The Force Unleashed (360 & PS3)

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tomandshell said:
Sorry--please don't feel like we are attacking you. Just defending the 360.

It's cool, it's just seems that everytime I have something nice to say about the PS3, Hairless Wookiee wants to wack me upside the head with a 360 console! :D :chew
I have played both PS3 and 360(which I have). My biggest problem with the PS3 is the controlers now. Its funny because I was use to the Sony controlers when the XBOX came out but after I ended up playing XBOX more and more I to the XBOX controler and now I have a hard time using the Sony controlers. Graphics wise they both are great and don't see I huge difference.
I'm sure I'll eventually break down and get a PS3 just like I eventually broke down and bought an XBox but it will take a game I really like that's not available for both platforms. I was totally satisfied with my PS2 and the only reason I bought an XBox was because Doom III was exclusive to it. If a similar game I really like is only available on the PS3, I'll get it. I don't think the PS3 is crap, but in this generation of consoles Microsoft won my business and support similar to how Sony won my support for the PS2 in the previous generation of consoles.

Fortunately, Force Unleashed is going to be available for both.
mfoga said:
Graphics wise they both are great and don't see I huge difference.

And you won't till the devs get goin with the PS3 hardware.(next year will be a different story)Which is why i decided to hold off till this fall to get one.
Well, I'm holding out for a PC version. PC is nice because of the mouse and keyboard. Plus it's easy to upgrade and can do so much more. And there would be the possibility of mods which would make the game even more fun. Although multiplayer is more fun on the Xbox.

But if I do end up getting a console then I'll get the Xbox 360 because of HD-DVD and for Mass Effect, and to be able to play the Star Wars Episode III game I missed.
Seth Gecko said:
And you won't till the devs get goin with the PS3 hardware.(next year will be a different story)Which is why i decided to hold off till this fall to get one.

yea, once the games start utilizing ps3 to it's max, ps3 will BLOW xbox 360 out of the water. hopefully force unleashed will be one of these games. **crosses fingers**
The ill Jedi said:
Why's everybody ganging up on me!?! Can't I just say I like my PS3 without all the 360 owners showing up to lynch me? :monkey2

I never said I don't like the 360 or that it sucks, It rocks in its own way. I am just pleased with my purchase of the PS3. Geez!
sorry bro i didnt mean to sound like i was attacking you. i'm just a loyal MS supporter. i was a playstation fanboy for the longest time, but after going through 2--thats right 2 PS2s that kept breaking down.... the last one almost catching on fire because of a defective DVD player... when sending it back to sony they told me they wanted $180 to fix it. instead of spending that much on my used system i took a chance and bought the original xbox. that was the end for me. especially when i hooked up Steel Battalion to my parents HDTV... 720p, big mechanized robots, a HUGE 40 button controller that you have to sit on a desk, and the fact that you could step on infantry troops and hear the squish in 5.1 surround.... i literally had a video game joygasm. to this day i still love pulling out the old xbox solely to play that game.
mfoga said:
Graphics wise they both are great and don't see I huge difference.
honestly, there won't be any major differences in the graphics of the systems. one big misconception is how sony has hyped up how much more powerful the PS3 system is when its really not. fact of the matter is the 360 can just as easily put the same thing out as the PS3. remember when sony's PR expert was bashing the 360 because they couldn't output 1080p like the PS3 could?? well, MS shut that theory down with a simple xbox live download in October.

~~on a side note, i have never said that Blu Ray is a useless format. i'm just saying that we'll never NEED it for video games. 25+ GB is a lot of space and for a game to completely use it, they will be in development for 10+years. games like Oblivion, GTA are quite possibly the longest games i've ever played and they are on old fashioned DVDs. Resistance supposedly used 15GB of disc,but what they really did was used uncompressed audio and video to fill up that space. if you look at those graphics compared to Gears of War its an insult to people who got suckered into the "Blu Ray will rule the world so you must buy a PS3" sales pitch. also, Resistance is a fairly short game compared to RPGs so there's not way that could be their excuse for using disc space.
sorry for the many long winded posts, but here is something else i want to say:
as much as i hate GTA they are going cross-platform now, and in a recent interview hideo kojima (solid snake's baby's daddy) threw some some mysterious replies when asked if we'll ever see Snake on the 360. he never said yes or no, but he commented several times how impressed he was with the system's capabilities and how well their online system is implemented to their games.
Can we keep this thread to the original topic. There are already more than enough 360 vs PS3 threads in various forums.

