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For me, I don’t think this was the best season finale of the series. I personally love the season 1 finale the best. I think if there hadn’t been as much Lucifer/Sam talking and a little more action between the two of them, I would put this as the best. It just seemed very trite and boring. Everything else was fantastic. The jaw dropping moment of Cas and Bobby’s deaths. The heartfeltedness of Dean saying he wasn’t going to leave Sam. I love flashbacks and backstory, so Chuck’s (the prophet) voice over and scenes were amazing.

Until I read through some of these posts, I didn’t actually think that Chuck was God. Interesting concept, and thinking back on the episode, I can see how many would think that. And if that’s how it really is, then cool. It works. And I like it. Chuck was obviously holding A LOT back when giving the boys information. And he put on quite a show when first meeting them, if he is in fact God.

Cas is awesome. Pure awesome. And I will be sad if he isn’t around much or at all next season. I think at this point Mischa hasn’t renewed his contract yet, so I guess we’ll see. His “Ass Butt” line to Michael... HILARIOUS! My first reaction was pretty much exactly what Dean said... “Ass Butt??...” Haha, loved it. As for Bobby... the voice over said that that was the last time for a long while that he and Dean would see each other, so I don’t imagine seeing much of him next season, unless he becomes Sam’s go-to guy to keep himself a secret from Dean, and get information and whatnot. All I want is to see Ellen and Jo again. I loved their characters. But I imagine that is not going to happen. :(

I’m sad to hear that Kripke is stepping down for the next and final season. As he only planned for 5 seasons (and may I say, what kind of craziness is that when this show is clearly amazing and should go on for a decade!), I just hope next season’s story arc and season development doesn’t suck and just borders on reaching and grasping at straws. It is hard to imagine where they will go from here... fighting angels, demons and Lucifer, kind of hard to go any higher. So the monster-of-the-week track that they want to go back to, I hope it doesn’t get boring. And there will need to be a season long arc as well. I fear it’s going to be a lot about Sam keeping hidden from Dean, Dean wanting to hunt, but trying to be normal, etc etc. That plus putting Sara Gamble as the holder of the reigns instead of Kripke... I’m not sure what to think about next season. Guess we’ll all find out in September.
I want to add... What happened to Adam, I imagine.

If Sam got out, I wonder if he did too?
It is hard to imagine where they will go from here... fighting angels, demons and Lucifer, kind of hard to go any higher. .

Maybe its not about going bigger, but going more effective. A villian doesnt have to be powerful to come across effectivly. Afterall both Lilith and Lucifer were supposed to be two of the worst baddies out there, but you would be hard pressed to find people who really think that they were a step up from Azezal. Maybe going back to something more sinister and personal is exactly what this show needs.
Maybe its not about going bigger, but going more effective. A villian doesnt have to be powerful to come across effectivly. Afterall both Lilith and Lucifer were supposed to be two of the worst baddies out there, but you would be hard pressed to find people who really think that they were a step up from Azezal. Maybe going back to something more sinister and personal is exactly what this show needs.

I didn't necessarily mean go bigger as in, what's higher or more bad than Lucifer, and where will they go from there... (Just like Buffy season 5 battled a god, then went to normal geeks and battling their best friend in season 6). I just meant, what will they do now that we haven't seen. Which, granted, is alot. This is why I'm not a writer. I couldn't possibly come up with all these storylines for shows and make them span years.

I completely enjoyed the story in Supernatural that made Mary a demon hunter. I love flashbacks and backstory, and I thought the way they tied in over the seasons how Mary recognized Azezal, how she made the deal when she was younger, etc. That's all great stuff that I wish we could see more of. Of course since the show is about Sam and Dean, and not Mary and her past, we don't get alot of that. Just a one-off episode. I'd love to have some kind of book or comic or something that does stories for other hunters and hunters we know and love from the show. Like Bobby's past, John's, Mary's, the Harvelle's, etc. I think that'd be very cool.
Okay gang, the CW has said that next season's story is that Sam is back because he escaped hell and Dean is in retirement. Sam pulls Dean back into hunting the way Dean did Sam in season 1 and we see how they each of them deal with their situations. And due to what they did (making up their destiny and not going by the book) it has left heaven and hell in chaos and angels, demons and monsters roam earth. Leaving Sam and Dean plenty to hunt. They also said NOTHING IS HOW IT SEEMS. I'm thinking having contained Lucifer, so much evil, that Sam is left with an imprint of permanant darkness. Even more than before.
I completely enjoyed the story in Supernatural that made Mary a demon hunter. I love flashbacks and backstory, and I thought the way they tied in over the seasons how Mary recognized Azezal, how she made the deal when she was younger, etc. That's all great stuff that I wish we could see more of. Of course since the show is about Sam and Dean, and not Mary and her past, we don't get alot of that. Just a one-off episode. I'd love to have some kind of book or comic or something that does stories for other hunters and hunters we know and love from the show. Like Bobby's past, John's, Mary's, the Harvelle's, etc. I think that'd be very cool.

They could make a comic like they did with Spike in the Angel series.
I can see how demons/monsters/angels are roaming the Earth, but as God (Chuck) disappeared at the end of the season, I assumed he was going to resume his post as God. If he did that, their wouldnt be angels roaming around I suppose, but maybe I read that last scene wrong
For those interested in this show as well as Japanese animation, there will be an Anime version of Supernatural done by Madhouse (the studio that did Death Note, among other popular anime):

The anime will be a 22-episode season that will cover the storyline of the live-action version's first two seasons. The first volume will ship on January 12 with the first two episodes. On February 2, the "Box 1" set will ship with episodes 3 to 12. On April 6, the "Box 2" set will ship with episodes 13 to 22. (There will be a different release schedule for the rental version of the project.)

The anime project will not only remake the best episodes from the live-action version, but also depict original episodes not seen in the live-action version. Those original episodes will include prologues of the Winchester brothers' childhood, anime-only enemies, and episodes featuring secondary characters from the live-action version.

Supernatural creator Eric Kripke is credited as the anime project's creator, and Madhouse co-founder Masao Maruyama is serving as executive producer. Naoya Takayama (Night Head, Liar Game) is supervising the series' scripts, and Takahiro Yoshimatsu (Trigun) is designing the characters.
