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I hate the move to Friday nights.

It all has to do with ratings. Friday nights is usually where shows are either sent to die at the end of a successfull run, or questionable shows are slotted to kill them quick.

They assumed moving Smallville to the Friday night time slot in the 9th (and assumed last) season would be fine since cancellation wasnt an issue. It blew thier minds when ratings went UP and on a Friday night show thats HUGE! So, they extended another season of Smallville and moved another show with a cult following to Friday night, hoping for the same result.

Basically, they are putting two shows with loyal fans on Friday cause now they know people will follow. That allows for newer and less established shows like vampire diaries and "Nikkita" to sit on the best night for ratings and hopefully pick up fans.
I hate the move to Friday nights.

With DVR it doesnt really matter to me when a show is on. It could be on Sunday morning at 3am and I couldnt care less. Long as the show is good and the power doesnt go out...Im happy.
So what did you guys think of the first new episode, imo i thought it was pretty lame, i mean they way they introduced Sam back and the other members of the family i just didn't get a good vibe not like when Dean came back from hell. I don't know hopefully it will pick up and obviously a lot of questions are to be asked and answered.
it was better than anything that came out of season 5. last year sucked.

Whaaaaaaaaat? :cuckoo: Season 5 was by far the best. The finale was absolutely brilliant! Right down to the cinematography! I'd put it in my top 5 finales of all time!
Whaaaaaaaaat? :cuckoo: Season 5 was by far the best. The finale was absolutely brilliant! Right down to the cinematography! I'd put it in my top 5 finales of all time!
sorry. too many silly episodes. got pretty lame after awile. Stuck in TV land, Dean becomes an old man, Supernatural comic convention:rolleyes: some teenager swaps bodies with sam:rolleyes: taking castial to a whorehouse cuz he's a virgin????:horror need i continue? then they introduced the winchesters' step brother to become michael's alternate vessel.:rolleyes: the main villain, lucifer, was about as boring as a big bad can be. then the finale was an ode to a car. whatever.:slap
sorry. too many silly episodes. got pretty lame after awile. Stuck in TV land, Dean becomes an old man, Supernatural comic convention:rolleyes: some teenager swaps bodies with sam:rolleyes: taking castial to a whorehouse cuz he's a virgin????:horror need i continue? then they introduced the winchesters' step brother to become michael's alternate vessel.:rolleyes: the main villain, lucifer, was about as boring as a big bad can be. then the finale was an ode to a car. whatever.:slap

First, those were GREAT episodes! Especially the Supernatural comic convention! That episode was brilliant! They literally adressed fan issues to the characters themselves. Part of the fun of last season was it had such an ominious and heavy plot that they took time to have fun!

Oh and while the step brother might seem "convenient" the whole theme of last season was fate. Heaven had thier hand in designing the coming they took precautions with a "step son". Essentially the idea thier was that none of them had free will, and we were all just pawns in heavens game. That's why it was alllll so brilliant! Rewatch the season. The entire 5 year story arc tied into God's ultimate test of humanity. God was using the winchesters as the best of humanity to test his Angels blind devotion to thier father against humanitys free will! The Angels were locked into a path that he had set, the winchesters were not...God even allowed for the death of Castiel so that he could be resserected (twice) and reborn with his own free will. The brilliance is in the metaphors!

The ode to the car was brilliant on all levels! It was phenominal. I think you have to have appreciation for the art/metaphores in the episode, but it was one of the most rock solid finales ever on TV!
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First, those were GREAT episodes! Especially the Supernatural comic convention! That episode was brilliant! They literally adressed fan issues to the characters themselves. Part of the fun of last season was it had such an ominious and heavy plot that they took time to have fun!

The ode to the car was brilliant on all levels! It was phenominal. I think you have to have appreciation for the art/metaphores in the episode, but it was one of the most rock solid finales ever on TV!

