutely could do some badass "Alien vs. Predator" type movie (but GOOD) where Fett starts out as the "Predator" character silently (and frighteningly) hunting/killing a group of "heroes" on some planet that has an even bigger threat forcing him to team up with one of the remaining heroes (probably a chick to get that AVP/Dredd dynamic going) so he could be kind of a "good guy" but not really. He and the girl (or whoever) defeat the hideous planetary threat and he begrudgingly pardons her or something at the end.

Derivative, yes, but would be hella cool to exploit with Fett in a SW movie. And they could do the whole thing without his helmet being removed once.
Han solo film i wouldn't even want to see. (nor Yoda)

Imperial troops
Rebellion troops

Are more where they should focus.
That Ingruber guy certainly has a resemblance to Ford. If he can act, why not throw in the audition tape?

Can't be worse than Hayden Christiansen....
Yeah, its clear the kid was overthinking every individual mannerism. Didn't look natural as a result. His impression was too "deliberate."

True, he'd have to get a feel for the character and not "mimick" every little bit. That's what it is, an impression. He'd have to sink into the character instead of copying it, and that requires some real work.
I actually like the Seven Samurai rumor that was floated (and not just because Zack attached). It just seems like a more palpatable concept. Also, someone floated the idea that it could be the "Yoda spin-off" movie, where it's basically Yoda and a small group of Jedi who are defending a city/planet from an invading threat. If done correctly, I could probably dig that... as long as Yoda doesn't do his god damned Sonic The Hedgehog impression.
Yeah, its clear the kid was overthinking every individual mannerism. Didn't look natural as a result. His impression was too "deliberate."

Yeah thats it exactly. He did the voice well though and theres certainly a physical resemblance, very Ford-esque expressions.

He'd just have to make it less forced-looking, no pun intended.
One of the things Chris Pine has done right (IMHO) is to play Kirk, not play Shatner playing Kirk.

If they can cast someone who natuarlly compliments Ford in appearance and mannerisms, great. But that actor has to play Solo, not Ford.

If they get that wrong it will feel like a 2hr comedy sketch.