That being said, this game has some amazing potential to be one of the best SW games ever.
Darth Loki said:
Can we keep this thread to the original topic. There are already more than enough 360 vs PS3 threads in various forums.

That being said, this game has some amazing potential to be one of the best SW games ever.
true and im curious as to why there isnt a current plan for a Wii release... even though the graphics will be limited, the gameplay potential is enough for me to buy it!!!
hairlesswookiee said:
true and im curious as to why there isnt a current plan for a Wii release... even though the graphics will be limited, the gameplay potential is enough for me to buy it!!!

I honestly want to wait for a SW game on the Wii. Let them work through the kinks and not give us a rushed game like Red Steel.

If this game can come through on half of what it seems like it's telling us, it's going to kick some serious ass. I wonder if you'll have a path to follow like KOTOR where you can choose to be good or evil?
You guys should really check out the cover story on this game in this month's GAME INFORMER magazine.

However, I am a bit bummed that the INDY game is pretty much near completion, but Lucasfilm is making them hold off for about another year or so to coincide with the new movie. :rolleyes:
Darth Loki said:
If this game can come through on half of what it seems like it's telling us, it's going to kick some serious ass. I wonder if you'll have a path to follow like KOTOR where you can choose to be good or evil?

I don't think there will be quite that many options or directions your character can take (you're probably going to be a Sith Apprentice no matter what), but the article I quoted on page one, and which a few people have mentioned since (hinit, hint--read the article!) says that there will be some choices made that impact the game's resolution. There will be multiple endings available, and the decisions you make will determine which ending you get to see. While there will be one "official" ending (the one that will appear in the comic adaptation and novelization) you can also possibly rewrite history and kill Palpatine, etc. if you play the game properly.
tomandshell said:
I don't think there will be quite that many options or directions your character can take (you're probably going to be a Sith Apprentice no matter what), but the article I quoted on page one, and which a few people have mentioned since (hinit, hint--read the article!) says that there will be some choices made that impact the game's resolution. There will be multiple endings available, and the decisions you make will determine which ending you get to see. While there will be one "official" ending (the one that will appear in the comic adaptation and novelization) you can also possibly rewrite history and kill Palpatine, etc. if you play the game properly.

Yea, don't think they will be light/dark elements like the KOTOR series. if it's between ep. 3 and ep. 4 I don't see how there will be different choices, obviously the sith "win" so not much more gigantic story lines than that.
Ok so if you play as a Sith Apprentice, how come all those poor Stormtroopers are getting beat up in the teaser video? :monkey2
Fritz said:
Ok so if you play as a Sith Apprentice, how come all those poor Stormtroopers are getting beat up in the teaser video? :monkey2

I believe that was just a promo video showing the powers available to you as well as the graphics technology driving the game.

But as Vader's secret Apprentice, you will be both hunting Jedi and ultimately working to assassinate the Emperor--and Palpatine is protected by an awful lot of clones. I think you will be attacking your fair share of clones and troopers by the end of the game.
tomandshell said:
I believe that was just a promo video showing the powers available to you as well as the graphics technology driving the game.

Well couldn't they have used some Rebel scum to show off the graphics? :monkey5

But as Vader's secret Apprentice, you will be both hunting Jedi and ultimately working to assassinate the Emperor--and Palpatine is protected by an awful lot of clones. I think you will be attacking your fair share of clones and troopers by the end of the game.

Well I don't mind kicking the crap out of clones but the poor Stormtroopers? Aren't they Vader's boys? :stormtroo :cool:

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