:exactly: :goodpost:

I loved that episode and Stuck in TV land had me laughing so much! i have to say i love these episode and SN is all about having fun now and again.

I thought S5 was amazing tv and just as good as any of the other seasons. I'm just hoping this one can be as good as the other ones. :)
Last weeks ep was better than the premiere but I'm still not sold on it. I can't see where this season is heading yet. Still feeling it out.
First, those were GREAT episodes! Especially the Supernatural comic convention! That episode was brilliant! They literally adressed fan issues to the characters themselves. Part of the fun of last season was it had such an ominious and heavy plot that they took time to have fun!
Too much time was taken to have fun. There was not one standalone episode last year that wasnt comedy heavy. This show was meant to be a horror show (remember the scary urban legends of season 1), and yet it seemed more concerned with making fun of itself than really establishing the neccessary mood. Even once poerful presences on the show such as Castiel and Zacharia were reduced to straight man gags and moments that demanded serious portrayals (Bobby's deal, the other gods, and Pestilence) were played almost entirely for laughs.

The ode to the car was brilliant on all levels! It was phenominal. I think you have to have appreciation for the art/metaphores in the episode, but it was one of the most rock solid finales ever on TV!
No it wasn't. The finale was a mess. After literally a whole season of buildup to this epic and massive fight, there is no climax at all. Sam suddenly gains total and complete control over Lucifer for some reason, and then he jumps in a hole. Thats what 5 years was building up to.

And that ridiculously bad rock song that played as Dean was cruising into the cemetary just made me feel bad for Jensen having to keep a straight face.

Lucifer could have been cool, but he didnt do anything. All he did was just give a variation of the same speech time and time again. The first rule of film is "show, dont tell". And all they did was just tell us how powerful and evil Lucifer was. He didnt do a single thing to actually show us this was true.

Unfortunatly this was only the tip of the iceburg for the complete mess that was season 5.
Too much time was taken to have fun. There was not one standalone episode last year that wasnt comedy heavy. This show was meant to be a horror show (remember the scary urban legends of season 1), and yet it seemed more concerned with making fun of itself than really establishing the neccessary mood. Even once poerful presences on the show such as Castiel and Zacharia were reduced to straight man gags and moments that demanded serious portrayals (Bobby's deal, the other gods, and Pestilence) were played almost entirely for laughs.

No it wasn't. The finale was a mess. After literally a whole season of buildup to this epic and massive fight, there is no climax at all. Sam suddenly gains total and complete control over Lucifer for some reason, and then he jumps in a hole. Thats what 5 years was building up to.

And that ridiculously bad rock song that played as Dean was cruising into the cemetary just made me feel bad for Jensen having to keep a straight face.

Lucifer could have been cool, but he didnt do anything. All he did was just give a variation of the same speech time and time again. The first rule of film is "show, dont tell". And all they did was just tell us how powerful and evil Lucifer was. He didnt do a single thing to actually show us this was true.

Unfortunatly this was only the tip of the iceburg for the complete mess that was season 5.

I'm not going to argue because it's obvious you didnt get it. Now you will argue that you DID get it, but it wasnt good. Then Ill argue that you can't argue that if you didnt get it you wouldnt KNOW you didnt get it and then you would think it wasn't good.

Long story either get it, or you dont. To tell you the truth, I was elated that they didnt just throw some mega fight special effects since most movies and shows recently are too focused on the ACTION. I've said it once, Ill say it again...the brilliance of the finale and season 5 was the sub-text. The stuff you had to infer and figure out all on your own. Themes they never even hinted at that were evident at the end and you either got or didnt. If you didnt...well then, yes, the show would have sucked.
Theres a reason that most movies and tv shows are focused on action. Because it is good. Especially simple shows about two brothers on the backroads of america hunting monsters.

There is no reason why it couldnt have had all of that brilliant subtext that you claim is there and you are oh so superior for being able to see, and a satisfying climax doing justice to the buildup.