The Man Who Should Have Been Spidey.

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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When Tobey Maguire was first announed as Spider-Man I was kind of suprised since he didn't like how I imagined Peter Parker (I grew up watching TAS.) While he does a good job in the role, he really doesn't LOOK like the comic book Peter. Him, along with Kirsten Dunst, aren't as good looking as their comic counterparts (although in Peter's case it works, since he's supposed to be a stereotypical nerd.) Aside from that, Peter has always been drawn with brown eyes, not blue like Maguire's (As a brown eyed fan, I am tired of all of these blue-eyed superheros!) and his hair usually has a specific look, unlike the style Maguire usually goes with.

I was watching YOU ME AND DUPREE recently, and it struck me: Matt Dillon should have been Peter Parker! Okay, the guy's over 40 and would have been too old to star in Raimi's film, but he looks EXACTLY like the character: fairly good looking enough, the same eye color, the same style hair, and ears that poke out. If James Cameron ever got his project off the ground 15 years ago, Dillon would have been the perfect choice. The only problem is that his voice doesn't really sound like Spidey's to me, but I think he could pull it off with his smart-ass attitude. If they ever want to do a Spider-Man film that took place in the near future, with a married, matured, fully-grown Spider-Man, they should give Dillon a call (and cast a hot, naturally red-headed actress as Mary Jane.)

Here's Dillon with future War Machine, Terrence Howard:

Am I crazy, or could it (have) work(ed)?
Matt Dillon looks too hard-assed to be a stereotypical geek, though i'd be curious howd that look?
Dillon as Spidey??:confused:

Peter is supossed to be a bookworm/geek character. Dillon could never pull that off.

Tobey Maguire IMO is perfect as Pete. My major problem with Tobey Maguire is that he makes a great Peter but awful Spider-Man if that is possible. :lol
i was also thinking that Topher Grace (Venom) might have been a good Peter Parker
No, no, no. :lol Every time Dillon opens his mouth he sounds like a dolt. He might have made a good Flash Thompson, but he's sure as hell no Peter Parker.
Dillon as parker?If he is years younger, and playing the modern version of peter parker, I can consider him as that character, but his voice?Tobey is perfect for that role IMO.
Disagree. Looks too old, doesn't look nerdy enough. Just cause' he has the right hair/eyes means nothing. Just my 2 cents.
I see Matt Dillion, if a comic character at all, being more of a villian, he just does not have the Heroic presence some folks have..
He could've been a better Daredevil, just dye his hair red. I could've seen him as Hawkeye too.
i dont see him as spiderman either. he's too tall. peter parker is the average Joe. the only other people i think could've been spiderman by sam raimi's requirements would be: Jake Gyllenhall or Topher Grace.
I don't see it.

I do think Topher would have been a better Spidey though...not that I am complaining.
I don't see Dillion as being Peter parker/Spider-Man even if you wanted him from his days as Dallas of "the Outsiders." There is something in his eyes which conveys deceit or foul play qualities which I don't associate with the character of Peter Parker.